We need to start something against these sjws and their #NotMyPresident

We need to start something against these sjws and their #NotMyPresident

He hasn't even been president 1 day yet and all this protest?

Let's fuck with them, #PoorSnowflakes or something along with #GetOverIt to see how angry they can get.

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Just shows the minority is always the loudest
Fucking have loved every moment of this shit



so original and funny

He isn't president until January. They r bitching too early

He hasn't been president at all. He's not in office 'till January.

And let the whiners get it out of their system. If you antagonize them it'll just go longer.

just let them nerdrage. they're like chickens running around with their heads chopped off.

the era of progressive politics & the regressive left is dead and media has lost all their credibility.

trump is going to happen, no matter how many special snowflakes cry their eyes out...

Let them protest on the street, at least they're not online spouting their shit.

It's going to get violent. You voted in a sexist racist shit bag. You asked for it.

You failed your I.Q. test. To the gas chambers with you!


Best part is, he isn't even in office yet. I honestly don't give a shit about the election, but goddamn was the salt worth the shitty candidates.

He isn't President until January 10.
So... Technically, they're right?

My bad, I meant January 20

They went deaf in the echo chamber.


hurr durr sexist! hurr durr racist!

Give me some examples good sir. He wants to make it easier to become a citizen, so these illegals can become one. Hes against illegals, which is illegal already by the way.

You think hes going to take away womens rights?

Do you understand basic US government?

I dare 1 Trump supporter.

Just 1.

To show up at the protests.

you won't. you're sackless, bitched cuckolds.
you talk the talk. liberals walk the talk.

Myth: "Conservatives own more guns than liberals."

>Myth: "Conservatives own more guns than liberals."

Good idea. Let's start this fb and social media movement:


Trump supporters don't even seem happy lol. Like celebrate or something.
They're all here, still talking about Clinton. Not at ALL enthused about Trump.
Smile! Get off Sup Forums! Celebrate! Enough Hillary lol.
Or do you guys (trump supporters) hate him, too??


Fuck you faggot we'll get our mobs too and riot against you sjw transfluid niggers

All of these big protests and all that are concocted and paid for by Soros shit just like BLM and the recent race riots.
Same bunch of flat out commies they bus in to start trouble everywhere.
Just look at their fucking signs.

Sup Forums has literally become shills for a president. Anonymous has always been against every president, including Obama. It just PROVES once again how the old Sup Forums left Sup Forums in 2006 and that you're all JIDF manipulated newfags. God help us all.

I did. Nigger's and SJW's don't scare me.

I dare 1 Hillary supporter.

Just 1.

Just accept that you lost this election.

you won't. you're feckless, bitchy snowflakes.
you cry & scream. conservatives talk.

Myth: "Liberals are well educated, good people"

These people are radical Marxists not average democrats.

Why are Trump's retards so passive-aggressive? Grow a set. Tell them to their face. Or do you fight all of your battles behind proxies, and on twitter or Sup Forums?
>shitpost for months
>never leave the house
>scared to leave the basement
>shill for Nimble America
>Trump wins
>still shitposting on Sup Forums.
>still scared to leave the basement
>still poor
>still uneducated
>still passive-aggressive.

Trump's retards lie more than him or Hillary. Man up, grow a set, and engage liberals in person. Why are you so scared?

Why are you still talking about Hillary? Trump won. lol like are you not excited at all for Trump? Are you going to talk about Hillary for 4 more years? She's done. Prison. Finito. Like what's going on here?

It's pretty ironic to call Trump protesters "commies" when russian officials have actually come out and said they were in contact with Trump during his campaign just yesterday. And Putin supported him.

He is, literally, supported by communists. Actual communists.

Your reaction is so meaningful and original.

fox news you are ALWAYS good for a laugh. haha moar

Jump for great justice!

Every president meaning Obama and Bush?

Get the fuck out

I voted Hillary. We lost by the electoral college standard. Where's my prize, Trump Cuck?

>He hasn't even been president 1 day yet and all this protest?

What would you expect? A glorified meme is the President Elect.

Lol bump* that is

The best video on YouTube right now.


