Shota bread #1

shota bread #1









lurking if anyone is still dumping














from r34 bread







Where can i get these images, but real?

Is it weird that I want someone to approach me like I'm a little boy and do lewd things with me?

Like I wanna pretend I'm talking to an older guy on the internet and planning to meet him...

How old should I be?

Anywhere you can get other FBI monitored porn you weirdo

I do too but also with girls.

The Intellectual Sex Fetish
It’s S&M for Ph.D.s: Cuckolding, in which men watch their wives have sex with other guys, is catching on among people with high IQs who revel in the psychological agony.

Yeah, I'm not interested in being submissive to girls... Only way older men. My boyfriends have all been 5+ years older than me.




Ill dom you ;)

Do you have a comic that is a math teacher after class or something like that?


Would you talk to me on tinychat or something? I'm a little scared...

thats a little to realistic for my tastes




Do you have the 3D one where they're on the beach with like 5 of them and 1 is tied up

I'll bump a few times for good luck








I'll dump a gif set and then I'm done


lol do u imagine urself with a bonar while high on drugs and picture urself in ur sisters underwearw with ur friend girl from 10 years aago so u want to beb asian and a little girl












More 3d


i would love if a boy would do this to me


Yup, I have more stuff if you like


Enjoy this while you can over the next two months, before the Trump nazi (who you elected) rolls in.


I'd like to be a shota again and team up on a well endowed woman


Awww, user saved my shit :3

last one. Can't be arsed to post any more. Have a good thread


Did you have a stroke while writing this?
