Future President Donald J Trump here. Ask me anything

Future President Donald J Trump here. Ask me anything.

Tanning tips?

Where do babies come from?

How can I grab em by the pussy?

How is babby formed?

This, please respond

I must know your pussy grabbing secrets!

Don't go brown, it's very bad. You look like an ISIS or a Hispanic

Are you really just Homer J Simpson

Dear Future President, what you will do about France ?

Is it too late to replace Pence?

I respect all women. Nobody respects women more than me.

No question, but as a man with thinning hair, I just want to extend my appreciation for making combovers respectable again.

You wanna go home now?

It's very simple. Simplistically simple, you become very rich, and very famous. And when you become so big, the biggest, then they just let you, it's your's.

why would you lie on the internet?



I didn't know you Sup Forumsrowsed.
What's your opinion of hiroshimoot?

France is rigged. It's bigly rigged and funded by ISIS in emails. Now I'm not saying I'm going to start a war. But we do have the nukes.

Is Mike Pence going to ban Atheism?

No, I respect Pence. Pence is a man I bigly respect. And it's going to be big. Bigly big.

Oh my god it's so easy.
Fuck I've been getting all these lawsuits by just blatantly groping bitches.
Thank you Mr. Trump.

Hirishomoot is like Hiroshima. It's a proffessional protest funded by ISIS media and we need a wall.

Why did moot sell Sup Forums like some stupid faggot?

Were you so spooked the other day at the White House because in order to recognize your superiority, Obama begged you to fuck Michelle while he watched it wearing only lingerie?

Atheism is a media conspiracy. Hillary's emails says so big. Obama created Athiesm and is going to ruin America with his Kenyan Devils.

Will you bring back old moot?
Will you make Sup Forums great again?


Hillary's deleted emails. Moot is an ISIS conspiracy. Hillary is a big nasty woman and sold Sup Forums. Sad.


When you grab them by the pussy, do you lift them up like a bowling ball or a tennis ball?

Like I said. And I always said. Nobody respects women more than I do. But Michelle is from Kenya, and will be deported. And I'm not a racist, I love black people. But white and black do not mix.

I understand and respect that, Mr.President. Bestiality is disgusting, and although it might be said that it was necessary to assert your leadership, this was just going too far

Now, I am not sexist. And I am a man. A gentleman never reveals his secrets. But they're big.

I have never told a lie. Ever. I am an honest man, who worked my way up, with only a small loan of a million dollars.

OK about it, but please, don't me, save me.