Alright, you're next.

You're going to encourage some neck beard basement dwelling sperg to take daddys AR15 and shoot up one of these protests

You elected a man that has divided the people. You go ahead and deny that he's a racist, sexist or a xenophobe, but all of those aspects are stronger than ever in the American people.

In my college there's already a fuckload of racist slander written in bathroom stalls or on dumpsters. Students have already been threatened in violent ways simply because they're minorities.

A latino immigrant has already been jumped and badly beaten up and been told "I hope Trump sends you wet back out".

And that's personal experience that is just scratching the surface of what's going on. In the end it isn't Trump himself that is the real problem, it's the people he influences with the words he spouted to get to this point.

People are afraid and angry, rightfully so, and if you think what is going on is alright, then I'm sorry you're a selfish asshole that doesn't care about your fellow Americans.

No one cares that women cried. That's what women do. Hillary didn't cry because she has more balls than any of you """""alt-right""""" retards who only express anything online under the name Anonymous on an anime imageboard. Cowards.

Easy; bring up all the "not my prez" shit from when the right was whining about Obama.

I mean technically someone being butthurt hasn't been original since the first homo sapiens got butthurt over something or another but fuck all that. You can't quantify and compare feelings as if they were fucking plot points in a movie. Emotional reactions are bound to be the same.


Start #Trumphobia

It may be difficult to understand. But people are concerned that he will do damaging things once he gets into office. People aren't so moronic that they think he's currently president, but, unless something happens, he will be.

Like some sort of drunk toddler, people want to stop him before he's driving the car, not after.

They're not old enough, or smart enough to understand most of what you just wrote. Sadly.

To expound on your point, they also still claim that Trump's "anti-establishment".

Even though he just filled his Administration with:

1. Mike Pence (we knew that)
2. Newt Gingritch
3. Sarah Palin for dept of energy (no joke)
4. Mike Huckabee (yep)
5. Rudy Giuliani
6. Chris Christie
7. and Sean Hannity. from Fox News.

If you're fiscally well-off, and I have no doubt that you and I are just fine, it will be so much fun watching these trumpanzees get destroyed by GOP Supermajority, Trickle-down assfucking.

Sad that we're Russia's bitch now, though. Tragic. Who ever knew the GOP would be the Real Red Threat. How ironic.

Russia isn't communist.


He didn't say homophobic... Oh my fucking God is work actually getting around about this?


are you stupid or something ?

that will spark a revolution. you can't spin something like that, politically.

I am NOT trying to incite violence. I just want Trump supporters and Liberals to meet face-to-face, to talk. Sit down, no insults, and talk.

They may find they have more in common - than they think.

So instead of saying "all conservatives are racist", or "all libtards are niggers and commies", let's actually try and meet on common ground... and work from there?

Trump supporter here. The joke in my household was that all the Trump supporters celebrated for about an hour, and then they went to work.
But still celebrating, around my area (Kansas) it's kind of a quiet, this'll be good for us type of celebration

Trump Supporters.

I dare 1 of you. Just 1.

To go to the protests. Engage them in discussion. Talk. Act like human beings.

Why are you so passive-aggressive...

Hillary Clinton didn't cry because she's fucking dead inside, she's literally a hollow person.

>see how angry they can get.
i believe the next step after rioting is full blown revolution. don't fuck with the snake.

Because they're literally being attacked and shamed.

Why are liberals such self hating shitheaps?

unlike you niggers... we work.. cant just not show up cause its not fair. How many right wingers protested when nigbama climbed down the tree and into the white house?

Truth is its tolerated now cause people know yo u niggers like to cry when you dont get your way.. but keep it up faggots.

b...but....my opinions

That's cool, I can respect that. It will be interesting to see his policies in action. Bummed about his cabinet picks so far, though.

That's easier said than done, these are Americans after all

Rational thinking and open mind out the window.. Harambe got 11000 votes in some county

I like how you say sexist when clearly it's a double standard situation when he grabbed her by the pussy everybody puts your ship but if Hillary grab some dude by the dick should be considered normal think about it faggot get off your fucking high horse and act like a fucking human being

Not as stupid as you apparently are

And Trump's not dead inside? He literally had everything a man could ever want except being able to say he was president, until you gave him that too on a golden-plated, "Trump"-diamond studded platter.

