How will it end?

How will it end?


1. Man City
2. Chelsea
3. Man Utd.
4. Liverpool
5. Arsenal

don't care about the small teams

mou will walk it

Man City
Man U

1.Man City
4.Man Ud


20. Leicester :____(

it's funny seeing Sup Forums doing a 180 and change their predictions from manure being top to now third/fourth

tfw I hate City and Pep but like the Dutch City Fan

1. Arsenal
2. Man City
3. Man United
4. Liverpool

Not even memeing

>Arsenal out of the top 4

Every fucking season.

there is actually a chance this season though



Manure are one of the most hated teams here. The only time they make fun of City is because they like making making fun of you kek.

literally every Sup Forums predicted top 5 had manure first before yesterday's rape

And? People are predicting Arsenal and Chelsea but that doesn't mean they're all fans of them either.

u'd make a good trap

How autistic are you shitskin? city
2.chelsea U

ManU wins next season, but completely collapses the one after, when chelsea wins and man C will do consistently very well and arsenal will be 4th every time.

there you go

i'm not saying they're fans?
i'm just saying entire Sup Forums was dickriding manure because they bought a past it 34 yo reject and a 120m shit version of fernandinho

and now after yesterday they are all acting like they had city top all along which is a blatant lie

1. Man City
2. Man U
3. Arsenal.
4. Chelsea

t. Arsenal fan

>3. Arsenal.
>4. Chelsea

>t. Arsenal fan

the signature went without saying

It's actually a possibility, though. Why is it so very delusional that Arsenal could possibly finish 3rd?

Does this semen slurping sport actually care who gets 2nd and 4th place? First is all that matters. You're all fucking participation award millennials faggots

1. Chelsea
2. Tottenham
3. Manchester City
4. Manchester United
5. Liverpool
6. Southampton

Arsenal for 7th or lower, you may screencap this.

t. Meme fan

because Chelsea have Kante and Arsenal have El Memey

Yes, our third choice defensive midfielder.

of course they could, anything can happen.
the thing is chelsea, manu and man C spent big, and got new world class managers. they don't want something like last season to happen again and they're willing to work and pay for it. meanwhile arsneal paid 50 for xhaka who's a really average plyer that owuld have been better spent on a forward.

mustafi was a good purchase though, have fun with wenger until he dies though

City takes it. I've predictied this for a while, can't believe so many big youtubers and what not are saying united. Their team is strong, but still memeesq

2. Chelsea

Pls stop

My heart can't take it