Are you guys happy?

Are you guys happy?


A little, yeah.


Yes. Yes I am.

ecstatic :D

If you spent 20 minutes throwing up I'm pretty sure you'd need medical assistance.


This has been the best week in decades.

Wait, why did she throw up in the shower?




I'm overjoyed tbh

The coronation was cancelled just in time.
The republic lives on for four more years.
Fucking liberals. Die in a fire.


>he used babies for target practice

is this bitch serious

Love seeing all the snowflakes melting.

He's wondering if he really ruse's if he raffs.

My hero.
Now ship all the wetbacks to Mexico, the niggers to Africa, and the faggots to Russia so America will be great again.

Do you even drink?
Throwing up a couple houres may just happen

I'm just so glad we now have a president that will reinforce the values of Jesus Christ, our lord and savior. All this science and progress and marrying who you want is taking us straight to hell. Thank God the Electoral College is here to correct our nation's will and put a man of Jesus on the throne.

Praise God!

Liberals brought this on selves.
Maybe they'll realize it someday.
I doubt it.
Whining is easier than taking personal responsibility.

Yeah I drink but I havent thrown up from it in over ten years because I'm not a child.


Who the fuck are these people? She's gotta slow the fuck down. She's not that interesting to be so fucking melodramatic and insane. Some people just need to be used for fertilizer

I throw up in the shower nearly every goddamn day due to the retardness of humanity.
Fuck you woman.

Yeah white men are really scary guys. Easily the worst race in the country. Look at them working and paying taxes like scary criminals.

That's the best place to throw up in rage.

That's fucking racist.

~300,000 illegals voted in Cali, obviously for hillary

so, if we take 300,000 votes that shouldn't have happened out of the equation from the total, we get a trump win by pop vote
send cancerfornia to the bottom of the sea for being stupid enough to pass a law allowing illegals to vote


I voted Bernie.
I love the fact that trump won.
Fuck the DNC and HRC.
I want them to suffer through every second of president trump.

People are always so scared of white men. I mean, they're always on the street corner slinging dope and punching people as they walk by. Also, all that white man rape that happens and then they burn down their own neighborhoods when they dont get their way. So scary!

She forgot to add that she is an alcoholic.

>Implying millenials aren't mostly delusional liberals.

This makes me ecstatic. My only wish the other day was to be a fly on the wall of a suicide help center.

And he did it all in FOUR YEARS. You know. Those four years that Hitler was in charge.

Sup Forums's having a victory run now, but wait until Trump fucks Net Neutrality.

haughty contempt for fellow citizens will only weaken the bond of fellowship that must be strengthened at this critical time when we risk such deep division in our gr8 nation. we must all start presidential posting on this great messageboard and our country will bridge the divides which threaten us all as a peepole

seriously i can't stop laughing. watching the sjws literally lose their fucking collective minds brings me so much joy, and i don't even like trump.

Leathal weapon is awesome film


Fucking This. We all know it's coming.

As a gay trans muslim woman of color I fear for my safety right now.

Underrated post. Have my kek.

>faggots to Russia
But youre the russia now

>Tomorrow, I may be more sane.
Blatant lies.



"Minority" got white forehead.

Trump wins again.

Could be worse, you could be an blind obese autistic hunchback amputee with dwarfism on top of all that.

ITT: yryl

I'd say all this jealousy and hatred towards white men is simply feeding the justification of white man's superiority even more. If Hillary own, Trump supporters wouldn't collectively piss and moan while they pour their starbucks coffee over their head and proceed to "not even be able to even".

my mom kinda does the same thing

i mean shes old and sick and so on, but basicaly you cant have a open dissagreement with her any more, she trows a tantrum and gets theatricaly sick, puking, crying, dying, untill you just do what she says, or at least thats the usual plan

this reminds me of many of these, they like get so outraged and triggered and then they cry about it and how sick they are now till enough people shit compassion and support in their face they feel in control again

I need a drink, too, but just for the sake of it

I havent's been so happy in years. Seeing all those libtards doing their crybabies and having the reality check they should have had years ago is so god damn good.

