Played in a perennial loser club that comes second at best (like Suarez)

>played in a perennial loser club that comes second at best (like Suarez)

>break league records and score a monstrous number of goals in one season (like Suarez) and performed very well for his time in the club.

>does everything he can to win but ultimately his team chokes the league and everyone feels bad for him because he dragged a team that had no business competing for the title (like Suarez)

>earns his big money move to a top club to try to win silverware for once (like Suarez)

>is continuously vilified, hated and severely underrated by everyone (unlike Suarez)

Literally why? Pipita is clearly world class and scored 2 amazing goals today. Why don't you faggots like him like you do with Ratking? What will it take?

Other urls found in this thread:



Suarez never played in a big club before Barça. Higuain is a Madrid reject for a reason

He gotta play for Barca or Real. Anybody who plays for them people think is great. Look at Ronaldo

>He gotta play for Barca or Real
He did for 7 years and everyone agrees that he was dogshit all his 7 years at Mad4id. Seria A is a decadent joke in which any decent striker can score 30+ goals without even trying

>Higuain is a Madrid reject

Higuain is as much of a reject Benzema is then. Higuain left because there was no room for the both of them and he was the one who was unhappy about not being a constant. says a lot about both of them.

>everyone agrees that he was dogshit all his 7 years at Mad4id

kek no """"""""everyone""""""" does not agree

>120 goals
>better goal to game ratio than raul


>Seria A is a decadent joke in which any decent striker can score 30+ goals without even trying

did you literally just post this? this is shit tier b8. if you believe it you are beyond deluded and retarded. spanish league is the fucking meme where barca and memedrid beat teams 8-0 all the time. every la liga top scorer since 2009 has scored 30+ goals, even fucking diego forlan. there have been only two serie a scorers over 30 goals since 1959. higuain last season and luca toni in 2006.

>He was dogshit at Madrid for 7 years

>has over 100 goals in some 200 games

If he was so dogshit why'd they keep him for so long?

this desu.
Suarez would not score more than 25 goals if he played in seie A.
The most overrated player of the world. He's top five striker in the world, but not the single best.

fat ronaldo scored 34 goals in la liga then next season he scored 25 in serie a

>le elite in serie A but chokes in finals man
Nah fuck him. He can score all the goals he wants in that meme league, won't win any trophies

>Serie A

>Higauin won't win any trophies
>He's playing for Juventus
are you literally retarded?


because suarez is good in the national team and pipita isn't

>people actually rate Serie A

I thought you were all memeing. Wow.

I defended Higuain up to this point:

All the other chokes were "it happens to everyone"-tier but the last one was inexcusable.

>any decent striker can score 30+ goals without even trying
The last to score 30+ was Luca Toni in 2006, maybe you are confusing serie a with lel liga, where you see several strikers with 40+ goals each season

>Comparing current seria to the 90's one
Suarez would score 80 goals in 20 games walking.Scoring to most serie A teams can be done by mostyouth teams in the world

Current serie A is just Juve vs 19 2ª B teams

How come no one except last year's higua can score 30+ goals then?

Because Higuain is far from decent.He is awful kek

you aren't even making sense
Forget Higuain, if anyone can score 30+ goals how come I don't see them doing it?

suarez is better than messi

>how come I don't see them doing it?
There are not even a single decent striker in serie A

just like there's not a single decent defender in lel liga

because messi babies will blame any player aside from messi for chocking

Seriously. Roma got shrekt by a crap Porto side leaded by lelsillas.

name the decent ones in serie A

ANy la Liga team would walk through every shit tier serie A team bar Juventus.Pls stop embarassing yourself Luigi.Serie A is shit currently.

All of them?

No ?

It's not at its best but it surely isn't shit like you are saying


no shit, that's the same team that scored 4 on Real and 3 on Bayern and Juve

>Italian defense

>the millions of Roma got eliminated by the weakest Porto of the decade

What he did would be like Suarez leaving Liverpool for Manchester United.

daily reminder

you don't understand. he missed a chance in the 20th minute of a final so hard he traumatized messi into justing himself.

hes the only reason messi disappears in every big game when hes not wearing a barca shirt.

Higuain chokes and Benzema doesn't and Benzema is world class regardless of how much they critique him. His link up is boss, same with his positioning and decision making. The game is more than just being fast and flashy.

>people sleeping on rooftops

>what is siesta

>Spanish Empire
>Franco and the Spanish State
>Gibraltar español
>Anglo nigger bandwagoning Barça/Madrid

Based Spain

Siesta is on the couch or on a chair m8, never on the torrid sun. When outside, it's usually under a oak tree

being a pipitafanboy is suffering

Higuain is a big game choker.

want proof? See: every clasico he ever played.
every CL match he ever played for RM.
Every final he played for Argentina.

Guy literally goes missing or just misses easy tap ins which result in his team losing the final or getting knocked out of the competition.

>Benzema doesnt


Benzema doesnt.


1. Suarez
2. Lewandowski
3. Aguero
4. Benzema
5. Griezzman
9001. Higuain
90001. Harry Kane
900001. Zlatan

>I rate Aguero
>I rate le overshadowed by Cristiano and Bale man
>I don't rate Vardy
>I don't rate Aubameyang

Forgot pic

>1. Suarez
>2. Lewandowski
>3. Aguero
>4. Benzema
>5. Griezzman
>9001. Higuain
>90001. Harry Kane
>900001. Zlatan

9000000001. Giroud

Only problem I have with this is you saying
>even fucking diego forlan

Diego Forlan was twice the striker your fat fucking Madrid reject will ever be you deluded bandwagon cunt

>b-but im a wop

Yeah sure thing lad.

Higuain is Ibrahimovic but with actual striker skills.

Florentino never wanted him on the team because he was bought under Calderon's era.

>Diego Forlan was twice the striker your fat fucking Madrid reject will ever be


>losing your country 3 titles and making messi not the GOAT all on your own
>losing your team the champions league spot all on your own
>chase money to go to the big club

And yet he kept him for FOUR SEASONS when he came to power.

>couldn't finish in the WC final, lost game for Argentina

>that GOAT flag
>This semen slurping sport

>Implying your shit league of real vs barshitlona if any better, you stupid benanthio. Why are manolos so dumb

>its crucial in team winning league and champions

Oh wait...

people will accept a winner who bites people over someone who chokes constantly. Don't ask why. I could understand the feeling if I was an argie, but idk why non-Juve/Napoli fans seem to hate him.

i hate this pussy excuse for a football player.