/cyc/ Vuelta a Espana stage 21

Vuelta a Espana

Goatboy coronation episode. Should be a short, fun stage.

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I think there's a women's race going on first. So...comedy, I guess.

how was the morning ride lads?

I unleashed my autism again. Even went over a nasty gravel road to make the ear, nearly went down a couple of times.

Not great, tee-bee-haitch
It rained last night, so everything was muddy. Looks like my afternoon will be spent cleaning my bike.

Wet roads in dry weather are the worst, having to clean my drivetrain and having an asscrack full of mud. I do like riding when its actually raining because the constant watercooling feels so good, even on a colder day.

So lads... Wimin's cycling.... who's who?

I dont care 2bh, gently falling asleep to Matt's soothing voice

Who's the female commentator? She speaks like someone from a British gangster movie.

I'm watching the tour of Britain on tv because I can't be asked to go on my comp for euro sport

Would you do a request?

opinions on this technique?

if its possible, sure. Roads are a bit limiting, so ill have to see what I can do. One day ill make a giant 200km thing.

Gay ass hippie who is 2cool for a proper bike and putting others in danger. Fixie riders should all be gassed.

I was hoping the video would end in a massive crash of moustache wax and culture-appropriating tattoos.

You disappoint me.

I kek evertim

I really loved the Contador performance in this Vuelta. He recover from a bad start, helped Quintana, and destroyed Chaves at the TT. I'm happy for Chaves but Contador deserved better.

make a benis

That was badass. I was expecting him to crash the entire time

kek that sounds doable

Is "Rijff" pronounced like "ridge-if" or "reif"?

>turn on stream
>oh nice 8k to go , i can see the good bit and the ceremony bit
>notice its a fucking women race

>women's racing
every time.

>When you see it


Have Orica tactics always been so canny or have they picked it up with their GC game this year?

I think what high level gps artists do is pause and unpause to get impossible lines, but you might consider that cheating.

>pause and unpause to get impossible lines

thats worse cheating than armstrong could even dream of desu


Is it more impressive to win one of each Grand Tour or three Tours de France?

I think a doubles more impressive

i.e i think if froome did the double this year (vuelta and tdf) it would be a bigger achivment then his three tdf wins

A real shame, that he got so close, but for one pants-on-head level tactical blunder.

If Chris Froome sweeps the Grand Tours he would be Chris Broom

When Chris Froome got married he was Chris Groome


When he retires and opens a garden center it will be called Chris Bloom

When he wins a Grand Tour that isn't the Tour de France it will be called thing that never happened.


Rude. He would have won this Vuelta 9/10 times, that stage 15 was just one big meme.

Not taking anything away from goatboy, he reacted fast enough and Froome didnt, but it could simply be considered bad luck for skelly boy.

This ,Froome was technically the best gc rider but it was a tactical error on the teams part that was avoidable

7/8 mounths till the next grand tour.

Fug, hope we have a thread for the world champs in October.

Also Giro di Lombardia

yes, based race

Will nibbs be back in time?

80 click to go. It's 2am and I'm tired AF

Random reminder that cycling is a sport for cucks and eunuchs.

it's not random if u do it every thread idiot

do a meme arrow and pinot

Any idea what Jose said?

Urika Bike-Exchange

I you get cucked by a cyclist or is there some other reason for being so mad?



Only ITTs can save last stages

not much till the world championship sprinting now
I don't reckon you guys do threads on cyclocross

Why do they even end grand tours in a snoozefest? It should end with a bang, with the GC deciding stage. An ITT would indeed be pretty damn good, keeping the GC wide open right until the end. And give nice prizes for finishing order up until like 50th place, to make sure everyone gives it their all.


its over lads


>give nice prizes for finishing order up until like 50th place, to make sure everyone gives it their all.

m8 everyone who isn't a top rider (70-80% of the field) is vying for contract renewals by the end of the year, that alone is enough incentive

that's it
see you guys in qatar

How fucking hot is Qatar in the season they're to race in?

they throw money at the sky to cool it down so it's OK

Average high 35 (95) average low 25 (77)

Hot as BALLS but probably a dry heat? They mentioned it'll be running later in the day.


>Hot as BALLS

kek, 35C is actually the temperature that your body maintains in your scrotum, so its literally hot as balls.

>Nairo leader of the UCI World Tour

1 3

The scale of this compared to what I saw at the TDU presentation is immense.

Chaves is dangerously cute desu

Yeah Chaves is just as small as Nairo :^)


he put too many talent points in looking cute, goat boy put all his points in his cycling abilities and it shows.

10/10 top bro, would hang out and share pizza with


Froome seems like such a nice guy, and after this season I can finally like his riding style. I will be a full on Froome fan next season 2bh.

it must feel nice after such a long and good season


got me

Froome must be among the top 3 most likeable-unlikable athletes in the world

He is
Id hit it desu

If anyone wants more there's a quebec stream at
it's pretty comfy.
See you lads in Doha, good night.

When will he attack?

next giro

>tfw you'll never cuddle with Chaves

Next Giro, probably no Froome, no Quintana, no Chaves, no contador, maybe no Nibali, and even no Kruijswijk (I imagine). So who shall win it?

good for Quintana that he got this win 2bh, must be tough competing against GOAT Froome, and I dont think he will ever win a TDF as long as Froome is competing. I hope for him Froome doesnt pull a Valverde and remains competitive until age 63.

it's the year of >pinot
cap this

Kruijswijk will probably be there, I remember reading that he really likes the Giro, mostly because he cant really handle the heat of midsummer in the TDF too well. I think he will focus on the Giro again next year.

Maybe Big Tom D as well? Itll be his first season as a GC guy, and Giant will probably have Barguil as their guy in the TDF.

itll be a great race anyway, with or without big names. The Giro always is.


Probably Bora GC contender for TdF

The Yates bros will be there. Most likely crashwijk also. And Landa/Poels/König from Sky. Possibly >pinot, Tom D is also a possibility.

No matter who will be there it'll be a great race.

Why fo Chaves look so boyish bros?

has anyone checked on alberto yet