Hey Sup Forums what the hell is this, we just found it in my friends ceiling. I'm concerned

Hey Sup Forums what the hell is this, we just found it in my friends ceiling. I'm concerned.

Maybe drugs

looks like an 18 year olds bedroom floor covered in shit

You're not wrong

Seriously, what Is this shit. It made my hands burn upon touching, it might have been in my head though


Snort it


its a pack of large silica gel beads.Snort it and u die. Eat it and you'll probably die.

I can tell you one thing for certain: Take your angsty ass outside any place without a CCL with those knuckles or switchblade and you're going to have a felony conviction weapons charge.

Should I cut it open?

possibly a moisture grabber to help with mold in your ceiling.

Thanks mate. And you mean my nigger defense kit?


Not much good when a nigger blows your wig back

That bayonet looks half decent at least.
Better pic?

it's that thing that guy was holding in fight club movie front cd case

It's Czech, ww1 era

the colors are the same yours just looks bigger

You mean the bar of soap? I don't understand.

It's literally soap. You mentally are not sound.

So you think the red bag of beads looks like a purple bar of soap? I'm at a loss

Are you on drugs?

>So you think the red bag of beads looks like a purple bar of soap? I'm at a loss
It literally says soap on the box. Obviously a nigger, theyre unfamiliar with soap

Very nice,
Throw all the other crap away and learn how to use that weapon effectively. You can easily kill a man with it. Hell some one probably killed several men with a pedigree weapon like that.

It is a fine weapon. Most of the others are sketchy or homade or both. Or hand sharpened like these Freemason swords.

the bag is probably some form of moisture absorber, put it back or your shit will get moldy.

is that an airsoft mp40? get some real guns kiddo, and a ccl. brass knuckles will get you in more trouble than they're worth.

It's hard to tell just from a picture. What does it taste like?

Damn. You ruined them by sharpening them.
Should have left them alone.
And take better pics FFS


Ah yes that looks like an ied.

Sweaty leather and jizz

is that a goddamn muzzle loader

They were sharpened upon purchase. Also it's just my shitty phone camera.