Who's gonna disrespect the anthem tomorrow?
Who's gonna disrespect the anthem tomorrow?
it's just a song, who cares. rednecks are too fucking sensitive and PC, I swear
Me. The fuck you gonna do about it, bitch boy?
most of "them" will be brown in color
I will stand up... and get a beer
Gonna fuck your queen in the ass, m80
How many anti-trump ads will play during the games tomorrow?
Why do people refer to the pro flag position as PC when all the PC people are on Kapernicks side. For PC people "racism" trumps everything else.
>meanwhile fans don't stand
>remove their hats
>or even get off their fucking phones
God this is stupid. Fans do the same goddamn thing. How is kneeling any worst then this other shit?
obviously the niggers who are being "oppressed" while being paid millions of dollars for playing a fucking game.
move back to africa if you want to learn what real oppression looks like you fucking assholes. we have a BLACK FUCKING PRESIDENT. you can literally rise to the highest office in the free world if you weren't too busy looting and rioting every time a gang member gets shot by the pigs.
Your countries actions internationally disrespect it each and every second of each and every day
We already did something about it, that's what the song is about.
A lot have been playing tonight. The new one that portrays him as disrespecting veterans cracks me up. Fuck Hillary.
>rednecks are PC
that's in the running for the most retarded post of the day. congrats
lemme guess - it will be a pampered ogrepaid nigger with an iq less than 80 - whose family has been on welfare for > 3 generations. btw the enefel is like 90 percent negro. we need white people quotas. in all sports.
Fans don't get a paycheck from their employer, the NFL dipshit.
Wtf I love Trump now
So being payed by the team means they have to stand for the anthem?
How does this even makes sense?
flag worship is creepy
Typically if you are working for a company you have to abide by a code of conduct. Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean they are ok with you doing it.
>muh black president
we did it bois!
racism is over!
weak banter, good delivery
I always thought the American patriotism shit was a meme
argentina gtfo
Which one of the founding fathers were you m8?
Saved to my American banter folder
I'm sorry, what part of George Washington's First Continental Army are you from?
I'm surprised at the # of BLM cucks posting on Sup Forums, although I suppose I should not be
>tfw Bruce takes your meme before you
doesnt feel good desu lad
>has "American banter" folder
because you have no reason to be mad at someone sitting during the national anthem. Literally the only thing you have to argue is that it harms your feelers because "muh veterans".
Nobody was going to Iraq, Vietnam, or even Germany saying, "Boy, there won't be a single person sitting for the national anthem after we get done with THIS war!"
If you weren't a veteran and you're offended for veterans, you're being retarded. If you are a veteran and you're offended for veterans, you're being an attention-whore. It's as simple as that. If you don't care why these people are sitting for the national anthem, then you shouldn't care THAT they're sitting for it. It's fucking pointless, and you are only crying about it because it's politically correct to stand for the national anthem.
And who says standing for the anthem is part of team conducted?....
You are doing a lot of assuming. If He were breaking team rules he would be fined by the team. Or the NFL itself if he were breaking any rules.
>The government is oppressing blacks.
> The government is run by a black man.
Its like sometimes obamas white half comes out and decides to start oppressing blacks, its like he has split personality disorder.
"Be nice to the NFL and stand for the national anthem, guys. It's the right thing to do."
Saw a jingoistic anti-Kæpernick sign at the Yankee game today and it annoyed me. Like why are you bringing that shit around a baseball game? No gives a fuck. That has nothing to do with the teams playing, the city you're in, the players on the field or even the sport being played. Like what the fuck are you thinking that you're gonna make a sign ADDRESSED to the guy ("Hey Colin...") as if he's watching this Yankees game to see if anyone has anything to say about him. Or as if the broadcasters would ever put their camera on an irrelevant sign regarding such a controversial, divisive issue.
These people are basically right-wing tumblrinas. They don't even know why they're mad but that's not going to stop them from throwing a fit.
