I really could use the help of any lurking psychonauts about now Sup Forums

I really could use the help of any lurking psychonauts about now Sup Forums.
I have used LSD 10+ times in massive doses usually.

My last LSD trip was oddly on ~300ug and i blacked out / woke up convinced i was dead, and this looped eternally, oddly enough i have panick disorder and can deal with these things in some way, i was cool with it, i found it rather interesting that i could convince myself of such a thing and eventually laughed it off and somehow fell asleep while still peaking.

The features of LSD that just make it intolerable for me now are it's stimulant-like features that resemble methamphetamine or cocaine at really any dosage, (180bpm+ constant with palpitations, uncomfortable vascoconstriction that distracts from experience). It also makes me feel manic, i can hardly handle caffiene without having a panic attack but i can smoke massive amounts of weed daily without issue and love the sensation of dissociation from it..

Basically, what dosage of shrooms should i take to have full blown visual trip like on LSD where there is a multi-dimensinal aura encompassing everything around you, It looks like your hir is flying down your arms from being on top of a flying jet and the ceiling and floor clap together?

by shrooms i mean dried P. Cubensis by the way!


Did a heroic dose of P. Cubensis about 2 months back and was in a really low and manic state after having a really off, but not bad trip, till about a week ago when I took about 1g of shrooms to try to confront the fear. It helped a lot and helped me work through it. Idk but sometimes when I smoke weed and do psychedelics, I get really edgy.

After the last heroic I had problems with heart palpitations whenever I smoked weed and it would put me into a panic attack. After the 1g of the shroomies I haven't had the problem. Won't say smaller doses to confront the problem will work for you, but it's something to look in to.

Well im honestly planning on 4.5 grams in darkness currently or a mix of dark and light as i stumble around my house.

Low doses of LSD always seemed to cause me more anxiety than higher doses because they did not kill my ego, im assuming shrooms are the same.

This is my first time with mushrooms at all or any tryptamine, however if it means anything i have managed through ~800ug of LSD my first time using t on accident and had a good time

hallucinogenics are unpredictable by default.

if you arent mentally stable to begin with (i.e. have a pre-existing disorder) odds are you may suffer long term consequences.

there are reports of LSD induced depression.

oddly enough, there are also reports of LSD curing depression.

sounds like you experienced ego death.

the stimulant like features you had probably resulted from a combination of anxiety as well as hyperventillation. pure LSD by itself has zero stimulant effects, although it does interefere with normal sleep-wake cycle.

odds are if you experience the same trip while on shrooms, you'll get the same thing.

otherwise just do lsd again.

Shrooms are a little more "buckle up kiddo" than LSD in my opinion (and a lot of others) and set and setting tend to mean a lot more for me on shrooms than it does on LSD. Idk, I feel a little more responsive and in control on LSD usually.

But thats my experience.

Ego death was the desired effet.

Mental Disorders are a social construct im not into the fear mongering bullshit of losing grip of a reality that doesn't exist - reality is what you make of what is presented in this coming into being and nothing more or less.

90% of america is schizophrenic and in-tune with a cultural hallucination, sorry i hate it when people drop the mental health bomb.

anyways i know other people who unlike me do not have mental health issues, who have the same exact effects from LSD if not more severe effects.

For me i feel like my panic disorder and depression have been treated by my psychedelic use as a whole, im just trying to get real answers here?

How do you know the dosage there babby spunion?

3-4g of shrooms is a decent start and shrooms have always put me in a happy mood leading to blissful and thoughtful trips

Nice trips chap.

i've taken anywhere from 3.5g to over 6 in one sitting. it depends on the shrooms. i've tripped way harder on 3.5g of good shrooms than I have on 5g of mediocre shrooms. depends on what you get. that said, they are way less forgiving than acid, at least that's what i've likened it to. maybe I haven't had enough lsd to trip hard enough but shrooms for me are waaaaaaay more intense.

LSD plays odd ego games and my goal is NOT control, to an extent. I mean i have never gone insane or felt like i was going to do something that wasnt in the mental control of the all (me).

Mushrooms almost sound like they are more mental / auditory than visual from what i have heard about them?


but i mean theres no risks of 4.5 grams of dried mushrooms if i have already experienced absolutely brutal ego death alone on LSD multiple times?

Should i titrate my dose up from 2.5 grams or so with tea maybe?

