ITT : websites that need to be nuked

ITT : websites that need to be nuked


not Sup Forums as a whole but definitely all nsfw boards

For the love of god lets banepost it to death

Admin already said if they get one more banepost raid he will shut it down

Fuck it i say do it




debate me.

reel? if so, sauce me. good dirt on that Armenian whore

for some reason it feels lewder when porn gets posted in a board compared to straight up going to a porn video site.



how about just /mlp/?

idiot, that's a containment board, deleting it would ruin the purpose of why it was made in the first place: to prevent pony faggotry on other boards which was present prior to the subboard's existence.

Everything except

I love that shit. Oh and pornhub


Has the freshest newest sauces. You can hate them for all their faggoty boards but rgonewild is the best one.


TL;DR bane post.


>wanting degeneracy sheltered on your site
>not just banning horsefuckers entirely

Do you see a CP board user? No.


8 "chan"

If CP wasnt illegal thered be. Loli just isnt popular enough for a board. I can guarantee if they deleted /mlp/ and even banned some regulars, you'd be seeing significantly more ponyshit on the catalog right here

Also: Sup Forums needs to be nuked


For you

7chan. Just kill that dinosaur zoo



wish I had


You know thats CP rite?

>Being this fucking dense

Are you fucking serious nigga? I mean, it ain't your goddamn bussiness how much I fuck my cousins and nieces, but this is beyond retardation.

nah your ass should get nuked

where did you find it