
How the fuck is he going to repoen the dark portal without Medivh? How is he supposed to sack Stormwind now?

Where the fuck is Ner'zhul if they brought their "strongest warriors"? Or Cho'gall? Or Dentarg? Or Mogor? Or Teron Gorefiend?

Who is the new Warchief?

Who is the new chieftain of the Frostwolves? Who is the new chieftain of the Blackrock?

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Who knows? They're off the reservation when it comes to the lore already, probably going to do some work around, maybe just give Gul'dan some sort of demonic power upgrade to reopen the Dark Portal to introduce any new orc characters.

I mean, Orgrim probably is Chieftan of the Frostwolves now. That's really all I got for ya senpai.

I'm just mad at how hard critics tried to shut this movie down and succeeded in making it to shit at the domestic box office only because it is a video game movie. While supporting generic cape shit this many years later that is in no way better.

At least Blizzard has money to burn so if they want there will be more movies.

Sack it with the army he already go. SW sent most of their men, he won the battle at the gate and can now move into SW.

>, Orgrim probably is Chieftan of the Frostwolves now.

Although legally that would be Go'el, but he's currently missing in action. Orgrim is a fucking usurper.

>They're off the reservation when it comes to the lore

So is Blizzard and they have been for a very long time.

i don't think orcs really have laws so much as they have strict traditions

>Orgrim is a fucking usurper
Orc culture is based on strength, Thrall's claim died with his father unless he challenges the leader or the leader steps down.

>Sack it with the army he already go. SW sent most of their men, he won the battle at the gate and can now move into SW.

Can the Alliance get to SW in time? Or is it time to evacuate?

theoretically he doesnt need medivh now to re-open the portal. it needs one warlock on each side: guldan in azeroth, nerzhul in draenor

Stormwind has NO army left. The orcs can easily destroy it with the forces they have in Azeroth now, or did you miss that part?

I can only presume Kil'jaeden, something has to give as the Alliance has already formed andStormwind still stands.

>i don't think orcs really have laws so much as they have strict traditions

Here is the offical prequel to the movie user. Durotan is the son of Garad. Durotan said himself that he was his heir. However only males can be chieftains in the Frostwolf Clan and it's an "unbroken chain" of chieftains.

They didn't in the current lore, as a lot of Varian's backstory is Stormwind getting fucked and most of the population either dying or escaping to exile in Lordaeron.

The fucking Alliance propaganda at the end. Next movie better have its "For the Horde" moment.

>fucking Alliance propaganda
But they're the good guys.

Yeah, nah.




What's even more complicated is the fact the Frostwolves on Draenor don't even know Durotan is dead and are currently being lead by Durotan's mother.

>Thrall, did I ever tell you the time I betrayed your father, killed a good members of our own clan, stole the chieftainship from you, and allowed all of our people to fall under the control of fel magic? I'm a good friend.

Orcs gonna orc.


>violent pillaging niggers invading an other world to kill and pillage
>good guys

>caring Warcraft "lore"

He'll re-open the portal when Archimonde/Kil'jaeden gives him enough power to do so

>Stormwind has NO army left.

What? The cucked king left most of his army behind and took like 20 guys with him when he attacked the portal. He thought the Frostwolves and the mage would be enough to turn the tide, while the rest of his forces guarded the kingdom, remember?

>violent pillaging niggers invading an other world to kill and pillage

>peaceful refugees come over
>alliance declares war and tries to kill them
>they fight back

>kingdom invaded by savages from another world (which they destroyed)
>not the good guys

Didn't even actually watch the movie?

The orcs literally say they come to kill, their homeworld perishing is just an excuse. They explicitly say they have nothing more to fight there.

Gul'dan is still warchief, but garona gained respect from the orcs after killing the king.

I can see Garona working with durotan while Gul'dan does his shit in the background while pretending to be the warchief in the next movie.

and i really hope he gets much more screentime.

