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there is nothing funny about that


What ohm you running on your vape coil



That is actually kind of hot in a way. Maybe because I'm into breathplay. I certainly dont want to smell landwhale ass though, thats just not right.


Sauce to vid?

Sauce you faggot!


>mfw I am immune to theses posts

Your welcome.

why you gotta go and be an asshole


>mfw you still repled knowing full well immunities dont work after the fact


i honestly have no idea


damn, i was really hope this was a porn thread of exactly that picture

>you will never inhale the farts from that glorious ass


twilight audio book

fuck you scumbag

vaping is roughly the same
you have to become a complete douche tho



that excerpt made me NEED to read it that seems so good thanks SO much for sauce!!





this is the worst ylyl i've ever seen. I havn't even gotten a smile yet

but for real OP sauce that shit

Me too. I would start one, but i have no pics saved.


i feel your pain. Im just looking for similar porn now, shit derailed my night, cant get it outta my noggin

this can't be real


Fuck you

you havent lived 'til you got a smile

honestly, this is the quality of your ylyl



you have no idea how real it is

voluntary polls from a liberal media site. Must be legit




This is the first YLYL thread I've ever seen. I'm laughing so much!!! LOL


It is no one's fault but your own that you were in OP's photo, get over it while I lose my sides



Nice trips

this pisses me off,
As a business owner, that's profit being wasted. profit that could pay a wage increase. this is why you are all poor

fuck you cunts. This really pisses me off. I'm going to kick my cat







lol pretty good user, pretty good

what is wrong with you dude? it's just a joke.

Share user. Either here or create a thread.

Sauce you faggot

why did i laugh to this..

I don't even vape..


why ?



Well played.


that familiar face
could spot that hottie in a crowd



Why is this funny?
He's using it correctly :s?

He's exhaling into his asshole

gets me everytime

admit it. you just sat up straight

you want a fap there are bastards right? so just go and jerk off and I quit? Fuck...fuck fuck fuck. I hate you!


lmao. just to be safe,

no desu

Lost hardly


Best yet



not risking-


Sauce you faggot!



It's sub ohm fam


you still replied faggot

That's fucked up
I lost


