/cfb/ After Dark

Memes are still going, get in here!

1st Sup Forumsgain

which are you watching?


Watching Grambling for the underdog excitement.

Where are all the shitposters who say Tennessee is overrated now?

I'll be waiting for you apoligy you cunts

>all these Chokie State fan grasping for straws
It's almost like they were overhyped or something

cal sdsu watching Cal fags get blown the fuck out

i mean its great that they have so many good tailbacks and the defense looks above average but what the actual fuck happened to brad kaaya

my nigga

fuck the bay

>fuck the bay

translation: I'm too poor to live in the bay and I'm jealous as hell...

>dat ASU qt

some pls have pic

Post your face when Arizona is getting BLACKED as we speak

>80+ points have already been scored.

Kinda fun to watch all the scoring as a neutral fan.

San Diego literally is more expensive to live in than the bay area now

Fuck Cal

wojak will never get the better of pepe

A lackluster Week 2 for CUSA

if LaTech can avoid being BLACKED by South Carolina State, they might wind up 5-8 this week.


Serious goddamn good game

>allowing the opposing team's offense to score a TD

Just give us the trophy, no need to drag it out

Arizona was a 45 point favorite what the fuck is happening

We will know once conference play rolls around

It's U of A. Just fucking kill me now. Should've gone to ASU

for real though where the fuck are the cal fags right now

How do you asufags do it? Every time I check an asu game its midnight and the score is 50+ to 50+. Every game.


jumping off the tallest building on campus

>the only defensive stop in this game is negated by roughing the punter


ASU is home to the Fun Devils. Everything we do is fun. Fun parties, fun whores, fun football, fun everything. Can't beat it

Tech means memes. I thought you knew this. Doesn't mean they deserve it

It wasn't fun for you all in stilly circa 2012

I hope my fellow "G" cousins can conjure up some meme magic against Arizona.

It's a shame that Mercer couldn't get the upset. :^)

In all seriousness, I hope UGA will eventually schedule Mercer for football as well.

t. divided house (Mercer/UGA)

>getting blown the fuck out by an all black FCS school
>pac 10

>wanting to live around turbo-liberals and brown people

That was a pretty fun season user. Got revenge on Illinois, killed the feral pussies, wonb owl game.

I like my alma mater

>cal fags were talking shit this week saying they'd win 72-3


How's the ASU game?

We don't count as a pac 12 school. They're good at football we only have basketball

You and Michigan need to play some non-cupcakes

Arena football might be more your thing then than normal football

Ducks and the Cavs
lopsided so far

its memey

since i'm about to get fired with 3 years remaining on my contract i figured i'd pop into the thread and see what's happening

44-41 asu

Fuckin rad m8 go devils
lmfao get fucked faggot

Its the big 12 and the PAC 12. Those two conferences abandon all defense and try to score 100 points a game


Yeah me neither pls fire no re

G5 conference champion
No FCS teams

ESPN needs to update their ads

Watch the big 12 they are so much better than the pac12 ttu is little brother in big12

Pac teams started the day outscoring opponents 91-0 in the first halves

Then you no-defense fags come and fuck it all up


>I've never watched college football: the post

lol that leap

>hurdling and putting yourself at major risk
>for 2 yards








Lol been to more games than you've watched on moms couch


had a bunch of homemade fries and some coke and rum

one day you will be able to translate tortillas and memes into defensive strategy

ASU is a Pac 12 little brother, it's an even matchup


Maybe you faggots should lrn2takel


texas is going to win the little 12

or rapelor

I'll give you the liberal part but there's more asians here than mexicans....

Bullshit ASU was a top pac12 team two years ago. Last year was a down year. They're one of the better programs in the pac

Go Vols

I love watching the big 12 conference games. They're comfy as fuck. I actually enjoy watching tech the most of the bunch

I realize that I just think the big12 is deeper and has better top level teams

51 points

What the fuck would even happen if Baylor won the Big 12?

Would they void the trophy?

Would they not air the final game?

I almost want it to happen just to see ESPN and everyone scramble for a response.

I disagree

Not bothered. >We have Florida to open next year and Notre Dame is renewing the series


manages to underperform even when I expect nothing but failure out of them

Right here bro

Pumphrey looking unstoppable but then again Cal's D is shit


They're are kind of like the pac12 just better athletes and a sprinkle of defense here and there

>mfw this is my 3rd /cfb/ general today
y'all need to get better at making threads

it's only been two weeks and the big 12 is somehow relying on texas for a playoff spot

how the fuck did this happen

Minus tech absolutely no d even before dingleberry

any ace streams?

If SDSU had a better QB they'd be legit scary desu

ASU memed their way to one South division title and still got BTFOd in the Pac 12 title game. They last won the Pac 12 (Pac 10 back then) 20 years ago.

Not true OSU ou if they win out would get in

ASU is consistently a top 3-4 team in the pac 12. They're always upper tier with oregon or stanford blowing them out. If they get their shit going with these new recruiting classes, they're scary

>cal needing refball to stay in the game

My fucking sides

Post >yfw U of A

we scored guys

>tfw made 2
i feel you senpai

>minus Tech
Tech is literally the defense meme

I love seeing pac12 teams crash and burn
join us in the basement to chuckle fucks


>texas tech offense

>the city of the golden bears

Why the fuck is UTSA in El Paso and UTEP in the Panhandle?

I like this OP.


The refs are giving you fags the game and you just keep handing it away ahahahahahahahaah

In no particular order, I put Stanford, Oregon, Utah, USC and UCLA all above ASU in recent years. ASU would be a tier below all of those teams with the likes of Arizona, Cal and Washington.

>people still unironically have Deshaun Watson as a heisman candidate

W, Ez
>San Diego State
w, hardly need to try
W, texass getting exposed
>Arizona State
W, they have literally no d
W, their Samoan recruiting has been undermined recently
>Oregon state
W, a laugher
W, ducks have no qb
W, not even close
W, huskers having a down decade
>wash state
W, but might be close, coogs looking good
W, axe stays in Berkeley not even close
W, song stealing ookla bitches got nothing

11-0 easy

>top 10 offense
When they're playing the team known for the worst pass defense in the nation I guess

Last season, someone tried to rob me at a Wildcats game, but zonazoo doesn't even the patience to finish that. So I didn't renew my zonazoo membership. This year, I see people giving up, but it's different. P. much the entire fanbase is okay with letting UA lose to wazoo state. I hope U of A wins, for the players' sake, but fuck the coaching staff and fuck the fans. I'm done being a Wildcats fan.
I need an interim team outside of the PAC to root for to hold me over until grad school, spee.