What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

She means more filthy illegals coming up to commit crimes and get put into US prisons, which then have to have upkeep paid for by US taxpayers.

"what was the newest progressive meme on tumblr/facebook" while writing the newest season

that mexicishits literally endgame is "lol its ours now whitey"

the show is either intentionally or accidentally redpilled

>t. anchor baby pocho

American nationalism is fucking racist
Mexican nationalism is ok though lol

>murrican nashunalism
>200 years of raping the fuck out of the locals while refusing to accept that murrica was a penal colony for the English


>I can't fucking read

typical summer nigger

>mexican nationalism
>500 years of raping and enslaving the locals
>while refusing to accept that you were spains bitch boy

Loving every laugh

GOAT sex scene though in the old ladys bedroom

>implying I'm Mexican

Love the fact that you need for me to be, however, to entirely validate your shit opinion and your shit country.

>this is the TV show Sup Forumsmblr has 200+ post threads about

How did this board get so bad? Did Star Wars kill Sup Forums?

Not to seem over dramatic, but this character is correct, and Trump isn't elected, millions more of these Mexicans will flood in here, and we'll forever be a "blue" country.

No. 1 GDP

11 Supercarriers

Guns, weed, and oil on reserve

Until the chinese do the same thing to the Mexicans

>that pathetic attempt to save face

Next time close your tab.

I speak a little spic,I can clearly hear her say,"Trump 2016 Make America Great Again!!!",pretty sure that's it.

Nah, the states will splinter into smaller countries if such a thing happened. The midwesterners wouldn't stand for it and all the white people would end up moving to the "flyover states" while steamrolling the pussys in the northeast and taking it over.

And yet, the rest of us humorously anticipate the day it all comes crashing down. We can't wait to see you Clapmericunts killing your fat selves by the millions.

I'm not even that guy. 11 super carriers my friend. The US literally cannot be fucked with by anyone. As in literally.

>mexican nacionalism
>love their cartel of a country so much they have to leave it so they don't get beheaded by pedro
>americans get angry when mexicans burn their flag even though they should have deported them by now

tldr that, you know we don't read lmao

>oppressed British colonists were able to break free from the greatest empire in the world
>those oppressed by Americans can't do jack shit without help

>implying English hasn't already reached the critical mass worldwide

If you can't speak it these days you're a nobody.

>I'm not even that guy.
That's cute, hon. Go and play now.

Americans are fucking C U C K S

Can a Mexican-American explain why they're so nationalistic when their home country is a shithole?

Is it one of those inferiority complex things?


>it's an unprovoked asspain over America's superiority thread conveniently when Sup Forums hits euro time episode

Yeah, based on diction and the random reaction pic; is the guy you originally replied to, slowpoke.


>my country the size of delaware is great lmao
>sure a hobbit could walk across it in a day but who cares lmao
>yeah it's a "country"

All of Europe combined couldn't really do that much damage to the US, and I'm including the UK in that estimate to be generous. In terms of air and naval warfare, the rest of the world is utterly fucked compared to the US, especially since ground troops are only fucking useful if you can get them on the ground. Even if troops made it on the continental US, they'd face both the military and the general populace which is one of the most armed on the planet.

It's funny how the rest of the world can only bitch at us with words, they know the consequences if they don't fall in line otherwise, especially if we end up with Trump getting things back in order with a non-interventionist policy.

They believe it is America's fault Mexico is a shithole, it's not entirely wrong but has been made into an ongoing political debate that will likely go unresolved for decades until the shit implodes on itself in some way.

Trump will not follow through with half the shit he says, it's all just a way to get the far right voters to come out and support him.

So why did the spic cow get the gun?

Why would you want that? You want the world economy to collapse? Do you honestly think you'd survive? Stay in school kid.

>>oppressed British colonists were able to break free from the greatest empire in the world
Is this really what Americans believe?

Do they truly delude themselves that their war wasn't merely another war between France and Britain?

The rest of the world doesn't need to invade America, we're just laughing as we wait for you to invade each other.

See if your IQ is above that of the average murritard and you actually HAVE attention span.

>still posting

Dude, we lifted fucking terrifs for them. We literally gave them a free pass to sell agricultural or manufactured goods. The only thing we "cause" is the drug trade there and that's literally only because they can't fucking enforce their own laws as well as us so making drugs there is way cheaper.

It's their own fault. Also because Spain is a borderline 3rd world country that has been fucked since Elizabeth had God smite them.

>world economy
>sustained by murrifat

Best laugh I've had all day!

>war between britain and france births a superpower that dwarfs both of them

Shut up you raging homo

>The rest of the world doesn't need to invade America, we're just laughing as we wait for you to invade each other.

Again, why would you want this? What are you even doing here? I'll never understand jerking your own country's cock, or flinging insults at another country anonymously of all things. You could be doing so many more interesting things but you choose to do this.

Yes. It would. What did you think would happen otherwise? Don't be dumb about this. Jesus christ.

I mean only 1/5 of it, no big deal.

>The only thing we "cause" is the drug trade there

Which is easily the #1 cause of both of our problems, including the opiate epidemic within our borders that goes conveniently ignored

>only because they can't fucking enforce their own laws as well as us so making drugs there is way cheaper.

Again the decriminalization of marijuana in the US alone would make the cartels a lot less money and make drug trafficking a less lucrative option.

