Anybody live in an area where this is your unofficial alarm clock...

anybody live in an area where this is your unofficial alarm clock? god forbid we have any music in the streets or something nice

>finally have day off
>plan to sleep in
>7AM the infernal sound of leaf blowers starting up
>want to grab my AR and unload mag into mexican

Yes actually. Don't got a gun myself, but I've had the urge to throw stuff at them for waking me up.

even worse, i have a retired neighbor who
does noisy yard work all day saturday while
i'm trying to relax in the pool

worse. My neighbor lets his dump truck idle for 20 minutes every day at 5am, it's parked 15 feet from my bed. I will kill him someday

damn, some people have no common courtesy can't he let it idle somewhere else away from someone's bedroom?

oh my god... every fucking morning... without fail... apparantly people need to mow their fucking lawn like once a day because on any given morning i have to listen to like 3 different loud fucking motors. its noise pollution and it should be illegal to do that shit before noon at least.

oh and how could i forget the neighbor with the enormous fucking truck, sounds like a fucking bomb going off every day 5am.

i hope they all drop off the face of the earth. mornings should be quiet, peaceful and reflective, not a literal miasma of the most abrasive sounds on the planet

i'm a leafblower wielding madman myself
but i wait until about 10am to start my shit.
my neighbor doesn't

his grass might be greener than mine, but the neighborhood dogs shit on it much more often than they do on mine.

i don't see the logic of waking up my neighborhood at 7am on a weekend. i'm just not that disrespectful.

I find it ironic that the fact is if I were to bring my guitar and amp in the middle of the street and start playing someone would call the cops on me but they're perfectly okay with the sound of mowers and leaf blowers

why not help him finish it faster? maybe in the future hell be a little more considerate since you helped him

I don't like to have the afternoon sun beating on me, but I don't start until about 10am like other assholes who get up and start at the literal break of dawn.