My girlfriend thinks tampons are "sexist" and that it's not fair that women have to pay for something they need...

My girlfriend thinks tampons are "sexist" and that it's not fair that women have to pay for something they need. I've argued with her about this a few times and she calls me sexist for thinking otherwise. I tell her that it's not a sexist plot against women because it's just a fact of nature that women have periods and tampons cost money to make. She just keeps saying it's "not fair". What would you guys do in this situation? I'm having a hard time reasoning with her-- she usually just storms off when she runs out of "points" to make.
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She's fucking stupid. Dump her.

Fuck her and cum inside her. She wont be needing tampons for atleast 9 months and its all free

Tell her not to bring it up again unless she has some better alternative.

Also men have to pay to care for women and children, both of which are significantly more expensive.

Agreed. I'm seriously considering it.

look her dead in the eyes

say "because drinking water is free too....right?"

as the wave of realization washes over her, punch her in the mouth

break up with her

find girlfriend who is less retarded

I've tried explaining capitalism to her but she just doesn't get it. I'm seriously ready to go gay after this chick

tell her its not fair for a woman to have to invest their time for sex because its something they need and it should be free.

id go sleep with all her friends, too.

She just says since we both have to pay for water it's fine, and that since only women pay for tampons it's sexist. She also tried to say women's jeans are more expensive but I immediately shut her down on that one with a quick Googling

"You also need clothes but you don't complai about them" or "I need condoms but I don't complain about them". Use tomething emotional, not logical.

Also, women are not for talking about things

Then tell her that as a man who is larger you have to eat more food than she does. Then say it's not fair.

Like for real I've been single for like 6 years it's not great but it's what you make it. A "good" gf would be fucking amazing but settling for anything less is just agreeing to have tons of "problems" and other stupid bullshit to constantly deal with.

tl;dr most women are stupid cunts/damaged goods.

Women like this deserve to be spinsters. Don't give her any more attention.

Also, lobby for legalization of prostitution. It's far cheaper than marriage.

Tell her about all the tp your buying to wipe up the shit she is splurgeing out her dumb mouth

Tell her men will make a deal with women. We will collectively pay for birth control and hygiene products. In return women are to forfeit alimony and involuntary child support. Oh, and any woman caught whining about the wage gap will wear a gossip's bridel.

This is probably the only thing in the thread she'd actually respond to, but I'm sure she'll just come up with some bullshit response. She's in the basement right now with steam coming out of her ears


why is it only things that specifically concern women that upset her? We all need toilet paper, yet she doesn't throw a bitch fit about that.

You know, I used to think feminists were only concerned with getting more free stuff. But it isn't even that - they only care so long as it's more free stuff for THEM. It's like they can't enjoy something, even if it benefits them, if it isn't also screwing men over at the same time.

>I'm seriously ready to go gay after this chick

I went bisexual and never looked back. Guys are way easier to be around and give the best blowjobs and are willing to do it anytime.


Women can be fun to talk to, but if you try to reason with them, it always ends with you confused and frustrated and her in a rage. It doesn't matter whether you're right, only that her feelings are given center stage.

This is where the sitcom trope of the "wife is always smarter than her bumbling husband" came from--real men henpecked until they agree that the sky is green.

In other words, shrug and change the subject. Your addressing the issue seriously only validates her retarded ideas.

You have to have food and water to live so dump her op

PURE Genius.

(they would still whine about it)

OP here. Trying to talk her bitch ass down right now. Going gay soon. Thanks for the tips guys

Fuck I read that as "willing to of time". Lol thought you went gay to lure men and make then your personal scape goat

I went through that shit with my gf like six months ago except she was like staining up all my fucking furniture. I have expensive white living room furniture. So after on particularly bad cycle (she just would turn over the sofa pillows ) I invited over (as a surprise for her 23 birthday) her mom and dad and about 12 of her best pals and turned all my ruined furniture pillows over FOR ALL TO SEE. Her dad said at the start in front of everyone "What are you two do in here illegal abortions?" To which I said no you daughter refuses to use a tampon or Kotex because it is sexist..Fixed that problem real quick.

Jesus Christ I wish this was real

>I have expensive white living room furniture


its probably more expensive than yours

just sayin

Ever seen these?
They are washable-reuseable.

Ugh, 7 years in user here. She tries to pull this shit with me sometimes. Depending on the situation (i.e. can I be bothered to teach here a leason, or not) a change my respond.

>Muh opinion! MuhSogionies!
*Our eyes lock*
I Sacrestically (Sacred sarcasticism) tell her
'Thank God we save children an women first in case of life threatening circumstances right!?'

Or, when I feel less 'up to it'
>Muh opinion! MuhSogionies!
Your life sucks balls... I feel privileged to live my life. I definitely got the better end of the deal here...
>Muh opinion! Muh... You pay now!
Nope, I am privileged for a reason, no shut up I am watching TV

Tell her that every time something offends her, it's because she's a whiney, entitled cunt, not because the world is sexist/racist/ageist etc. At the very most, it's capitalist and there were women for millenia that didn't use tampons. She's confusing want with need. If she really wants to get uppity about the world being against her, maybe she should start getting offended when people don't feed her for free, considering that IS a basic need, then suggest she go make you a sammich for free or she's being a shitty person if she doesn't. The world doesn't revolve around her cunt, it revolves around money. The sooner you dump her to the curb, the better, but make sure you push all of her buttons first because she's a fucking idiot and deserves to be mistreated for playing victim to get what she wants.

>Mostly used in Scotland and France
>Google="Period Cups"

>have to pay for something they need
You mean like food, water, and shelter?

Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should. For example, my computer is probably more expensive than yours. Just sayin'.

She doesn't have to buy tampons. She can just bleed into her pants. Or stuff a sock down there. She chooses to use tampons. There was a time before tampons, and women certainly made do back then.

Epic fucking truthbomb here

wish more stupid SJw cunts came on b/ so they could read this and realise how dumb they fucign are

the bark strips or the womans bleeding hut where they stayed until it was over, made for a peaceful time for the other villagers.

They wouldn't learn. Losing to Dolan couldn't educate them, what makes you think this shithole could?

It has nothing to do with capitalism, the resources for tampons could be used better elsewhere when she could just pack her underwear with washcloths that you most likely already have

maybe the Roman sponge would amuse her?

It actually has everything to do with capitalism. There is demand for cotton swabs designed to stop dirty cunts from bleeding everywhere, so kotex sells it. The resource allocation you mention will be applied wherever is profitable, not where it's "better used". You're thinking communism.

life isn't fair. if she wants them for free, that means someone else has to make/pay for them and who does she suppose that person should be if not the end user? why is it fair to force this other person to make them?

more to the point, tell her what's really not fair is that she's willing to vent her anger about this toward you; the person she's supposed to love. it's disrespectful.

>since only women pay for tampons it's sexist
congratulate her on realising that men and women are fundamentally, biologically not equal; and in fact that no two people are really equal, let alone 50% of the population. everyone gets a roll of the dice and some people get fucked more than others. we're all just dealing with it the best we can

"life isn't fair. grow up"

k this chick went from unreasonable to stupid pretty fast