The history up until this very moment is the history of class struggles

The history up until this very moment is the history of class struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

Today is no different.
The oppressor is our dictator. Exploiting every single one of you for their profit, and they can and will replace you. They are renting you. Allowing you to eat, drink and live, if you work 8 hours a day for 5 days straight. FOR THEIR PROFIT.
This is wage slavery. The illusion of freedom.

They are giving you 'just enough' so you don't see the truth and rise up.

Still reading?

If you want to know more about how the Capital is exploiting us, read up on Socialism and Communism.
Even if you disagree, learning cannot harm you.
The Communist Manifesto is a good start, you can find it online as Audio-book or E-book for free.
If not now, when?


Real freedom and democracy will follow the revolution comrades, no more dictatorship from the bourgeoisie.
Best of luck to us all, and spread the real communism and class consciousness. Not the propaganda-shit we've all been fed for decades.

Other urls found in this thread:

Spot on but nothing will come out of us unless of a spark that sets all the grateful slaves that we are, completely mental

And they will say, the revolution started on Sup Forums. Right under our noses, a single post by the faggot OP changed the world.

oh look, another complaining college student

Well the education part will be and has been slow. The Red Scare had such a huge impact and still gives people an extremely misinformed view on communism.
>pay lots of taxes?
>basically dictatorship?
>only works in theory?
>muh human nature?
>communism killed 90 000 000 000 000 000 people, right?
and so on. I see it everyday

Baby steps, comrade.


plan b

yo dude, i'm all for (modern) communism and stuff, but there are three major barriers that shape our world and keep true communism from being achievable.

1. religion - as long as fundamentalist ideas are blindly accepted and practically allowed to be practiced with little restrictions, humanity won't evolve as fast as it could.

2. nations - dividing the world into nations, counties, cities, towns, into small spaces that "are to be governed" holds the world back from striving toward a common goal, be it technical, medical, social or economic advancement.

3. capitalism - as you said, the power of work is impossible to overcome, for even the smallest patch of land is owned. food, space, sexuality, capitalism has its claws in every part of our lives. we have to get rid of the poison, so we can start healing.

but there are still people who can't understand the concept of a non monetary society. they will argue that capitalism fuels innovation. people are scared of change, scared of losing something "they worked for".
what they don't know is that communism won't keep them from achieving wealth.
it just doesn't have to be expressed through money.

Well written, comrade!
Religion is not the biggest of problems, but yeah it's definitively slowing us down.

The fourth point is so fucking true it hurts. People can't comprehend it because the culture would be very different from ours, where we learn to set ourselves first and not the community...
The individual would work for the community and the community would work for the individual.

What's the point?
Any successful revolutionary wave that gets to rule will probably end up just as corrupt as the original system..
This has been proven by multiple trials throughout history
Remember all of this was started by the American revolution soooo.......

yeah, my points are in no particular order.
biggest problem is obviously capitalism.

there sure are many issues that come with communism, especially during the transition.
i see a lack of specialists, the question of distribution of work (as long as the technological progress isn't far enough to do most of it for us), distribution of common goods (food, housing,...) and the whole justice system.
there are SO many points to tackle that it would take at least three generations to become accustomed to the administrative changes alone. add another generation or two for the imprinted socio economic norms.

realistically speaking, i hope an unconditional basic income will be implemented in the next 20-30 years. that would be a huge step towards social justice and a true impulse towards a world without money - or something similar.

I'm so glad 99.9% of communists are fat neck beards that won't be able to overthrow anything.

This man is the 0.01%

Move out of your parents basement you worthless commie fuck. Your ideology has failed everywhere is has ever been implemented and has led to the deaths of more people than any other ideology in human history. May God have mercy on your soul.

That is because those are what Communisim has actually done. The lefts dream of communism is like the rights dream of a racially pure society. Both are never going to happen and only exist in the minds of introverted cucks and dumb red necks.

not OP, but your words prove that you have no idea about the whole concept.

since you so easily equate communism with stalinism (or the abomination that is north korea/china and in many cases cuba), you should first educate yourself and then reassess the whole case.

Yes the transition will indeed be slow.
But in the future, so much will be automated we will maybe have no option than to reorganize to socialism or something similar (New theories based on Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc?).

Relevant Lenin quote:
>If Socialism can only be realized when the intellectual development of all the people permits it, then we shall not see Socialism for at least five hundred years.

Or you could take actions speak louder then words and see communism will never work.

Didn't he also refer to you and other communists as the, "Useful idiot"?

All communists think communism has never been tried. It's the greatest case of mental gymnastics of all time. It happened. It failed. Get a life.

just as wrong as this guy communism has nothing to do with white supremacy, racism or fascism.
it is quite literally the antithesis to all of those.

communism is an idea so complex that i wouldn't dare to claim i understood it completely, but what i know is that the things that were done in the NAME of communism wasn't in fact done in any way even remotely close to the basic ideas of marxism.
any example of "communist" states in the last 100 years are actually dictatorships, that are incompatible with the defining ideas of communism.

