Look, we all know what happened. Punk was meant to have an easy first fight and Gall was the chosen opponent. Obviously he was supposed to take a dive to let punk establish himself before his first real fight, and he chose to go into business for himself and put legit moves on a guy who thought he was fighting a man who wasnt going to fight back. It/s bullshit and if Punk went in knowing it was a real fight he would have won easy.
Look, we all know what happened. Punk was meant to have an easy first fight and Gall was the chosen opponent...
Canadians everyone
Hello /asp/ie
and stay there
Bad b8.
Put some more effort in it.
fuck off to
Fuck off no one cares. MMA is so shit
btw /asp/ hates punk.
You can keep him.
His fight showed how serious any "real" sport is.
Its all about the money, if beyonce wants to be an mma fighter they will give her a titleshot within a second.
I just watched the fight.I have seen fights between fathers and their 8 years old son that are more even than that fight
>no one cares
>replies in the thread
et oui CM punk de mes cuilles, c'est pas du catch, c'est pas du cinema, c'est pas un spectacle a la con ! il te donne un combat contre un mec qu on connais pas , avec victoire! et tu t'es fait laminer.... je comprend tjrs pas cette mascarade de l'ufc d'avoir accepter l'entrée de ce mec ! ca se creuve les yeux qu'il sait pas se battre..... bref un coup mediatique qui ternie l'ufc a mon sens ! c'est quoi leur prochaine trouvaille?? un catcheur francais contre mc gregor?? lol
Punk woulda won if he knewi t was a real fight going into it. Gall was supposed to lay down to get punk off on a real start to his career but he wanted the glory for himself and took punk off guard.
awful b8 m8 i r8 0/8
>I have seen fights between fathers and their 8 years old son
uhhhh, you OK Spain?
un autre americain qui parle francais? putain c'est bizarre
I don't Fucking understand what happened!?
Duke said CM Punk was going to surprise people! Did Duke Fucking lie to us!?
My god I'm still laughing about it
>That sprint at the start of the round
>That weak jab attempt
>Gall hammer fisting punks face
>tfw trump beats clintion like gall beat punk