>Whats the difference between a cow and 9/11?
>Americans cant milk a cow for 15 years.
>Whats the difference between a cow and 9/11?
>Americans cant milk a cow for 15 years.
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What's do you call an Arab man
haha banter people died haha so funny right
>millions died anx several countries crashed in the aftermath because us milking the attacks
>p-please remember the 3000 brave who died
lmfao I'm routinely amazed at how cucked you guys are. you faggots can't even own guns and are importing millions of low-IQ brown people, pissing myself laughing.
>be Britbong
>can't own gun
>get beheaded
>be American
>own gun
>get planed anyway
>live in whiteopia suburbs
>a bunch of cancerous jews in the hellhole that is NYC get planed
>this is somehow a negative for me
the problem is letting any arab be able to set foot in our country even on a visa
a bunch of literal barbarians died? cry me a fucking river Achmed
Good thread, reported to the Quality Award of Sup Forums Excellence Committee
It's just joke, Shekelberg.
happy 9/11 to all the americans on Sup Forums!
So what Midwestern garbage state do you live in again?
I live in New Hampshire dickhead
owning guns didn't prevent you from getting planed and bombed did it you fucking faggot
or shot for that matter
always get me
The one place that's worse. Fucking moron.
>2k americans
>2,4 million arabs
it was important to teach the world a lesson that if you try that shit on our soil, we are going to make every excuse we can to come into your country and destroy absolutely everything in sight, to the point where you will never recover, and will be conquered by savages who will rape your women and execute your men, while we fly home and enjoy a fat cuban cigar.
>tfw the world is gearing up to finally destroy amerifats once and for all
What a day that will be. I think we can all accept the fact that America is a tumor in the world. It needs to be destroyed asap.
President Bush?
even if you're just memein thats still fucked up
2k Americans worth more desu
>get BTFO by Saudis and Egyptians
>invade Iraq
Ok m8. Sure taught them a lesson. A Saudi puppet is probably going to be your next prez.
their nationality doesn't represent the group they were associated with. we went for the source. it doesn't matter where they are from, it matters where they are now.
Not a single jew died on 9/11, not a single one.
Really makes you think, huh?
2 gorillion people died when dinosaurs roamed the earth so we should keep mourning them ad nausea
Can't even have a simple laugh at 9/11 thread without idiots going full on Sup Forums
State of this board
>celebrating 9/11 two months early
Surely you understand why 3000 Americans>a couple million brown people
weight wise
>shit on our soil, we're coming for your oil
i don't get this joke. Please explain
9/11 = America decimates enemy
7/7 = Britfags still cucked
Princes in Saudi arabia. Funding the terrorists and fucking your white women by the millions
Americucks are so fucked in the head they suck down the saudi semen and say theyre the good guys thank god youre going extinct
I always find it funny when bongs think they have the higher moral ground foriegn policy wise when they sucked our dicks through the whole ordeal.
At least fucking france had the balls to stand up and say "No USA, we will not help you fuck the Iraqis"
Look...the canuckfag thinks he understands world affairs. Fuck off eh
the fact that you think i consider that worse than my own government training bin laden and saddam hussein is quite humorous. you know nothing, and you are nothing, canadian scum.
citizens from over 90 different countries died on 9/11, including 67 brits. it wasn't an attack on america, it was an attack on the western world.
youre just assmad over 1776
>teach the world a lesson that if you try that shit on our soil
>invade a country that had nothing to do with it
>it was important to teach the world that if you try that shit on our soil we are going to make every excuse to come into the country Israel points its finger to and destroy absolutely everything in sight
Heil Hitler
He's being deadly serious that's why it's funny. Based Danny
we weren't attacked by a country we were attacked by a smaller group of people residing in that country. just so happens that saddam was stockpiling weapon components that he wasn't supposed to have, so we killed two birds with one stone.
dont you have a genocide to be committing
>Germany is so cucked they dont have a standing army
Shut the fuck up, the only reason why W went after Saddam was to clean up daddy's mess, this is a fact
what mess? desert storm was a complete success, we secured kuwait in much less time than originally planned. maybe do some research instead of regurgitating everything you read.
