"atleast he tried, what have you ever done?"
"atleast he tried, what have you ever done?"
one time I got trown out of a Showbiz Pizza for being too drunk
Punk didn't even try.
If he really tried he would have walked the path of Batista. Start small and go from there.
Punk never tried, he just commited suicide.
I jerked off for 17 hours once.
>at least he tried
He threw away his career in its peak earning years and now is completely discredited as a performer, so he can never go back to having what he once had.
I can understand that he felt trapped and frustrated in the politics surrounding scripted, fake pro-wrestling and wanted to become something in his own light, but picking something that you have no talent or ability in was going to end in disaster.
He should have tried doing a podcast or being a shitty musician or getting into acting. Those paths seems to be the most suitable paths for former wrestlers as they mirror the skill sets required to make it in that business.
He can go back to pro wrestling anytime.
The modern pro wrestling crowd is really "special" in the BAD sense of the word.
This...Brock Lesnar was already a D1 national champion before WWE. He even admits that he joined WWE because it offered him $1,000,000+ in 2001ish. What 23 year old would say no? Once he got enough money, Brock fucked off to go do UFC
Punk threw his entire career away. If he ever needed to come back to wrestling...Punk can't negotiate with Vince anymore. What leverage does Punk have? Hardly any at all. He got destroyed in UFC. He's 40 years old. He tried suing the WWE.
Man...he's so fucking dumb. He could have stayed with WWE and probably made $10,000,000+ and retired at 40. Now he's going to make $0.00 and will struggle to pay off his cars and mansions and shit
He's writing comics for Marvel... which probably says more about the state of current Marvel than it does anything else.
This doesn't make sense. The only difference between them is punk is a big enough name to negotiate big money for his debut.
He should have started from the bottom like everyone else, paying this guy big money to get beat up and advertising it like he's the next big thing makes the UFC look like more of a joke than it already is.
They're more focused on the quick cash-in money by making freak fights like this than long term growing into a respectable sporting org.
>heh, you haven't signed up for massive brain injuries and covered your body in tattoos
yeah wow damn rly jealous
no one starts at the pro level. not even brock lesnar
he should of cut to 150. no way he could of made it in 170
He can't make it period. He can't punch for shit unless it's a phony punch. He has ZERO experience in the martial arts, he can't even cut it as a supposed submission wrestler (A basic reverse wrist lock does NOT make you a submission wrestler Phil. Go fuck yourself.)
He's a washed up has been who wrecked his career and tried proving everyone wrong because he has an ego problem.
I was seriously hoping gall would've busted him open bad enough that Phil would've opted out of the rest of his UFC Contract and stopped fighting permanently. And what the fuck was with that John Cena speech at the end?
I'd feel bad for this guy, if he wasn't rich, and a massive fucking tool.
>ever being respectable
You MMA faggots are hated by nearly everyone, you're fad fighting shit will die with your generation
K1 is proof that MMA is more than just a fad. 40+ years of proof. The UFC will hopefully die a painful, slow death, but MMA is sticking around for a long, long time.
ufc has been dying for years.
I didn't think that Punk was as bad as people say. He could have been knocked out or tapped out in 5 seconds like some fights, but he actually survived for a while in the mat. I really don't understand why they signed him though, he was never a very good technical wrestler and his form is awful. I still wanted him to win though.
He is taller than I thought
If you think WWE wouldn't take Punk back with a huge deal you're delusional.
when i was 13 and started my first spell of mma coaching i was so scrawny that when it came down to sparring they put me in with a girl, her parents found it quite amusing until i planted one on their daughter and knocked her out. safe to say they avoided male/female sparring after that
The funny thing about Punk is that he's pretty much idolized in the wrestling world as a straight talker, a real nigga, "one of us". And in the real world, he's a pathetic manchild dweeb who any of us could beat up in a fair fight.
Says a lot about mandrama fans, doesn't it?
You're not supposed to knock people out when sparring you stupid nerd what the fuck.
>And in the real world, he's a pathetic manchild dweeb who any of us could beat up in a fair fight.
He's definitly one of us.
yeh i know, i guess i was just angry that i wasnt allowed to spar with the other guys (always have preferred fighting guys bigger and stronger than me, its an underdog thing i guess) and the fact her parents were berating me riled me up. even with the thick spar glove on i total'd her
>And in the real world, he's a pathetic manchild dweeb who any of us could beat up in a fair fight.
lmao. At least he lasted over a minute. Any of you Sup Forumsastics would get KO'd within 10 seconds.
Wrong. I grew up in South Auckland and could literally kill him with my bare hands.
I'm a BJJ blue belt with 7 years of savate.
I could probably beat him if I wasn't a tiny manlet.
Suck to be a manlet, desu.
>They're more focused on the quick cash-in money by making freak fights like this than long term growing into a respectable sporting org
it was never about being respectable, just the biggest game in town
they've already cashed out anyway, it'll probably be downhill from here
Why the fuck would anyone want to stay in the WWE if they hate it?
Shitty schedule
On the road like 320 days a year
Retarded backstage politics between Vince men and Triple H men
Cant do anything too edgy because muh kids and PG era
WWE doctors are absolute trash
9000 writers cant write a decent story for you to work with
Wrestlers end up dying young or live their lives fucked up from concussions
I don't think he's dumb for leaving the wwe. He got his money from it so fuck it, why not leave towards the top instead of staying beyond his years. Its fucking cringe watching Taker or the Dudleys wrestle now.
>went from a million dollar company to a multibillion dollar company
yeah breh, dying for yeeeears
He should go wrestle in NJPW or some other japanese fed, wait 2 or 3 years then come back in the WWE.
Yep. He also pissed off a lot of the people he worked with like Vince McMahon, Stephanie and HHH. So now he can't even go back to making millions in WWE. He got super impatient and walked off. So he didn't even leave on good terms like Christian did when he walked away. Not only that but immediately he appeared in the colt cabana podcast and attacked WWE. So even if he swallows his pride and begs WWE to return (which he won't) all his credibility is lost.
He has great relationship with Vince.
Thank you Punk for the easiest betting money I ever made in my life
left fighting to fighters
>9000 writers cant write a decent story for you to work with
If rumors are to be believed, Vince often checks what was written right before the shows air and makes changes on the spot. Somtimes, scrapping the whole thing.
All the writers in the world won't help if someone just comes along every week and discards everything.
he probably made in that one fight equal to what he made ever in the wwe
>hes not best friends with vince so he cant make money wrestling anymore
why are wrestlecucks such fanboys for corporations? it wouldnt be the first time vince has rehired someone he had a bad falling out with. also he could go make money in japan or indies anytime.
If he shook the guys hand it wouldn't have been so embarrassing
I think that's a record,
I need to find out the rules for this... A few years ago I would've shattered this guy's record.
I need to know if this is all in one ejaculation and he had to build it up or he just kept shooting 'till he was shooting blanks...