Anyone else feels like quitting their job and drinking themselves to death after running out of money...

Anyone else feels like quitting their job and drinking themselves to death after running out of money, like Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas?
I'm a programmer, 32, got nothing to work towards.
Were you in a similar situation but then found something or someone worth caring for? Or have you lost all hope and are maintaining status quo out of habit/cowardice? Tell us your story.

Other urls found in this thread:

No kill yourself

I'll tell you, but first you need to tell me that girls name


>Used to be a waiter in a shit hotel. Worked my way to management. Hated it.
>Became an author and earned no money.
>Became a book publisher and started making big bucks and enjoying life.

Maybe all you need is a change, user.

I a .


I was about the same as you OP.

I picked up drawing as a hobby. Despite sucking at it, it helps pick my mood up considerably.

And now I get to draw all my degenerate sexual fetishes. :3

