ITT were all very kind, caring...

ITT were all very kind, caring, and respectful individuals until someone rolls trips and we all go back to being regular Sup Forums.

user, your post isn't getting any replies... let me bump the thread for you!

This is such a great thread!

A brilliant and original idea! Who knew OP could actually be a pretty solid dude!

Thank you kind gentlesir!

op how are you today?

bump from me user

I hope that everyone of you is having a great day

lol trips..OP is a faggot tits or gtfo

fuuck you all, niggersss

Fuck off nigger Jew, you filthy degenerate. Check em you fuckheads

you fucking useless piece of trash


Topkek, fuck all the nigger jews, Hilary is shit, Trump is our savior

>pretty much just captured Sup Forums in a post


lol blind faggot

>This shit needs to be screencaped

this motha fucka posting like a nigger
fuck his family and fuck everyone he's ever known

in fact i hope you all choke on a dick and die

ITT: a lot of Jews

Heil hitler, gas the jews

You fucking faggot i hope you get fucked in the assholr by a goat with a corkscrew penis you fucking faggot


there was one where the guy broke the rules and said a bad thing but he got trips on the comment where he said it