Please give me the right answer, I'm going insane!!!

Please give me the right answer, I'm going insane!!!

17 right?

60 faggot

25 you stupid fuck



burger is 5
bottle is 10
mugs are 2

order of operations.

60 you fucking moron


59, clearly

Bottles = 10
Hamburgers = 5
Each glass of beer is worth 1

5 + 1 x 10


1 x 10 = 10

5 + 10 = 15

15 is your final answer.



theres only 1 mug at the end dipshit

learn to math fags.

it's 50.

fa fa fa fa fa fa fifteen

how the fuck is the bottle 1?

5 + 1 + 1 = 9?


50 you retards...there's one beer mug in last line not two and you multiply first

What I don't understand is how you have "bottle time mug"? I mean, if we're assigning them values then it's like price, so who the fuck is ordering as many bottles as mug as a mug costs?

damn, touche.

Impossible to solve considering one mug instead of two is an entirely different symbol therefore, it has a different numerical value associated with it.

its 5+10 not 5x10 you fucking dumbass fuck


get checked for autism

one mug is half of two mugs you retarded fuck

25 is the answer retards ...



What if its buy one get one free?

You miss the point.
The value associated with two mugs is entirely different than the value of one.
If you knew how symbols actually worked you wouldn't be so quick to judge.

Only correct answer

1 bottle = 10
1 hamburger = 5
2 steins = 2

1 hamburger + 1 stein x 1 bottle work it out cunts.

It is: How about you go back to facebook where you belong, you massive faggot?

Fucking cancer in my Sup Forums..

Bottle =10 burger =5 2 mugs =2 so 1mug =1
So answer =16


You want cancer?

Oh shit... I didn't see operations.. 60


spoiler alert: you multiply (x) before adding (+)


Everyone else in this thread are braindead.


16. The beer is 1, in the other pics you see 2 beers plus 2 beers plus 5 makes 9

nah you multiply the 1 and the 10 first then add 5

everyone who not can solve this, it is obviously 16

It is either 7 X 10 = 70 or 5 X 20 = 100 Look at it very closely


this finally

bottle = 10
hamburger = 5
Each mug = 1 (Notice in the 3rd one there are 2)

Now, you do multiplication first. Addition next.
5 + 1x10 1x10= 10+5=15

5 + 20 = 25

you fuckturd



How can anyone be this stupid?

5 + (1 x 10)
5 + 10



there aren't any parenteses, and sum is first


Finally something that's not an obscure apple leaf or suddenly missing banana.

You are correct OP the answer is 17.
3 equations, 3 unknowns. A little matrix magic is all thats required to prove it

underated post kek

what is PEDMAS

Its 16

Is answering wrong a meme or are you all really this stupid?

burger(5) + beer(2) x bottle(10) = 70

Its 15 stupid fuck

>there aren't any parenteses
and that's why multiplication is first.

'you cringe you lose' thread is in that direction.

15. bottles are 10, burgers are 5, and mugs are 1 each, since 2 mugs have to equal 2. The final picture is 5 + 1 x 10, which by order of operations would be 1 x 10 = 10, 5 + 10 = 15.

if dubs then anyone who answered wrong either on purpose or because of their own cheer idiocy will die in their sleep tonight

The context in this picture clearly states that 1 mug of beer has half the value of 2 mugs of beer. If you're having problems reading the context of certain situations, then you might actually have aspergers.

Nobody knows if that user has aspergers or not but we know for sure that you can't understand how symbols work. What is worse- having aspergers or being an illiterate idiot?

bottle = 10
burger = 5
mug = 2
5 + 2 x 10
= 25

>cheer idiocy

I got 25!

PEMDAS nigger

They aren't symbols with no meaning. 2 separate mugs are worth 2, so each individual mug is worth 1.

gtfo you blind fucks

>PEMDAS nigger
He would've gotten it right if he wasn't a blind fuck

They're being assholes, but they're right. Imagine you have a circle as a symbol and it equals 10. Then imagine someone uses a half-circle as a symbol. The logical assumption is it's 5, but since this is an entirely new symbol, it could just as easily represent 3. It doesn't have to be 5 at all

What? You didn't know that idiots are naturally cheerful because they are too dumb to worry about things?

This type of equation isn't possible to solve.

The last equation introduces a completely new variable, that being a single mug. Some may say that 1 mug is half of 2 mugs, but in this case, it's just 1 mug, whereas the other variable is a mug and half a mug behind it. There's no way to possibly know with 100% certainty what that singular mug represents.

Not possible, and anyone who claims to have an answer who isn't the creator of this pic is wrong.


Oh fuck fart cunt ass, the fucking mugs are doubled up.
Shifty cunt ass mofos
5 + 1 x 10
= 15


This isn't circles and half circles. Two mugs next to each other is the same as "mug" + "mug". Two mugs aren't a combined unit that can be worth more/less than two individual mugs mathematically. There's no new symbol, we're using real world objects as variables. A single quarter is worth .25, two quarters are worth .50. That's true whether the two quarters are separate symbols or a single combined symbol, because the quarters, just like the mugs, are separate objects that can be grouped into a single variable to save equation space.

Mighty Kek forgives you for your mistakes.

Are you fucking serious?
Fuck this board is full or retards.

Never heard of buy one and get another one for free or buy 2 for the price of 1?


We're not talking about price here.

Those are not mathematically relevant.

If Jon buys 5 apples for $10, how many apples can be buy with $20?

Yeah the most autistic of you will pretend it's impossible to know because of your retarded delusions, but those are real math problems, where it is assumed all relevant information has been given to you. The problem isn't unsolvable just because you don't know the taxes involved or sales involved or prices, you just need to know enough to think critically and solve the problem.

Yes that's the real world, but we're assigning these SYMBOLS values. They aren't bottles, burgers and beer, they're X, Y, Z. You can't say that if x is 10 then < is 5 because it looks like half of x.

Yes, and if 2 mugs happen to be Y than a single mug is Y(.5), or Y/2. In the case of Y=2, Y(.5) and Y/2 would be 1.

Nobody claimed these are symbols, OP is asking us to solve a real world problem.

Ok stupid fucks. No wonder this fucking planet has someone like Trump being president of burgerland. Watch and learn.

Let's assume that the bottle is x, the burger is y, and the mug is z. Then

The first equation is straightforward, x=10, then the second equation becomes

Solving for y gives y=5, then the third equation becomes

Then, solving for z gives z=2.

We have x=10, y=5, z=2. In the last equation, multiplication goes first, following pemdas.


Go fuck yourselves. You're welcome.


No, if 2 mugs are Y, there Is literally nothing stating that 1 mug is Y/2. 1 mug is a new variable.

The answer is 5+10*x, where x is unknown.

It was not made clear given the problem that a picture of the singular stein is worth half (or any other amount) of the picture of two steins.

We math grad now. Never assume, take the question exactly as is, and if you cant prove your way to the end result, your assertions are fallacious.

this is the only way and ill not except anything else

This is called "real life math". If Johnny can buy 2 mugs for $2, than how many mugs can he buy with $1?

If you have to retardedly stammer out a "but-muh-muh-muh symbols!" then you're too autistic to matter.

10 +10+10=30
10 +5+5=20

answer is 15 u dumb shits.
10 +10+10=30
the last beer is 1, not two because theres only one beer and not two

Bitch you're calling an image on the internet showing a set of equations "real life math" are you actually delusional?