>Alliance propaganda
>the movie opens and closes with an orcs closeup

Nah, Duncan enjoys the Orc dick.

durotan is dead silly

he literally got his soul sucked out

I think youre wrong, he spoke about how al his legions of men have been killed, the battle at the Portal was the last of the Stormwind army.

The movie represents the first war, which ended in stormwinds defeat and destruction, which is where the movie left.

the humans must forge the alliance and move north to lordaron and start gathering a new army for the second war.

the movie only took place at the bottom right of Azeroth, there is still Lordaron and kalimdor

Shit, i meant Orgrim.

What? Durotan did die.

See I thought during this time Stormwind was like still being made? Like doesn't the Dark Portal happen the orcs ransack the Alliances towns and villages then the Alliance build Stormwind after running the orcs out of elwyn so they can have a capital to do with these new threats?

Didn't you see the pan shot of his lifeless body on the ground as his "friend just walks away like nothings wrong"

>get book of medivh
>open portal
wow, much difficult

surely someone in the burning legion could open the dark portal in exchange for some orcs.

ye for some hot masculine orc pussy ;)

he returned and said goodbye to him and took his tooth to give to thrall

>book of medivh

Doesn't Khadgar got it?

>Gul'dan is still warchief,

Gul'dan isn't warchief. He's the leader of the horde, but he doesn't lead them into battle. Warchief has been retconned to mean general and chieftains of the chieftains.

Oh yeah that should make him feel better about the whole situation.

>the movie only took place at the bottom right of Azeroth, there is still Lordaron and kalimdor

And Northren

And all those islands in the great sea.

Medhiv took it back and burned all his written documents.
try to Follow FFS.

>Medhiv took it back and burned all his written documents.

Oh snap your right!

Did he keep another copy in his tower?

Well he didn't burn the book, so wherever he took it back there it is. But it's irrelevant, the book was a movie construct used as a mean to put kadghar on the right track. In the game's lore he discovers all this shit because he didn't stop working with the guardian.

What I don't get. Why didn't Gul'dan get concerned about learning humans could control the fel as well? Don't you think it would be a good idea to go investigate this? Does Gul'dan even know Medivh is dead? How will Sargeras communicate with him?

>Why didn't Gul'dan get concerned about learning humans could control the fel as well
Gul'dan was actually the one communicating with Medhiv. To be faire it wasn't explained at all in the movie, only implied.

youtube is currently broken but here's a link to explanations of the lore, it starts much before the events and the movie and stops much later so feel free to skip a bit.


I learned about all this shit from here since I never was big into warcraft, I'm more the Starcraft guy.

>Gul'dan was actually the one communicating with Medhiv.

Yeah I know, but does he know he's dead?

Isn't Northern basically ruled by the Vrykul, frost trolls and the spider people at this time in the story? Since the Lich King doesn't exist yet, I can't remember there being any human kingdoms there, same with Kalimdor. The human kingdoms are Azeroth(Stormwind, destroyed at the end of the first war), Lordaeron, the northern human kingdom, Kul'Tiras(the island, sea based kingdom). Then there's Malarian(mages), Quel'danas(High Elves) and Ironforge(dwarves), Gnomeregan is also part of the alliance and the wildhammer dwarves in the north.

>book was a movie construct
what? It's in the games too. Nerzhul gets a hold of it somehow but if there's a movie sequel they'll probably have guldan get it


Fuck auto-correct, it's supposed to be Dalaran, I also forgot Gilneas, they are close to Lordaeron in the north

Stormwind sent the vast majority of their soldiers to try to close the dark portal, if the orcs march on Stormwind now, the human allied countries won't have time to send soldiers to Stormwind.

At this point, it's the frost trolls and the Nerubians of Azjol-Nerub who rule Northrend. The Vrykul are currently in slumber because of their King setting them that way and will be until the Lich King arrives on the scene.

You also forgot the Kingdoms of Alterac and Arathor.

>I can't remember there being any human kingdoms there, same with Kalimdor.
correct, I don't think they even know about them at this point

Well, Durotan challenged Gul'dan while knowing that he would die by doing so.

I thought the lich king was a slumbering (somewhat)ancient evil.