Positions of power attract the corrupt. At least in the US the way it is now there is some class mobility and a chance to go from immigrant to president in a generation or two.

Notice how a Commies arguments are not based on facts. It's 100% ideas and philosophy. The reason why you can't prove communism to be a good option is because it never worked. Communism needs capitalism to survive while Capitlism is self sufficient.

>Self sufficient

Have you read Das Kapital?
Could be good for you.

that's how the world works, right? let's keep pretending capitalism is a fine concept, when every first year economy student knows that it's based on debt and will eventually collapse by default.
let's keep clinging to a doomed system, because fuck future generations, you won't be here to experience it anyway.

it hasn't. as i said here every example of communism in the last 100 years have only taken communist ideas and corrupted them through individual ambitions.

Yeah because the USA is secretly being supported by a hidden communist society. You didn't break down my argument you just told be to go read a book.

America was created precisely to get away from the feudal slave drivers in Europe. Communism and socialism operate on classism and division to become powerful. So yes, read up on communism and socialism if you want to basically cut out the rich, and everyone is holding up the soldiers which are right below the rulers because they remove religion and don't allow anyone to become prosperous or wealthy, but instead use government force to drag everyone down into abject servitude to the government. America was intended to have a small government precisely because they knew that corporate and government tyranny was the biggest threat to any country and look what's happened: the government bails out the banks and corporations. In a true free market, everyone should be allowed to fail. This is crony capitalism and it is only in existence because of the corruption that has essentially hijacked our government, which is exactly why most people and the founding fathers want/wanted a small, limited government with all the power given to the individual states instead of consolidated in D.C. so they couldn't become tyrannical. Communism and socialism give the reigns over to the government, and guess what, everywhere that it has been implemented has turned into the poster child of, "let me point to the most horrible disasters in human history to prove my point," and before you tell me that it has never truly been tried: yes it has, and it worked exactly as intended. It made government an omnipotent, tyrannical oppressor, made everyone poor, then the system collapsed after a decade of starvation and death because it isn't sustainable.

And that is human nature, to take advantage of your power. That's one reason why communism will never work.

"capitalism is self sufficient" - what the actual fuck? capitalism destroys itself.
do you know how money is generated? it's made by lending states (or other banks) money.
they have to pay back money with interest.
so if everyone has to pay back more money than they got, where does new money come from? it is again printed by the national banks, which leads to inflation. it will keep inflating for some time until it's bloated and finally collapses.
we've had examples of that on a smaller scale during the financial crisis. this is only a minor incident. it will get far more interesting once big countries go bankrupt.
have fun watching your "self sufficient" system fail.

ITT: Troll OP posts about communism and people who know nothing about economics come out of the woodwork and praise communism because they like to feel special and intelligent.

it is not. that's like saying "it is human nature to rape".
maybe at one point is has been.
it's a fucking pessimistic way to say "things are shit because people are shit, let's accept it and pretend it's fine."

It's a real shame communism fails 100 times over before Capitlism is to supposedly "fail". Give me an example of a capitalist system failing the going into communism and prospering.

On the contrary communists pretend their perfect 100% fool proof plan is going to work. Then when it fails they claim, "that was not true communism, this is!" then the cycle repeats.

fuck off, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean nobody else does.
disprove one of my points with logic instead of going straight for the ad hominem, or - again - fuck off.

What the shit?

Prove one of your points with sources.
ITT: Brianwashed privileged colleague student believes he will have a better life under communism.

"What the shit" is not an argument.

Didn't know if you were serious or not.
True communism has never been in effect. And there hasn't been any cycle in this area.
In case you didn't know what communism is I have a site for learning basic stuff your school should've thought you.

We understand what communism is, you just have yet to prove your claims. You linking the definition of communism is not proof.

Obviously you don't. And that 'thing' you do where you think you're arguing, is not any better than what you're claiming I'm doing.

check out marinaleda, a perfect example of modern communism, not perverted by corruption. this is true communism, not only by name.
and the failings of capitalism are myriad. unlike communism, capitalism IS a world wide applied concept and it is still failing.
social injustice, the inability to provide a decent life for every human being, hardships caused by the bad luck of being born in the wrong place, that's all something we can blame capitalism for.
there is enough food to feed everyone on the planet. we don't do it because there isn't a big enough monetary incentive.
again, educate yourself.

no. as i said above, i know there are going to be difficulties when applying communism world wide.
but a system that has to be used globally to work can't be deemed a "failure" when only used in confined environments (and, as i said, corrupted in its core).

