You faggot dumb virgins. I dare you to find anything flawed with my GF. 99% of you faggots never got laid. And most of you are racist pieces of sub human shit who deserve to get skinned alive.
Like I said find one flaw and I'll post tits. has to be a legit concern.
Anthony Martinez
>find one flaw >nigger >mfw
Kevin Campbell
Arms hairier than a sand-nigger.
Lucas Rogers
My nigga that's a dude
Ayden Rogers
looks like Adam Driver. 0/10 would not fuck.
William Martinez
shes dating you
Aaron Taylor
Haha overbite. I would doe. I have sex with escorts, what's up wit dat?
Dominic Williams
>99% of you faggots never got laid. >2016 >muh sex You can rent a girl with money. Getting laid isn't impressing anybody.
Noah Perry
huge teeth, looks like a nigger version of Sarah Jessica Parker. 2/10 made me reply
Benjamin Thomas
>find anything flawed shes brown. her face. shes brown.