You...you think the Star Spangled Banner is about the Revolutionary War?
>if you aren't a racist cuck then you are BLM
nice generalization bro
people like getting angry about things and they like to pretend they are "activists"
What does Obama have to do with police brutality against black people?
> No reason to be mad
The flag and anthem represents everyone in the nation, the people are the country. It is an act of disprespect towards the nation, so clearly people have a reason to be upset. I am not sure how you think that refusing to stand at attention for a nations anthem is not disrespectful,especially when its universally accepted that it is. How do you tink people in brazil would hav acted if an American athlete on the podium sat down during brazils anthem.
If you are working for a company and you engage in actions that angers and offends your customers and/or sponsers, that is something the company will not typically condone. In fact a normal employee could be fired for doing this. Although kapernick is getting paid millions on a gaurenteed contract.
I like how you pretend to know what the NFL "code of conduct" is like but can't spell basic words.
What does the national anthem have to do with police brutality? Also to your point, he has nothing to do with it,which is my point. Protesting the government for what a few police did does not make much sense. Also the police who actgually did wrong things were punished, the ones who did not do anything wrong were not punished. Kapernick is supposedly protesting the government and justice system, which is a part of the government.
I like how you cannot come up with a logical argument so you attack my spelling.
>Also the police who actgually did wrong things were punished
Fuck this shithole
I wish I was European
>implying Obama could somehow undo the last 300+ years of bullshit that have fucked over black people by himself in 8 years.
>The flag and anthem represents everyone in the nation
The point of sitting is that they're saying they are not being represented equally
>It is an act of disprespect towards the nation
Wrong again, bud. You're simply taking it as disrespect and getting offended FOR other people. You are a tumblrina
>especially when its universally accepted that it is
>universally accepted
see first point
>how do you tink people in brazil would hav acted if an American athlete on the podium sat down during brazils anthem.
There would be angry people and not angry people. Being brazilians, they probably would have raped someone over it by now and several people would be dead. Either way, they're just people with hurt feelings like you.
>you have to respect my feelings!
fucking PC nerd.
You're the apparent expert, rather than dishing out vague examples when will you finally let us know what the code of conduct says?
Probably someone because sister fucking hicks just cant stop crying about it. Whiners even managed to put a carpet munching minor league soccer team player in the news with their butthurt. GG idiots
Bye bitch, don't come back. Move to Malmö you'll love it there.
if you believe what you wrote you are either trying to ignore how the blue shield works, or you just don't know enough about it to argue.
Read a book, hillbilly.
>Seahawks stand arm-in-arm for the anthem
>entire stadium sits
And if you think this is just butthurt about the Seahawks,
>implying SF won't do the same
rednecks are pathetic people
Shit, you called him a hillbilly and now his feelings are probably hurt.
Please give examples, along with irrefutable evidence proving their guilt. I mean if you (random guy on Sup Forums) have some sort of evidence that no one else has, you could crack some of these cases wide open.
>Went to a rodeo tonight
>"Here at rodeo, we don't kneel during the national anthem and disrespect the men and women who serve for and gave their lives for this country. We stand, put our hands over our hearts and sing loudly and proudly."
>All this after a prayer recognizing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
I'd like to see Kapercuck pull his little act at the rodeo.
What you are saying sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense with no substance. What book should I read that would enlighten me and show me the truth, good sir?
It is. Nobody really cares about that shit nowadays except the plebs and racists.
This is the problem. They're acting like everyone is disrespecting dead and wounded veterans while they parade dead and wounded veterans around to make a point about respecting dead and wounded veterans. It's just some holier-than-thou pissing match with these rednecks. It always is.
