So Trump supporters how are you feeling that your god emperor lied to you?

So Trump supporters how are you feeling that your god emperor lied to you?

Hes not even in office yet and he's already back peddled on his main promises.

>He's not building the wall it's just a fence extention

>he's not going to mass deport

>he's not going to muslim ban

>he's not repealing Obama care

Other urls found in this thread:

Havent seen those....but did see he filled his transition team with fucking lobbyists and corporate fucks that he was "going to drain" from government.......I'm having a slight mini stroke here watching this shit, industry is going to be a bigger rapist

You have to have been an honest to god retard to not see that he was just saying all that shit to get the clueless white trash in the country to follow him so he could get in office and do whatever he actually wanted. Patiently waiting for him to slowly reveal to the right that they actually put a liberal in the white house.


When the fuck did he say any of this, dumb ass?


Just like Obama did when he appealed to niggers

4/0/5 moron

Oh, sorry.

Interesting......but not factual.....just like many Trump ideas

And how do you know all of this? What are your sources?

after his meetings with obama and capital hill, dumb ass. that happened thursday, in case you didn't know (which you didn't)

The only way to get these fatcat asshole (AND Trump) to understand will be to impeach his ass ASAP if he does not do EXACTLY what he promised..

We are never going to scrape the slime out of our system unless we get serious and start prosecuting these fucks for NOT doing what they promised.

this is legit
>feel the butthurt

exact same thread on Sup Forums right now

you CTR faggots do realize you aren't getting paid anymore right

>voting for trump
>following through to make sure he makes good on what he said

Choose one


>still spewing this meme

The elections over fuckwit, you can go back to calling everyone a cuck again.

shop this dick bitch



please read all of the news posts about trump's first day's meetings in washington on Thursday

Who is naive enough to believe that promises are kept, and at the same time bored/unimportant-feely enough to dig into any form of ideologies?

>being this mad because your candidate lied to your dumbass to get in power

God, those fuckers are so stupid.

Things do look a bit dire.
Still giving him some benefit of doubt, but i really hope he understands why her's there.

Gee, that's too bad.

I guess I should smash his walk of fame star, or maybe block a busy street in protest...maybe skip my exams, threaten to go to Canada, cry in a safe zone or beat the shit out of the first white person I see.

Trump supporters don't care, brah. They only only care about their frog god having put the gingerbread messiah into the white house, because kek that's why, and all else is irrelevant.

don't try to reason with the unreasonable, they cannot hear, they must be made to feel -and soon, because of their very vote, they will... along with the rest of the country.


praise kek and shit and such


To continue the status quo because he's really just a puppet like all the other ones?

He's not going to win. Check the polls,

Just asking. Do you like it?

>your candidate lied to you
>I don't give a shit my love is unconditional



You left out the clueless fucktard Sup Forumsacks. This election proved only one thing. Trump has the dubious distinction of being slightly less popular than Trump.

Well, if he does exactly that, the guillotines will come and everyone will die.
The public showed that they're willing to vote on a orange turd to reform, and if he don't? well, they will have to deal with decapitate wallstreet.


Um, u can't impeach a president for blowing smoke up your dumb ass

I mean Hillary. God, damn, I am so pissed off I am shaking. I'll fucking remove your liver.

I still believe that he will NOT fill the SCOTUS with liberal justices that move us towards socialism and he will NOT outlaw the natural right to self defense as Hillary would have. He will also work towards corporate and personal income tax reduction. So, yes, MISSON ACCOMPLISHED.

Day III and Trump is STILL less popular than Hillary Clinton.

Wasnt a vote for Trump "a vote against Wallstreet"?

Also the average person won't be able to do fuckall when comes down to it.

>exact same thread on Sup Forums right now
>thread on Sup Forums right now
>on Sup Forums right now
>on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
you have to go back

You wouldn't know socialism if its cum was gurgling in your mother's thoat.

>you CTR faggots do realize you aren't getting paid anymore right
that's exactly what (((they))) want you to think, brother.

Not Wall Street but big corps. Hillary was a slave to them for money but Trump had his own.

A president can undergo impeachment proceedings for any reason. Or none at all. It is simply about "The will of the people" Similar to Civil Lawsuits. You can sue some one because you do not like their fucking name. Certainly no guarantee is made about the results.

But again you most certainty CAN impeach ANY elected official.

tbh, I really don't care. I only wanted liberal tears.

>outlaw the natural right to self defense as Hillary would have

You're not talking about the second amendment, are you? News flash: you can defend yourself without a gun, and nobody is going to outlaw your guns. Maybe your death rays and mini nukes, but your guns are relatively safe (from being confiscated).

>Who is naive enough to believe that promises are kept, and at the same time bored/unimportant-feely enough to dig into any form of ideologies?
people who care about politics, you know, unless if you're a Trump supporter... then I guess you don't know.

Hahaha fucking morons

"Oh no, the loudmouthed, racist, scam-artist demagogue is going back on his word. I HAD NO FORESIGHT THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN!"

Well wouldn't say he appeal to them only, I mean, he does not act like one!

I'm too lazy to find a slowpoke picture

tbh you're a fucking retard.


The world deserve to cry

Fuck off shill, the election is over. Hopefully she'll stop paying you cunts.

>>implying a typical trump supporter has any kind of foresight

>head of a big corporation
>multiple businesses

Idk how nobody realized this, but trump is a part of the wall street and big corporations everyone was voting against...

