Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
i need some help
i just shave my pubic and i know it going to feel like cactus in my boxer after a few days
someone have some tips what do?
>inb4 post dick
fuck off fucking gay

It might itch a little, but I've been shaving my lives for years and it doesn't bother me at all.

hot water before and after shaving


Fucking phone.

Don't shave.

3/4 Men are unshaven and being shaven increases your chances of getting an std

Use your razor in reverse order. You might bleed a bit but it feels very smooth afterwards.

ok i will try it
no... i think i dont want to bleed there....

and i am already shave to tell me how and dont shave will not help now

don't cut down to the skin. buy a beard trimmer and use a low setting.

Don't shave it clean off why not just trim most of it

>don't cut down to the skin. buy a beard trimmer and use a low setting.
that what i did but even now it itching