Well there is Theramore but I guess that might not bet there yet. Im not sure but It might of been built after Lordareon falls.

Did any of you fuckers actually listened even once to what the characters were saying during this movie?
The king went with a small contingent to attack the portal, Mr.Hero even get sent to jail for violently arguing that they NEEDED the whole army.

I thought I had forgotten that movie within hours but it seems it's nothing like you people forgetting it as you were seeing it.

the lich king is basically nerzhul, created by kiljaeden

Lich King is Ner'zhul an orc shaman and major figure during the second war and the Alliance expedition into Draenor.

Nope, I just checked, Medhiv told him to take just 3 legions(the ones Llane thought he coudl spare while leaving enough to "contain" the orcs) because with Medhiv and the Frostwolf they could win.

Yeah but he wouldn't of needed to if they weren't ambushed during there secret meeting because he told Gul'dan. It will all be redeemed next movie when he sacrifices himself so Thrall can kill whats his name Demon General guy so ehh.

Oh, so Orgrim told Gul'dan, and that's why they were ambushed? I don't remember this from the movie.

thanks wikifag

remember guldan sucking the soul out of some human three times while talking to orgrim? That's when it happened.

Critics were hard as it was a fucking bucket of shit.
The acting was awful, story was bollocks.
It looked like a straight to tv type

That scene happened chronologically after Durotan had been imprisoned, I'm pretty sure. Or are you saying they mention it during that scene?

The movie was not worse than a 4/10



How long till this based nigga appears in the next film?

>Lich King is Ner'zhul an orc shaman

Ner'zhul's cut user. Just like a shit ton of other stuff. Gul'dan is taking Ner'zhul's place for Lich King.

sorry I meant it's explained in that scene, guldan talking about rewarding orgrim for telling him etc. I dont actually recall a scene of orgrim telling guldan but I might be wrong.

>next movie, thrall
>skipping tides of darkness + beyond the dark portal
No, fuck you. I want to see demons too but you've gotta keep this shit in order. You can't argue against that when everyone agrees the movie was bloated in story elements.

>I want to see demons too but you've gotta keep this shit in order.

Don't worry user, there are demons in tides of darkness.

>Oh, so Orgrim told Gul'dan, and that's why they were ambushed?

Did you watch the film user? Yes that's what happened.

You know that's not what I mean.

>yfw arthas succeeds his father onscreen
>yfw warcraft succeeds vidyakino


>tfw you will never see NO OLD FRIEND, YOU FREED US ALL on a big screen in a movie theatre

>tfw no film can never match the cut scenes of warcraft 3 or 2

Why live?

Ner'zhul was there, he just had no lines

no he wasnt

Protip, the movie canon is ignoring the games canon so they can do whatever the fuck they want.

you're right they are ignoring everything! Guldan is a human king, durotan is a murloc queen and lothar and thrall have merged into a shamanistic protector of the universe

Garona is no longer half Draenei so eat shit you cockmongler niggger.

yeah, he was.

Every single one of the warlords of draenor was there but they had no lines because they aren't important in this arc. If you really don't recognise Grommash or Ner'zhul when you see them then i don't know why youre discussing Warcraft lore

He's gona be Teron Gorefiend.

holy shit the world has done a complete 360! Some irrelevant, no consequence little tidbit gets changed means they are ignoring everything! Just throw the lore out guys! everything has changed!

nerzhul wasnt there

It is pretty important though. Not as far as lore is concerned, but for characterization.

The fact that the movie DOES feature Draneis makes it inexcusable.

Nerzhul's the one with the staff and tribal shit when Draka gives birth, Gul'dan gives his staff to Nerzhul. Nerzhul's holds 2 staves at that point.

Lothar's character got raped
The entire assassination of Llane got changed
Blackhand and Doomhammer are completely irrelevant and virtually non-existant

I could go on you fucking fat kike, your garbage movie is shit and I will still never go to your kikema to see it, eat shit and die in my oven.

nerzhul didnt go through the portal.

who gives a fuck about garona