If hillary clinton won we would have been thrown into a war with one of our oldest and most powerful enemies: RUSSIA

Meaning if we went to war with russia. Our planet would die, not just the US our PLANET.

Trump won, Russia wants to reopen relations with the US meaning THEY WANT TO BE OUR FRIENDS.


So if you hillary fags got your way you would have killed us all. Congratulations. Trump won and saved the world.

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Why do we still continue to use logic against libtards. It's something they had little of to begin with, and gave up on long ago.

Translation: "Attention Shillary Clinton fags, I believe shit I hear on conservative propaganda news stations."

Because maybe, just maybe, they might get it through their 8' thick skulls that if they look past their noses and retarded ideas and see the bigger picture.


I planned for war now that Trump won I don't know what to do with the rest of my life

If the facebook pussies are right there will be a civil war. grab your gun and take to the streets, shoot down the liberals if it happens.

If i had a skull that big, i could probably see everything.

The world is safe, we'll be taking 6 inches of all sorta toxic shit straight up the ass.

Civil wor is fine nuclear was my problem

Lol he pointing out gullible yuppies*

better than our world getting blown to bits by nuclear warfare.

Im not saying that trump is a good person. Im saying he merely postponed our demise.

Why are you still trying to reassure yourself?
He won the same way the republicans always win... they drag out some celebrity and let him do whatever he wants. Because they know the boomers are still going to vote against the democrat because of MUH GUNS and EHRMAGERD ABORTIONS AND GAYS are ruining everything.
And like always, the democrats try their hardest to rig the primary and pic the most corrupt person possible, despite the fact that they had a candidate that would have blow trump away.

But I hear the Rooskies want to build a wall right down the middle of Berlin.

Oh wait, we're totally into walls again. Never mind.


You ARE in a war right now.
Beat blacks, rape anyone you want, kill mexicans. If you´re white, you´re in power.
Show everyone that the country belongs to YOU.

since when did republicans become such cucks to Russia? I thought you guys love starting wars.

stay mad you salty liberal cuck


This this this 1000000x this
Funny that Republicucks call Liberals "cucks"

You know who was also old as fuck when he became president, had a name ending in -onald, and *wasn't* deathly afraid of Russia?

He'd be ashamed of what you're saying, user.
Build the wa... Fence?

since they did a drill with 40 mil people saying yeah well go nuclear

Actually, come to think of it, this shit could work as some sort of population control. Scientist might have time enough to invent vaccines and shit that lower the harms due to the damn toxins while all the autistic 400 pound folks and good for nothing poverty stricken folks would either refuse or wouldn't be capable of affording that shot. Degenerates die out and the smarter folks survives. Fuck, he might be pretty useful after all.


Revert back to how nature intended! ONLY THE STRONG SHALL SURVIVE!

If you dont wanna work and would rather rely on welfare? Die.

Russia is going to be free to whatever the hell it wants. NATO can't do much without a competent commander in chief in America.

We are in for a very interesting four years. If you think this is comedy then I have no words small or edgy enough for you.

It's sad that you believe that. Hillary was a globalist. Which means not getting into anything but proxy wars.

Voting in trump fucks europe. He'll back down and let russia do whatever they want while talking tough. Meanwhile, his cabinet is the most fucked up villains gallery anybody has ever seen in the modern world.

Yes, hillary would have interfered more in middle east issues for the all mighty oil. Trump will probably abandon our allies when they need help.

Fuck, you could even start building some sort of greenhouse bunker too. Dem good for nothing blackies and hillbillies wouldn't think twice about that type of shit.

>GAYS ruining everything
but this is sadly true, look what sjw and liberals done