Tell them it's time for them to #MoveForward

Sorry, unlike you shit bag leaches we actually have jobs. Must be nice "protesting" based of made up media hysteria with 100k in student loans sitting there.


anti gun left wants to start a revolution lol

Who's being attacked now?

woops. there goes the "niggers" thing again. I'm trying to have a heart-to-heart here. you're not making it easy.

btw the largest group on welfare in America are whites in red states (I'm being serious now.)

newfag detected

Was there ever a tits for trump campaign?

Tried to look for a subreddit about it, but nothing came up

Because they're useless in every fucking aspect of their entire lives. Jobless, Welfare grubbing, offended hypocrites who CONTINOUSLY shit on their own beliefs in an attempt to be heard or understood.

All those protesters are 1 fags. 2 niggers, spics and ragheads. Or weak ass new generation cupcakes who don't have a fucking iota of what hard is. I am literally fucking begging the messiah himself to unleash the fury of police clubbings and rubber bullets so I can LMFAO and fap to it. God fucking bless this magnificent nation and every amazing motherfucker who had a pair and voted for Trump. These fucking cupcakes are going to find out who runs shit real goddamn fast. HOO-RAH!

go back to auchswitz

Lmao there's always this guy

lol really?? that poor damn Harambe, good on him!

but yeah, emotions are high. and... murkans. you'd think more would be calm, collected, rational, and be willing to compromise. just sit down with one another... and talk. no raised voices. no insults.

americans realllllly hate each other huh :(

I like that one. We all need to #MoveForward. Never backward. Never Forward. But always twirling, twirling toward progress.

If hillary were elected, this EXACT same shit would be going on. Think about it...
I'm fucking happy he is president.

Whatever you say, chap. You're even too stupid to come up with a decent comeback.


>We need to start something against these sjws and their #NotMyPresident
SJWs elected Trump.
months ago the numbers said Bernie would destroy Trump but Hilary would lose.
SJWs didn't want a CIS white male representing them so they went with the "picked to lose" option.
So just let them know they are the reason that Trump is president and I'm sure they will shut up.

Never been there faggot, go back to your trailer park

>still respond to a Trump criticism with "but Hillary!"

Seriously? She's done. Prison. Gone.

Are you ready to talk about President-elect Trump yet? No? Didn't think so.

I ignored that shit completely because you can tell by the way he speaks about America he isn't dead inside, he has passion and wants to crush any thought in the governments mind that had to do with Globalism.
If that was you're post you need to do your fucking homework.

They really don't see it like that. They don't see the threat he is to anonymous posting. All he has to do is let his wifes anti bullying campaign reach towards the internet, because everyone has it and your grandmother doesn't want to see the shit people post, plus he was internet trolled hard enough to call the f.b.i. When he finally gets his personal army its over.

They hate anyone with a different viewpoint than themselves. It's difficult to accept any reconciliation too even if they'd want to, too much societal pressure


go cry for hillary fag american jew shit

Let's all make little raviolis in the shape of snowflakes and poop on them in front of these fucking pussy sjws! Haha that'll really show them what poopgetti really is!

Again. The largest group on welfare in America are whites in red states.

Blue states give billions to red states in subsidies, annually.

nah. nevermind. you're a Republican. a liar. my enemy. you're not worth it anymore. i'm not campaigning. done defending my standpoints. sadly I think this will turn very bloody. because of blind, stupid liars like you.

He has absolutely no passion other than to glorify himself. You people are clueless.

Top kek! You are truly the pride of your bloodline, such a shame it dies with you.

you should be there...

Jewish Israel just got Trump elected. Now you want to make Holocaust jokes? Seriously?

>Just shows the minority is always the loudest
Well since they took the popular vote that makes them the majority. Still not reason not to grab them by the pussy.
Obesity is the reason not to grab them by the pussy.

So did anyone start the Facebook group yet?

He's not president until January 20th you clueless fuck.