Based Trump not taking a salary

Based Trump not taking a salary
>Stripping away the shit
parts of Obamacare
>Leaving the preexisting condition clause

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Thank you emperor Nero.

having top access to the nsa spy network is worth trillions

think about the 320k as an investment in perception management (PR)

President trump doesn't have time for all that. He will be to busy caring for the people.

>billionaire not taking measley salary
Fuck, I hate you retarded fucking, ignorant, know nothing, sister fucking, country ass, backwards, piece of shit, white trash, skin cancer, puppy fucking, country bumpkins. Die already. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

He's so based

Read a book.

Wasted quads

Stay mad faggot

Nice quads, but no.


>Leaving the preexisting condition clause
That basically necessitates that every god damn other thing about the law has to remain in place, you realize? The whole fucking thing hinges on it.

Quads. Calm the fuck down you bum hurt cunt.

It's funny cause white people are behaving exactly like black people did when Obama the The Number One Stunna won.
For some reason, these idiots think Trump is gonna be at their cross burning shooting the shit.
Obama was a puppet. Trump will be a puppet.

I'm a black guy in a southern metropolitan city that voted blue and I wanted Trump elected; where's your strawman for that?

What kills me about that whole thing is they are so fucking ignorant they do not understand checks and balances. It is not like Trump can pass whatever he wants, sure he can veto.

Well he could make an executive order, wait.. that is what Obama was doing.. but arent they Obama supporters?

I'm the king of france and I voted for Hillary.

lol. 320k for that guy is nothing compared to what him and his friends will make off this.

he is using this a trick to fool the already retarded into thinking he is a good man.

>any opinion about anything
You probably post ads on Craigslist for gay raceplay, you faggot.


He would have spent more than that on lunch

I swear this Sup Forumstards think they're so fucking enlightened. I have never seen so much delusion. Those fuckos really believe they "memed" Trump the Chump into office. What fucking dumbasses.

>black people know what a strawman is
>actually thinks we believe him

o your a nigger doing stupit shit wow thats new

Trump making an extra 320 grand in a year is like me making an extra 100 bucks a year. It's literally nothing to him.

Aaaaaalllllll me :^)

Shut yo broke ass up, cracka ass cracka.

trump haters in here kek


you are disgusting user

That's because it will move the eyes away from his shadow contracts he will help draw up to pay off the loans he has with German Banks so his property will be finally his.

He won't give a fuck about the quality of life for the civilians of the US.

Fuck he doesn't have a clue about any foreign policies. But then again neither does the mass of Americans.

inb4 in the next 4 years....

No Mexican Wall
Tougher gun control
No immigration control
No promises kept

And then you will do it all again and elect another Democrat or Republican into office, because even with the stupid system to ensure specific states are more favoured to a party, people are too dumb not to figure out by voting for a 3rd party no matter if it is the libtards or the greens they would shake up congress and the senate and kick out the greedy business shareholders that rape the US financially every year.

And every year the US citizens let it happen as if it is normal.

Why the fuck would he tighten gun laws you pleb? If anything hes gunna loosen them so he can tax the ever loving fuck outta them
>Businessman, bitch

The fuck are you saying you faggot, go to bed you cocksucking pansexual genderfluid peice of genetic filth


I was using literally figuratively, dumbass.


I see you haven't been paying attention have you, he has spoken several times since the election, that he will enact tougher controls on guns.

You not watching anything going on or something?

Hell he has also done a uturn on Obamacare and wants to keep most of it.

pleb? Says the sheep of Trump.

>votes blue
>wanted Trump

>being this stupid
>being so pathetically stupid
Haven't you ever filed taxes, kid? It's been openly admitted he'd done nothing wrong.
Jesus, what a bunch of whiny know-nothing faggots you little bitches are.

You can't use literally figuratively, you fuckwit.

He should donate it to some charity to look more like a boss.

he could donate it to the clinton foundation to mock her

Who admitted it? Trump? And that is somehow the truth?

The guy hasn't paid taxes for decades since taking over Trump from his parents.

When he wanted to show proof in the form of the Self Assessment Taxform which can have any value you jot down then, no that isn't proof.

You tell people they are whiny know-nothing faggots, looks like the shoe is on the other foot ain't it.

Again show me proof of where it was "openly admitted"

your autism is showing my friend

Trump won't change anything from Obamacare except the Obama part.

Jesus. You chucklefucks can't even get the insults right.

I would tell you to go visit some of those people and see what they're really like, but you won't.
The buses don't run outside of town, you can't drive, and you sure as hell aren't going to walk there.

>people can't decide for themselves what they want
>even when voting for president

Found the complete fucking idiot.

trump won because he had something hillary didnt have.


They added irregardless to the dictionary. I can do whatever the fuck I want. If retards are going to ruin everything, and they're the people I have to deal with daily, there's point in giving a shit about anything.

yea just like obama provided his birth certificate.

go kill yourself you fucking nigger.

So you have no proof then. And had to retort with the typical redneck response.

Actually Obama did provide the birth certificate, so you haven't been watching at all.

Congrats on making yourself look stupid.