How can someone even get like this? How is it even medically possible?
How can someone even get like this? How is it even medically possible?
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it starts small and gets bigger
that's rad as hell
I mean it sucks for him and all, but that's some super villain tier shit
maybe the maggots are keeping necrosis from setting in
he probably dipped his noggin into a river in new york
Even the doctors are disgust
It's a new hair style. You've heard of the Mullet? That's the Maggot
Be homeless and get a small cut.
I used to work security in downtown Toronto. We threw out a guy who had giant purple hands and smelled like rotting meat.
Use soap mang
How big did the hole have to get before he decided to go to the doctor? What like he looked at it and was just like, nah I'll just give it another week to see if it heals and if it isnt smaller maybe I'll go to the E.R.
Dudes homeless. The odds there say he's dual diagnosis. A guy trying to fend off the voices by staying fucked up on whatever he can afford from panhandling isn't likely to see a lot of mirrors.