Do you know any celebrities that vape?

Do you know any celebrities that vape?



I hear DiCaprio vapes.

I don't get why it's popular

I saw Dicaprio do it once

Because it's not fucking poisonous like cigs and chewing tabaky. It's sensible smoking for refined gentlemen.

I'm fairly sure that Leonardo DiCaprio, the man who recently won an oscar for his leading role in the Revenant.

>not knowing he's being paid millions to use that at the awards


By who. The guy selling them on ebay?

Please tell me that's his sister.

Yeah, that one guy who was in Titanic. Can't think of his name.

If you really want to suck on something and fuck your lungs up why not just suck some AIDS dick

You already look like you're practicing for it anyways

Freudian shits.

This guy seems pretty rich.

V /\ Y'allz xD

the big show does.

For you

americans are fucking ridiculous

What the fuck are you on about kid?

*hits vape extra hard*

yes and he still banged her

I don't know where this meme came from.
Vaporizers have been around forever.

They were a better alternative to cigarettes as you can get nicotine without any tar or other shit stuff.
Still not good for you, but miles better than cigs.

Why is it a fedora type meme now?

Was there a reddit post about it or something?