Friendly reminder that you are a virgin

Friendly reminder that you are a virgin

Grow up kid. I'm 31 years old and I've had sex with 1 women

I fucked a prostitute once.

I am 24 years old.

not since last night when I got assfucked by your dad

So are you

Grow up kid. I'm 22 years old and I've had sex with 3 women.

2 of which over 100 times each :^)

no need to project mate

Why is sucking cock so hot?

I don't even like dudes.

Feminine penisia are hot

>tfw not a virgin
>tfw haven't had sex in ages because of my erectile dysfunction caused by my porn addiction

G-get on my level, plebs...

that's not a friendly reminder :(

I don't think that's how it works

because you are gay

iktfb. had sex with 19 different girls, disappointed the vast majority of them.

pretty much quite the sex game last year because theres no point in going through the embarrassment again

>tfw turned 23 recently

It's time to hire an escort, possibly this week


such an unharmful term, it's a fukken hooker

just bang some drunk 40 year old chick

Are you me?

Date of birth? August?

Nah m8, we call them escorts here because proper prostitution is illegal or some shit

Yeah, my birthday was the 23rd to be exact

same, everywhere except Nevada it's illegal. just saying your virginity isn't some massive, special thing. at least try for some sluts before you fall for the hooker meme.

Damn you're young, 7th here



Jesus Christ, OP, who the fuck is a virgin these days? If you don't fuck, it's because your ugly, and if you're ugly, then you should be a man enough to fuck some man ass. That's why I'm gay, and I'm proud about it. Yeah, sure, girls are hotter, but it's too much of a delusion for us to go out with a women.

Hey me too

Sex is overrated tbqh

Fucking Ian, he never came back

>tfw had sex about six hours ago

No I'm not.


oh thank you

I almost forgot that

i stuck it in two times but i never finished. just went flaccid. she was ugly but she had a good body. i dunno what went wrong.