


I painted JLaw and KStew with cocks in their mouths. Where's my article in Cosmo?

Jesus, Ryan Gosling looks so fucked



Reminder that the whole "real men don't eat pussy" was created by women because it's their one weakness. If you use oral sex properly over an extended period of time you can train a woman like a dog with it.

>you can train a woman like a dog with it.
Thank you I shall remember this.

Explain yourself.

So how exactly is this not rape culture but a dude sitting with his legs apart on a train is?

>I eat.

Is the OP pic James Franco? Or Kramer?
Or Paul Rudd or Ryan Renalds or Jake Gylanhall?
These are shit.

My thoughts exactly. Eagerly awaiting Cosmopolitan's equal coverage of the 'celebrity blowjob' portrait series. And it will be completely socially acceptable.


women love cunnilinus as much as men love bjs
also it's easier to make them orgasm that way

This is some of the worst art I've ever seen.

Inconstant style
Hard to recognize celebrities
Uncanny valley galore
Lack of detail in some parts, great detail on other


Where are the stretch marks, pimples and heat rashes? These aren't as empowering as they could be.

they don't even show pussy get the fuck outta here

Pussies are gross though.

>real men don't eat pussy
Thats the exact OPPOSITE of what everyone says you fucking retard. I have NEVER heard a man or woman use that phrase. Quit making shit up to pretend you are some alpha male pussy whisperer.

i thought this was kramer at first kek

this so much

roasties contain:

shit, mucus, dead eggs, yeast, bacteria, blood, urine and more shit

nobody wants to see those slags

*left over semen

Joe Pesci said it

>When she ask for you to go down on her as well

I'm so sorry that you've never been with a girl that showers.

showers don't do anything when your asshole is close to your cunt

real men don't eat pussy, they finger it

never met a guy who went down on a girl, that's disgusting and dumb.

>gf comes over after uni
>super horny
>tells me she really needs to take a shower first
>I don't give a shit, pull her panties down and bury my face in her crotch
>5 seconds later


Would you like me to tell you how I know you're a complete KHV?

>not going to the shower with her and eating her out there
WEW lad.

>read it's celebrities going down on people
>tfw that's my fetish
>look at link
>it's nothing but guys

Fuck you, OP.

beckham is seriously regretting his decision

Bro you just don't understand how horny I was. It's a mistake I won't make again, I'll tell you hwat.

I know he's put cleaner things in his mouth like dicks

That's the Wrestler dude before a car crash and boxing destroyed his face

I do understand user, I've been there. Hindsight is 20/20

Seriously, who is it meant to be?

>horrible artstyle
>subject a man would be attacked on if he made it about women
>"Alexandra Rubinstein is a Brooklyn based artist whose practice largely focuses on crushing the patriarchy and having fun with it!"

Everything checks out lads.

>title is literally about Beckham

mmmm initialisms


>most are shaved or trimmed

who is no.3

It's bad enough I date non-virigns, to hell if I'm gonna put my mouth on their pussies.

nice fantasy r/redpill but a woman can get oral sex from any guy she wants by just asking

Nah, that's definitely Jim Carey.

>>tells me she really needs to take a shower first
>>I don't give a shit, pull her panties down and bury my face in her crotch

He fell for the "women are clean and always fresh" meme.

Like Michael Douglas and his throat cancer.

>He fell for the "women are clean and always fresh" meme.
Come on bro, I'm not that stupid. I was just too horny to care at that point and thought it couldn't be that bad. it could

imagine being an american woman where your mens dicks are mutilated and rub you raw and they're so insecure they cant even eat you out lmao

Just saying, it looks more like Rourke than Beckham

>I was so horny I just needed to lick her vagina.
Why didn't you just... I dunno... fuck her like a man?

I do you fuck a girl like a man? I've never fucked a man, so I don't know.

>tfw find girl's assholes more attractive than their pussies

You pound her ass, obviously. Everyone knows how you'd fuck a man, it's not that complicated.

Not everyone. I've never thought about that particular subject.

Pussies are pretty ugly in general, very few are nice to look at.

Well you're thinking about it right now. How do you think men fuck eachother?

The correct answer is that they sword fight.

>butthole man
>tfw gf is super self-conscious about her butthole and won't let me play with it/look at it

Same about (non porn) dicks.

hmm OP's pic

>not a single hair, or hair follicle or blemish in sight
>tight little tummy

is this supposed to be portraying Franco and his attraction to younger girls ?

Maybe if you're a mutilated jew.

Small dicks are not that nice to look at to be honest with you familia. Plenty of those outside of porn.

Are you a literal homo? Small, pretty feminine penises are super hot.

I can see Rourke in that face. Just a bit.

>on Sup Forums

Not even chad and I have a gf. What's your excuse?

enjoy eating shit

>Small, pretty feminine penises are super hot.
No, they're not that fun to play with. It's fun to make a guy with a small dick your bitch, but nobody thinks sucking one is hot. Might as well eat muff at that point.

Can you people find the pics these have been traced from? Because this is clearly tracing over printed photos if it's physical, or in a new layer in Photoshop if it's not. This has not been done by someone who actually knows how to draw/paint.


Oh god reminds me of when I was crazy horny and wanted to finally stick my face in my gf's ass for the first time. I did it through the panties while she laid on her stomach in bed and immediately regretted it. It smelled like pure rank shit.

Porn ruined me.

it was in Sopranos, the old geezer (Tony's uncle?) said it

Fucking hell, do women not shower or something?

I'm not giving cosmopolitan the clickbait money
But are any of the reactions from female celebrities?
If not, this seems incredibly sexist and homophobic

what the fuck did he mean by this?

Wonder what the outrage would be if these were women blowing guys

it looks like Evans

H means he likes to fuck tadpoles it's pretty obvious.

They don't properly wipe their ass. I've seen my fair share of skid marks in girl's panties over the years. And no, I'm not talking about vaginal discharge. I'm talking shit marks. They wipe like 5 year olds.

Have you ever seen women's public restrooms? They are animals.

Only do something like that immediately after she showers. Even 15 minutes later it's gonna get that musky shit smell.

>mfw some girls have extremely sensitive areolas/nipples and can orgasm just from stimulation there
>mfw my gf is one
>mfw i never have to eat her out cause i can just suck her tits and drive her wild

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
>inb4 cucks get triggered

Just get the HPV shot

>any guy
>implying gay eats pussies

Jason Segel or Ryan Gosling?
It's supposed to be the Goose.

But they do, they eat boypussies.


enjoy your throat cancer

It looks more like John Leguizamo than James Franco

where is the jon oliver one?

>watch a lot of asshole eating porn
>cum buckets thinking about doing it
>finally do it
>stick my tongue in her fartbox and ended up slurping a poop nugget into my mouth
Never again. Never fucking again.

>jew nose set to 1000000%

how did it taste?

Vile. Like rotten milk with a crunchy texture.

like shit?

That didn't happen

>not eating it

What's it like to be gay?

yum yum