>planed in 9/11
>mfw britain is far whiter than spicmerica, which is projected to be a white minority in our lifetimes
Anniversary of tragedy that occured in normal country:
>minute's silences up and down the nation, respectfully observed
>general demure feeling among population
>maybe some low-key speeches from public figures
Anniversary of tragedy that occured in Freedom-land:
>Fighter jets lowpass over stadiums
>Politicians deliver speeches like the second coming of Adolf Hitler
>lardy 2nd amendment types fire rifles into imaginary sky-terrorists
>that saddam was stockpiling weapon components that he wasn't supposed to have, so we killed two birds with one stone.
Fucking amazing that it's been a full decade where that was shown to be complete and utter horseshit, and a dumbfuck lackey like you still believes it.
Dick Cheney's stock in Halliburton appreciates your stupidity.
let me guess, you think i mean fully manufactured WMDs. i am referring to the chemical weapons components that were discovered in Iraq, that he was supposed to get rid of decades prior. he tied his own noose.
9/11 people find Twin Towers jokes funny.
when is the ritual sharting?
>this is a fact
kek. you are a retard
Saddam attempts to assassinate US president after his army is completely embarrassed by US supremacy
Said presidents son becomes president.
Saddam rekt
This was a proper response. Fuck off you think otherwise.
I rate your comment = backtoschool/10
Britfag Cucks that's why
have a cigar
adolf hitler was an excellent speech giver, so i'm gonna have to take that as a compliment.
except England is small as fuck and still has a huge refugee and negro population, while America is the size of Europe and states are whiter than all of England
>lardy 2nd amendment types fire rifles into imaginary sky-terrorists
except no one does that desu
Those chemical weapons components were stockpiles from the pre-1991 Gulf War era and were likely sold to him by us. Chemical weapons have a shelf life and have to be in continuous production to remain effective, otherwise they lose their potency.
Hard to argue with ignorance like yours.
Kekked irl
>Whats the difference between a fag and a Brit?
>The spelling
>lives in "white suburbia" with his parents in new hampshire
Pathetic permavirgin
ignorance? we were indicting him for possessing evidence of past attacks on innocent people. what the hell do you think he was on trial for, little kid?
Believing the Iraq war was about WMD's is ignorance beyond compare. WMD's was the legal reason presented to gain authorization.
we supplied him with weapons to fight iran and he was using them to kill innocent people. so we returned to punish him for his crimes against humanity and retriever our stockpiles.
I do agree. That happened. Saddam was trained and put in place by the CIA. He eventually became a rogue agent. But the war was about a much bigger issue. Saddam would not join the international banking system. He was continuing to trade oil for gold which contradicted the "reserve-currency status" of the dollar. On several occasion we simply tried to assassinate Saddam but failed each time as (again) he was CIA trained and not easy to get to. We then tried jackals and tried to support uprisings to overthrow his regime. These uprisings failed also (the weapons you mentioned that were used on his people). The final stage in these affairs (as always) is military invention. So that's the story. In brief.
no that's conspiracy theorist lunacy. the CIA can get to anyone anytime. one agent can't hide from the entire agency.
>free replies
>conspiracy theorist lunacy
Believe what you want. There is plenty of evidence. If you weren't afraid to know the truth you would research it yourself instead of believing what media hacks tell you.
>Implying that's not a garbage state
>mfw I see the OP pic and think "haha that's funny, but Frank probably wouldn't approve"
>suddenly remember him and JT bringing the bants on September 12th
What CIA has teleports now?
the media hacks are the ones who told us there were absolutely no weapons at all, because they wanted to smear Bush's reputation and contribute in the efforts towards a liberal white house.
you can tell this person is obese
adding to that i have no doubt that the CIA attempted to assassinate Saddam but if they were being contracted by the banks to do this they would not have failed. i highly doubt they put forth the same efforts as they did in Iran or Venezuela for example.
man city legend
Ok. Maybe they didn't go after Saddam with same determination. But they tried and it is well documented. Just my thought here: but they may have simply been sending a message. But in the end Saddam failed to abide by the banking systems' demands and ultimately paid the price. I know most people don't understand the global reserve currency mechanic and I'm certainly not saying you are one of them, but to hide your head in the sand about the implications of this system as they relate to war in naive.
Holy shit.
T. Corbyn supporter
blown the fuck out
Gudjohnsen as well I believe.
Why are americans so bad at handling banter? Jesus you guys make me embarrassed.
is still right though.
i like this one
>based eidur forever tainted by his scummy chelsea connection
Too much pride I think. Americans never learn self-deprecating humour properly.
It really is just a fluke, many people are late for work.