How autistic is Sup Forums?

how autistic is Sup Forums?

this is taking too long. I answered 10 and got 2 incorrect.

Just bad at reading girls apparently.


started to get them wrong when i became impatient at the fucking long test

gg op get fucked


>get to question 4
>already bored

I tried OP

Good enough for me

did pretty well considering i'm diagnosed with aspergers

> you need to have both javascript and flash enabled



Some of them were bs.

Not so bad though.

they want a Trump presidency. That's your answer.

>i'm afraid of malware because i use a suboptimal OS

get to question 10
bored af
I tried

32 as well

>Id like to interject for a momen copypasta


1 misclick and 1 set of completely shit options.


i actually have autism so this fits.
i tried my best as always but what can you do
the worst thing is that i swear im good at reading peoples emotions of their face but facts say im not so im probably making a fool out of myself every day.
im a joke.