You know what's the best part?

This level of unprecedented buttblasting is going to keep going for atleast 4 whole years!

4 whole years of reliable, renewable keks. My my, what a time to live.

Next time she does that just keep ignoring her. Maybe she'll actually die this time.

>"im steaming stomping mad cuz muh wymyns cannidate dinnt win"

Literal 5 year olds. I voted Obama 08 and 12 and that nigga never once gave me a job, or a dollar, or a phone call

What kind of literal Satan breaks the news of a loved ones death via text?

I know right? And this fucking warped retard is putting an election result up there with losing the supposed love of their life.

Because it wasn't in jeopardy already, and would have been any different if Clinton had won the presidency.


Dems won my 2.5 million votes you troglodyte

Literal Kek on Earth.



They won by 200,000 you tard

Extremely Happy
Praise Kek & Trump


Who asked for this?





If she an alcohol then who was phone?


So... Women are minority?
Is she retarded or someth... Oh right, she's a liberal.


Can illegals vote in America?

Well, women are considered a "minority", even though they make up I believe 51% of the population....

Either way, I'm classified as a "protected minority" under EEOC too, and I'm as white as the fresh driven snow (German/Scandinavian ancestry, for the past 700 years, confirmed)...

>Trump: 60,072,551
>Hillary: 60,467,601

Δ = 395,050

The difference was 200k previously, but it's up to 400k now. Nowhere near 2.5 million. Perhaps you should work on your reading comprehension to realize they were talking about california's illegals impact on the total vote count.

OH MY GOD, you are fucking retarded.

Look at the total popular vote before you post bullshit, fucking stupid ass nigger. you should be hung with the rest of the thug-mentality driven NIGGERS

i so feel ya. member blm and sjw? wont need to member them for long. i bet those assholes are going to retreat soon enough. cowards.

Hope this faggot enjoys his AIDS.

She would still have won popular vote. How does it feel to be part of a party that has fucked America out of the consensus vote for president again. Now Trump isn't building a wall. He is putting Dc lifetime party members in his cabinet. Bringing in corporate leaders to run our country. Drain the swamp lol. What a fucking joke. You fucking racist assholes are getting drilled. Uneducated whites are going to get the fat Trump cock hardest.

Illegals can't get a driver's license in most states, how the fuck do you figure 300,000 actually voted?

Ignorant troll

Enjoy the feeling while it lasts.

You'll be sorry soon. Very sorry...

I don't get why all the dumbass democrats assume we are all racist I have friends from almost every ethnic group and a college education. So go fuck yourself and your idiotic stereotypes.

no there would be people getting sniped at government offices and a wave of public shootings

how's it feel to be a little cuck baby?

Absolutely. She sounds like a fucking bitch to begin with.

It is rigged. They've all been rigged.

This country isn't here to serve are one its worker ants.

Get back to work or you'll be squished like a bug.

This country has run over its own with tanks, burned them in their own houses, dropped bombs on them, or just shot them dead while holding their own baby.

You think there's a difference between USA and China? There's not.

No one in this country was ever free.


What they don't understand is that calling us racist is what people are sick of and is what made Trump win.

Trump has a ton of support from people who voted for Obama the last two cycles, he turned blue states red... yeah, okay, they're all racists.

Yeah.'ll be culled.

I am a non muslim in a muslim country, I almost get killed once.
Yet I wouldn't bitch and freak out just because a muslim president.
This is really disgusting smh
How come people become so stupid.
Fucking 'minoritiy' in US got all the priviledge. I hate it so much.

Don't worry, brother. We're about to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Come join us.

Weeeeeeeellllllllllll....Hitler didn't buuuuuuuuuuuut......alot of Nazis did