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Hey guys


Oh yes they are

Ok, I'll pay nuzzles.



Im in too good of a mood, does that mean that i'm at the top of the rollercoaster now and it's gonna be downhill all week?


Nice trips chap.


Need real hairy cat balls plz

hi mig












Stupid spam system shit, can't even post my G drive tinyurl link to a thread.






Now it works!


I wish i could be a catgirl...


I could pet you like one. No lewd stuff though.

Are you not a cat-kin?







R.I.P thread?

>you will never witness the 2016 election again

I dunno. Whatever, goin' to take a shower.



Sorry, looking for tripcodes.

We need cute shit.























ayy, it works

good job



Yee, just fucking around with a tripcode program.



Yeah I'm bored as fuck.

God, it pisses me off how stupid and myopic the general populous is. They only see what's right in front of them. No one fucking thinks anymore. No one pays attention to actual problems, and instead just complains about people not doing what they want them to do. Why doesn't anyone actually protest anymore? Fear of losing some kind of reputation, or a job? Well guess fucking what: it's already becoming increasingly hard to find a job because everyone is spoonfed bullshit and doesn't think or do anything for themselves anymore. College is a joke, politics are a joke, this whole fucking country is a joke, but not a god damn person does anything to fix it. Whatever happened to freedom? Does no one care? Oh, of course not, because they can't live without shit like their phones, Facebook, YouTube, and bullshit media garbage.

I'd say I'm sorry for the rant, but I'm not.


What program?




Meriken's tripcode engine, suggested to me by Gerald. It's ultra fast because it uses gpu and cpu. I was averaging 500M/s with an i5 4790k and a GTX 970.

I didn't fit my knees under a single steering column tonight...


I don't claim to be smart. Everyone here knows that. In fact, I claim to be the opposite because it's true. I'm not smarter than the average person, more stupid if anything. But there are a couple things I am.
1. I'm a thinker. I love to think about all kinds of things. I've been told I'm very wise, and have been since I was very young.
2. I care about everyone. That's what all that is about.

At least you can ride bikes normally and flat-foot them, unlike me. Even at 7'2", this freak can rides bikes. But imagine getting into cars at his height.
God I wish I was that tall.


I'm back

>Meriken's tripcode engine, suggested to me by Gerald.
Oh cool.

>It's ultra fast because it uses gpu and cpu. I was averaging 500M/s with an i5 4790k and a GTX 970.

Fuck. Me. Sideways.


>tfw you will never be able to cosplay as a Predator or other really tall monsters.
I want to kill myself.


>he isnt at least 5'10"


What's up with your obsession with being tall?

yeah, i need to stop being a scrub and learn to use it


No tripcode is best tripcode

I'm fighting the urge get electric chainsaw from the shed to cut piece of shit craptop in pieces.


I'm 5'2". My mom is 5'2" and my dad is 5'7". My half brother's father is 5'2", and he is 5'3" at 14. My younger brother is taller than me with a father who is 5 inches shorter than my own. I have to shop in the children's department for clothes.