Do any of Trump's retarded supporters realize that they were manipulated so that congress could get their old butt...

Do any of Trump's retarded supporters realize that they were manipulated so that congress could get their old butt buddies into government?

Pence, Christie, Bolton, Sessions, Giuliani. Trump is bringing all the insiders and lobbyists into power and after that they're going to impeach his orange ass with unanimous support.

Congrats on electing Mike Pence to the presidency

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>implying hillary wouldnt either

at least they would mostly consist of moderates instead of far right fundamentalists

>Pence, Christie, Bolton, Sessions, Giuliani.
Far right? Lol.

Learn proper English, you dumb-fuck!

"Drain the swamp!"
>fills cabinet with lobbyists, insiders and old politicians

You marks got played so hard.

More retarded was who thought that a conservative methodist, raised in the 50s, and a member of one of the most traditional families of the United States was the liberal dream.

As a foreigner I was amazed how the media vehicles weren't able of manipulate big part of the Americans, in many other countries things would be different.

We weren't going to get right wing death squads with life long Democrat Trump, but with Pence, THE DAY OF THE ROPE IS NIGH

Pence doesnt believe in evolution and supports gay convsersion camps.
Hes the face of the far right.

sounds like the perfect wrecking crew to dismantle all the crap Obama did to ruin America for the past 8yrs.