Yeah, because the 90 pound nu-males living on the coasts who write white privilege editorials for a living aren't pathetic
>worshiping one idol
>followed by praying to another
literally satan's own spawn
OK, lol here's a study
There's a lot of big words in there, though. Remember to sound them out if you get stuck.
the entire faggot Miami Dolphins
>people act shocked when gibsmedats aren't satisfied with their current level of gibs
We really fucked up. Give them an inch and they'll demand 100 miles.
the anthem is racist. read the lyrics.
the NFL is sowing the seeds of its own obscurity by pushing propaganda before every bread and circus game, and by refusing to support medical studies showing that MJ helps prevent concussions and CED in atheletes.
I'm patriotic as fuck. The people who ain't are non-whites, fedoras, and cucks.
This. Boundless retardation from those rednecks
found the redneck.
>that guy that mass replies for ultimate (You) casting
Go to your medicine cabinet and down every pill you shrimpdicked retard
oh are you talking about corporate subsidies? yes, i agree, the bailout was proof that the ruling class has power over the state.
what's that? the CFR, Bildergberg group, mega banks buying up smaller banks as well as the multi-BILLION dollar corporate conglomerate behind the Dakota access pipeline are all proof that central planning has been brought to us by capitalism?!?!?!!? what's that lassie?
>worrying about someone else's dick
an actual cuck
I work a six-figure job in a major city and I don't have refrigerator parts in my front lawn.
I'm not a redneck, but I'll still take them over coastal virtue-signaling retards any day of the week.
In an ideal world we would only have intelligent people, but as that is not reasonable I have to choose the more bearable of dumb people. And rednecks are far more bearable than your average San Fran brainwashed hippie.
jet fuel can't melt steel beams, bitch.
It's kind of funny that people like you don't notice how alike SJWs you are.
>not realizing most people who hate niggers also hate megaconglomerate banks
Really sucks you made your entire argument based on a strawman, huh?
fuck the anthem. only rednecks care about that bullshit
Only 2 bings left until Happy 9/11 day
Fence sitters are worse than either
Wanting someone to stop doing something simply because it hurts your fee fees is pretty pc
>yfw all these rednecks crying about "m-muh fought and died"
>yfw every military base you see veterans running to their cars or the PX so they don't have to be outside and stand at attention for the national anthem
i swear the majority of people who are mad about this have never served.
>they have the first amendment right to sit during anthem
>people have the first amendment right to call them faggots for doing so
>people have the right to call the aforementioned people bigots for calling the players faggots
>so on so forth
How is this hard to get?
>thinking there are only two sides to this nonsense
You really can't see that you are exactly as brainwashed as them?
A backup for the worst team in football protesting so he gets the national spotlight again is not worth taking a stance on. You're all reactionary faggots
>racists hate the logical conclusion of capitalism
damage control, eh?
>Dude centrism is its own side lmao
Why are football fans such nu males? Why can't they be manly like us soccer fans?
Enjoy your sport, cucks.
>thinking exactly how the media wants you to
you're the best goy
>Some SJW gets asshurt over "MUH MICRO-AGGRESSIONS"
>Athletes or other public figures don't stand for a non-mandatory patriotic anthem, fully within their rights of free speech
The "love it or leave it" crowd don't understand liberty at all and need to calm the fuck down and stop acting like aspies.
The paper addresses and proposes police accountability measures, and only makes claims in passing about police brutality against blacks but again is not really the purpose of the paper.
In regards to those passing accusations, an example they mention is police pulling over blacks more which is true. However the paper fails to provide and context to this fact, that being that blacks speed and commit other traffic violations at a significantly higher rate, which is the cause of them being pulled over. The fact that more blacks are pulled over does not mean that the police are targeting blacks unfairly, in this case it just means they are commiting more crimes which result in being pulled over.
Im racist and socialist though. Socialism is a wonderful thing when leeches aren't around to ruin it for everyone else.
it isn't.
rednecks just get triggered over >muh patriotism muh flag due to thinly veiled racism.
if it were a white guy kneeling at the anthem protesting agaist say, wars in the middle east, it wouldnt be a big deal at all
>racist and socialist