I did lsd once, had some conditions, ended up in a mental institution a month later because of induced pyschosis. The psychosis is gone but i am fucked up now, be carefull.

That is all your own doing. you chose to be "psychotic" which only means you failed to conform to westernized culture.

Psychosis is the natural fucking human state people LMAO you need to pick up the phone again apparently because you havent got the message

Mushrooms are extremely visual. They convinced me we live in some type of digital simulation. I saw perfectly aligned wire frame grids on the ground.

Dude are you fucking retarded?

if you've experienced ego death probably not. if you're going for intense visuals, and minor loss of reality, i'd go with 4-4.5g of some good shrooms. i've near ego deathed on 3.5g and a small cap(didn't get to weigh it, but it wasn't much more than 4g if any)
just remember shrooms are much less forgiving if things don't go well. it's not as easy to just say oh haha whatever.

Thank you for this, might i ask the dosage / method of ingestion?

Y'all cooked as fucked

>dropped acid
>laughed at a storm chasing documentary on the weather channel for 4 hours
>shit was cash

You're thinking about it too much - that's the issue am seeing

obviously have not ever experienced real ego-death lmao

I know, i think im gonna just titrate myself up with tea starting from 2.5 grams.

I'm caught in the facade of pretense because of culture here again

it lasted for a month then i went "insane"

Did tea my first time and it was good. Idk, I like just scarfing them down and that over with.

What is sane? Define what the fuck sane is.

Is speaking english SANE? or speaking spanish

Seeing the color black as black, or seeing colors differently than others and we cannot communicate these things because of our primitive language?

You saw what reality is and couldnt deal with it.

This realm is not for the faint-hearted. Insanity is a social construct as is sanity, built to outcast heathens.

only ever eaten them dried, never done tea. up to you my friend. enjoy them either way. i'll be tripping as soon as I get some :)

thank you guys, I really appreciate the input / advice here :) honestly hoping to overcome a major benzodiazepine addiction here with this dose and meditation afterwards

no. hallucinations are percieved stimuli that are not real.
what you mean are delusions, which are irrational thoughts that are not in line with normal cultural boundries, which i agree with.

however hallucinations are real. and there are people who get them a lot because they do have a mental disorder because normal people do not percieve stimuli in the absence of external stimulation.

drop your hipster bullshit already.

and for your information, there have been trials for the efficacy of lsd and other hallucinogenic compounds in the treatment of anxiety and depression. however the results, although promising, lead to severe mental side effects in some individuals. as such of late there has been little to no trials in western countries due to ethical concerns, with more being done in places like china and russia.

the definition of a disorder is one such that it affects an individual to the point where their normal functioning is compromised. While some studies involving fMRI on the functional areas of brain in depressed individuals have shown certain abnormalities, (just like in kids with ADHD), these may not necessarily correlate with clinical severity.

mental disorders do exist and require treatment, in the same sense that a wheel that fails to function needs to be repaired before the car can keep running.

they are not a social construct as there are objective findings in the case of hallucinations, or certain symptom constellations (such as depression, guilt, psychomotor agitation + sleep disturbance in depression). to deny that is to say that somebody without an arm is fully functional and the lack of an arm is also a social construct.

"the realm"
dude i was carrying a fucking firearm around, convinced that somebody's trying to kill me.

ego death is actually kinda great.

its like a clean slate where you dissociate outside of yourself and rebuild your mind.

plus once you experience it properly, you stop being afraid of actual death.

trouble is, many people dont have the mental ability to cope after a severe enough ego death

Ha;;uciinations are simply seeing reality from different points of magnification and being opened to different planes of existence that we do not study in our flawed modern mechanical science.

Mental Disorders do not exist period, they are a result of cultural conditioning, diet, surroundings and everything this continuous organism has built into itself.

Of course you know nothing more than the western branwash so i dont expect an interesting response because you dont even know what your ego fucking is.

There was, in another realm that you otherwise would not have percieved. it was your choice to react with fear to someone trying to "kill" "you", again look up classical cultural conditioning.

This stuff escapes your examination in the same manner that you cannot feel the tip of your finger with the same finger, etc.

This guy is right.
My disorders were completely gone for a month then i got fucked up. Its dangerous.

I have schizophrenia and deppresion / panic disorder and ego death happens to you, you dont exist anymore to cope with it, you are literally incapacitated by that point.

You just exist and wub with the oscillation and vibration of the current state of being.

no you are not, refer to