Basically everyone said let's just skip the middle man and elect what we hate directly.

Are the wallstreet cronies super powered or something?
As far i know, they're just as susceptible to things like bullets and guillotines as everyone else.

We've proven that been telling the subhuman guntards that for decades. It never sinks in. They really are as stupid as they look, sound and act.

dun goofed

stay mad. I'm loving this

The Constitution doesn't say anything about a natural right to self defense.

Oh man I'm getting hard from these liberal tears. Keep em coming!

Please, you fucking idiot.

Conservatives take Trump seriously, but not literally.
Democrats take Trump literally, but not seriously.

Go eat a bag of dicks and choke on it.

Thats not the same. If he overtly helps his own business, he will be called out on it.

That's the difference between the left and the right. A Republican knows that not everything spoken by their candidate is true or always going to happen. A liberal takes it as fact and loses it when it's not true.

>obamer seh he gone pay muh bills!

If it can bleed it can die.

The government and corporations don't bleed.


.. they voted for pic related, because they were tired of the "establishment" and the "elite".

>the establisment
>the fucking elite
>pic fucking related

this is so idiot it defies the time-space continuum.

He's not a liberal. Trump's biggest secret is that he's a typical dyed in the wool Republican.

Congrats, white trash retards, on electing a dumber version of Mitch McConnell

Lol, now the crying begins

>muh CTR
>did I mention CTR?

How long is this faggotry going to be a thing? You sound like belligerent Downies.

We KNOW that the right has web shills too. We also know that Russia pays web shills.

>but muh CTR
It's fucking nothing, you worthless, braindead cocksplat.

oh, right... just like Obongo turned America all socialist, and took your guns and killed of the family physicians right?

just like you said he would, right?

right guys?

pls respond


That's because you're a faggot, and your great hope is slightly less popular than Hillary fucking Clinton.



Maybe not user. You seem to be the expert here with your colorful response. I do know the frustrations of a few citizens from the UK wrt their healthcare system. I do know that the only place on earth that I have been personally attacked and robbed was Rome. The irony of the latter was the utter decay of the city, the graffiti, and most ironically, the fact that after the robbery while in a hotel and attempting to shop for a new rifle, my attempt to access the website of an American gun manufacturer was blocked. LOL So, maybe I just do not want my perception of Socialism.

He's one of those cucks that thinks impeachment means he gets kicked out of the white house and doesn't get to be president anymore.

That's the play, motherfuckers. The GOP party regulars assassinate Drumpf on the Ides of March, blame it on the Dems, and Pence (Christian Taliban) Pence is president.


Good luck with that gent. You've got a repub pres, house, senate. You think they'll move to impeach? Kids these days....

>Pence is president.

>start prosecuting these fucks for NOT doing what they promised.

Well, you've got to make it illegal, first.

I'm OK with the big fuck you that Trump represents. But anyone that believes we wouldn't say just anything he wanted to in order to get himself elected is someone who hasn't been paying attention to Trump at all.

>corporate rat
>hustled his way into the white house
>not elite
yes, right... he's just like you, a true blue collar working class hero that only wants what's good for the nation, yes, sure kid.

Stop repeating that little saying. It's not as clever as you think it is and it makes you sound gay.

Are these Brits your friends, or did you just hear about them on Fox?

Considering the House GOP is literally guilty of high treason and nobody has done a fucking thing about it, good luck with that.

>how could Pr[x =1] = 0.15 if x turns out to be 1???????


Easy, nowhere near everyone who says they'll vote ends up doing so.

We average having 13-19% of the population that's eligible to vote doing so.

My biggest concert with trump is not the man himself, but the fact he's a "mahou shoujo" of sorts.
He made a contract with the republicans to became the president, and they granted his wish, but they might want him to do things in exchange of the wish.

>misses sarcasm in image

He was registered dem up until '12.. Just saying.

I'm so glad hillary lost she looks like a cross eyed potato.hillary is a sorry excuse for a woman and I hope I never have to see her down syndrome looking face ever again...hahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaH

yeah these are bad things tho lol guns are for nutcases (you're mentally ill if you'd rather kill a robber than have him arrested) and moving TOWARDS socialism is something the US could definitely use. if you were to basically become sweden without the immigration problem you'd be better off.

If he's willing to keep Obamacare or replace it with universal like he's already talked about on camera, I'll support him. I'll give him a chance. Not a real big chance, but he's got one with me. If he keeps kissing his hillbilly base's ass, he can go fuck himself.

Here's hoping in the name of everything that ever had an IQ above 12 that he just conned the entire right and he's really a sleeper Democrat.

It's literally this stupid country's last hope.

>election is over and you finally have to admit that the people making good arguments against your side aren't all part of some creepy conspiracy that spread all the way to Sup Forums
>still believe everyone is part of the conspiracy

this is the brain of a trump supporter

>voting based on looks and personality
This is why Americlaps are fucked.

Don't be retarded, man! Only you utopia faggot leftits who believe the world is a fairy land do vote for people believing they're just going to get there and do everything that was mentioned on campaign, then start crying because they literally never do. Trump is a step, a very important one, in a building that you will see standing and will only be able to whine about it. But no one with a brain is thinking he's the savior of mankind, or the endgame.
Plus, even not taking that into consideration, we're still in a way better position that all you cucks. Know why? Because we won. You lost
> pic very related