Yeah, canada is the real sleeping giant

Everything comes from China so, while the rest of the world (i.e. us) are laughing at you fat bastards being slaughtered by, and rebelling against, your government in Civil War Part Deux, we'll be doing trade with them and India and having a jolly good time as we watch news reports of you idiots and your gun culture disappearing in a pile of smoke. America and Americans contribute nothing to the world, except loud human misery.

We'll also have the marshmallows ready.


This is exactly how all hispanic people think, and they're proud of it too.

My goodness stop posting, go do something productive. Do you know much the U.S. imports from China, let alone compared to any other country on the planet? Do you really think China wants to lose that revenue? Do you not know that the U.S. is the 3rd largest exporter of goods in the world? Could you be any more of an imbecile than you are already being right now?


Jesus christ go look at the average individual in either of those countries. The ENTIRE world is a cesspool. You're one of the blessed that has access to the internet and you waste it shitposting in an imageboard where you'll never be remembered.

Why didn't the black girls comfort So-so?

>the show is either intentionally or accidentally redpilled

No, you're wrong. They're in favor of the proposed scenario.

Must be an easy life having an average iq of 90. Seems like things would be so simple and worry free, like being 12 permanently.

>America and Americans contribute nothing to the world

Except for

>The world's greatest technology
>A huge portion of global wealth
>Movies and music beloved around the globe
>Products, companies and brands that rule the world
>The greatest military technology
>All the good stuff on the internet

And so much more that your shit hole of a nation will never create or achieve.

Your butt hurt is hilarious. Have a nice day!

The show plays devil's advocate, even the skinhead characters have one or two intelligent lines. Fucking watch it first before your asshole gets all flared up.

Hispanic racist spotted. I live in Los Angeles. I have heard Mexicans say the exact line in the Op literally hundreds of times. Don't deny it. This is your end game. You hate whites and you want to ruin our country by breeding excessively and creating misery and poverty for everyone.

Payback's a bitch for fucking Mexico time and time again, white boy

We America now

>Show creator
>Ultra liberal Jewish feminist
>Jenji (((Kohan)))

This is literally a show for cucks.

I was talking about the average beaner iq, actually.

All you have to do is play a couple games of Dota 2 and you will know that latinos are an inferior and mentally retarded race. They seriously cannot think or strategize.

You fucked yourself. Your nation is full of subhuman animals. You literally have beheaded corpses on your streets, and your children see that stuff.

You're an evil race from a diseased culture.

And you'll never be able to better yourself.

change it to a paki and you have the uk

the poorer the country and dumber the people the higher the nationalism, its not only Mexico, even Balkan countries that have nothing to be proud of will die for it in a football match

I'm 100% certain the user you replied to was talking about Mexicans.

Payback? Do you know how many Mexicans are in poverty in Los Angeles alone? This is what I'm talking about. Jerking off your country/ethnicity's cock without putting any real thought into it because god forbid anyone do any real thinking.

EVERY nation is full of subhuman animals.


I'm well aware the creator is basically an IRL troll, still the show is meta enough to challenge what it presents instead of being a preachy tumblr PSA. I'll agree that the "white racist" characters are old news and they're beating a dead horse with it but the hispanic characters are also racist as fuck toward each other.

>even Balkan countries that have nothing to be proud of will die for it in a football match

Jesus fucking Christ that monobrow.

preko Milvokija

ne do

>everybody ITT ignored this post

I ignored it because it involves getting into a gigantic discussion that is better suited to being discussed in front of congress, sent to a letter to your mayor, senator, etc.

Oh, give it a rest.

Yeah, because everyone already knows that. It still isn't actually the US's fault anyway. Both countries outlawed it. It's just that the third world one isn't capible of enforcing it and has cheaper labor.

Give what a rest?

>and there's nothing you can do about it

Except elect a real estate agent in a fucking landslide, you burrito munchers.

>Americlaps trying to make fun of other countries for being small

Nice try, bud.

Spics are fucking retarded. You still should learn native language.

Lol, canada is pretty much all unusable land, just like australia and russia.

More of you to pick our corn and mow our lawn. Big accomplishment.

Why do murricans opose immigration so much when their entire country consists of immigrants? I can understand mudslimes, but spics should adapt to american coulture with time, right?

Because she was supposed to not fuck up.
Because drama.

It's D&D-tier writing where you don't even know what your characters are.

Blanca is supposed to be Puerto Rican.


Will you be surprised when america turns into a shithole like mexico or is that part of the plan too?

If they wanted to, sure. They do in some ways, like the obesity rate.

But she doesn't say she's Mexican, just "brown".

99% of the posts in this thread are directed towards Mexicans.


>your country is turning brown

And who would be turning it brown? All the immigrants from Puerto Rico? It's quite clearly referring to Mexicans, don't excuse lazy writing.

Fuck you maple fucks. Why can't I stop watching degrassi. It's so shitty.

Mexico has had a higher obesity rate than the us for a couple years now.

So has england.

>implying Puerto Ricans don't hate America just as much as Mexicans do
>implying we in the rest of the world don't hate fat, loud Americans
>implying we in the rest of the world, don't want to see you choke on hamburger

Puerto Ricans are Americans, dumbass.

He meant that in a few decades they will be the majority. It will have a few consequences, like soccer being the national sport and Catholicism being the national religion. Finally you will give up your gay sports and your false god.

Are you sure about that, friend?


They've been a territory since 1898, same year as Hawaii.

Can't disintegrate our colonial holdings, fucker.

considering this show is for and by new yorkers, brown = puerto ricans and dominicans