What's more autistic: The person who says "i listen to everything but rap and country xD" or the person who replies...

What's more autistic: The person who says "i listen to everything but rap and country xD" or the person who replies with "oh yeah? then what's your favorite harsh noise artist xD"

harsh noise takes the cake.

Are you genuinely curious? Ask yourself why you would ask that question, and what your purpose for making this thread was
What are you trying to learn, or get out of this? Do you not think there are better things to ask, or do with your time? Your whole post is kind of a clichéd mish mash of redundant memes


the harsh noise response. first is a cliched normie thing to say, normies are alright. second is a cliched pretentious thing to say, pretentious people who are cliched aren't

I dont like rap or country, fuck back off to /r/Sanders2016

Have you ever been tested for being on the Autism spectrum my friend?

nice thread op
it'd be a real shame if somebody derailed it with trips

why do so many people on here think just using the word 'autism' will refute any argument? Are they simply dumb and delusional enough to block out what the person said completely or do they knowingly try to annoy them by being purposefully unreasonable and thickheaded? Why are everyone here so opposed to actual discusssion?



there's nothing to derail


first reply: normie who hasn't developed much of a taste in music and all they know is that mainstream rap and country aren't their thing
2nd reply: smart alec who is knowledgeable enough about music to have fathomed the possibility of listening to harsh noise for enjoyment

you decide op


you have to consider the second reply is a smart alec who isn't smart enough to know that a shit ton of people have fathomed that and it comes with no bragging rights

OP here, i'm not even mad

t. Harsh noise fan

You're right in that no one is going to be impressed by it, but flaunters gonna flaunt regardless


It's more autistic to get really salty when someone doesn't like your two favourite genres. Right OP?

The real question is
>Who's more autistic?

And i think you know the answer OP.

Its more autistic missing that other shit genre 'metal' of the end.


>i listen to everything but rap and country xD
is what 15 year old normies say, so not very autistic

>oh yeah? then what's your favorite harsh noise artist xD
mildly autistic, but clearly not serious and again likely only said by teenagers

I think the main autist here is you, OP, for caring about how kids approach discussing music

>tested for being on the Autism spectrum
the whole point of a spectrum is that everyone is on it you fucking idiot

Why the fuck do people make futile posts like these? Please realize that they're equally as pointless as the OP, if not worse.

Such power

Whichever category you fall into.

>normies are alright



judging a person for his music taste is pretty autistic


the fucking madman