So to make it fair, we should all have a shit life?

ugh, i know where this is going. i'll get sources, then you start questioning the legitimacy of those sources, then it all comes down to you feeling superior because you think you won an internet argument without actually knowing anything about the whole issue.
so no thanks, i'll save myself the time. read "das kapital" or any other communist manifest or abstract.
give me counter arguments to any of my claims and i'll answer.

who said that? how is it a shit life if nobody suffered?
again, there is no law in communism that keeps you from achieving wealth. you just can't take something from others to gain more for yourself.
you can still build yourself a home, get a car, have a family and everything else. but, for a change, everyone else can do so as well.
how is this so hard to understand?

You're the one saying communism is better then Capitilism. The prosecution has to prove the defence is guilty not the other way around. You can't debate for communism with out facts. And you claim true communism has never been done before so you have no facts. This debate won't go anywhere because you have no sources to prove it will work. Most people want to work for what they get, no one wants to live in a society where you have to wait 3 hours in line for a salami sandwich. A communists solution is to oppress everyone's free will and enforce their own beliefs. The fact that you can argue for communism with out going to jail or getting shot is proof why your life is better under capitalism. Most people thanks to the Internet, see communism as oppressing their rights and they're not wrong. It only got big in the past because it was new, and now that people have seen what it does, you will always be a minority.

DAS Kapital is not real life evidence, it's a book based on ideas.

Then someone walks into this house that I built and tells me I have no right to own it because in communism I own nothing.

fuck this guy. it's people like him that always destroy decent discussions. instead of talking about the concept, its implications or ideas itself, he attacks the mode of the discussion.
his arguments are riddled with fallacies that stem from a lack of knowledge.

reading your statements prove to me, more than you can even imagine, how little you know about communism. you don't even have to be a fan of communism to understand that capitalism is a more than flawed system.
your deductions (most people want to work for what they get/communist solution is to oppress/freedom of speech is a consequence of capitalism) are at best flawed and at worst blatantly wrong.

Saying I'm wrong is a lot different then proving it.

>It's people like him that destroy decent discussions
I'm sorry for ruining your communist safe space. It must suck not being able to execute those who disagree with you.

Thanks for having my back, it's really exhausting discussing with people like him. I'm fairly new to communism so I don't have a view on absolutely everything in communism. Although I know what it's about, and a touchy field due to Western media. I'm still learning and reading, from you too.

Also this town you speak of, do the generate their own power or is it from Spain? A town is a lot easier then a country or even the entire world.

i showed you evidence (marinaleda) and you ignored it. if you don't want to see it, don't blame me.

i don't know if you're actually trying to misunderstand me on purpose, or if you're really this dense?

right back at you. i proved communism can work on a small scale by showing an example. how should i prove it could work globally?
exactly. by trying.
capitalism on the other side doesn't work globally. i explained why, here if you can't read receptively, don't blame me.

this is a prime example of how democracy is flawed. every uneducated idiot is allowed to vote, or in your case - participate in a sophisticated discussion.

jesus christ, you're never happy, are you?
it's a working but locally applied example of communism. of fucking course it has to oblige to at least rudimentary engagement with the rest of the world, that is capitalistic.
that doesn't disprove anything, so why the fuck would you bring it up?

Theoretical communism will never work. You simply trade your slave master from the owners of capital to the Politburo.

>Every uneducated idiot is allowed to vote
So we should remove people's rights which is what I've been saying communism plans to do from my very first post?

I'm saying it's not 100% self sufficient and relies on a capitalistic system on some things. Does Spain rely on marinelda? No, but does Marinelda rely on Spain? Very much so.

I'll be happy when you give me a country that has proven communism can be successful.

I think commuinism was tried by the first american colonist. What happened they nearly starved to death untill they went in to capitalism and then had enough food for thanks giving

finally a decent counter argument. sure, you have a point there.
as i pointed out here distribution is a big issue that has to be discussed. who decides? a machine?
does that give the maintenance workers or the designers of those machines a possibility to gain unfair advantages for themselves?
i can't answer that question, honestly.

strawman much? just because i see a negative aspect in something doesn't mean i want to remove or ban it.

So why bring it up, you say it's a flaw and here you are trying to fix the worlds flaws with communism.

Smaller the state the freer the people

You believe in a small government? Then why are you supporting the ting that wants to monitor and control everything?

The next constitution just needs a panic button that shuts down fucking everything and reverts to a clean slate.

I am not op I am guy here just agreeing with you

Which is why communism is stateless, you fucktard

your point is? read up on "modus ponens" and "modus tollens" to determine if your logic actually makes sense.
because it doesn't.

how? as i've said before, it can either work on a very small scale, or globally. you can't disprove a system by forcing it into the exact scale where it can't work.
the whole idea of "nations" destroys the communist basic concept.

"you think"...? do you believe that anyone takes a statement seriously that starts with those words?

how can it be stateless. If I have stuff and other people won't trade why would I give it to them with out some one forcing me

Name a communist country in history that was stateless.

Youre not half as intelligent as you think you are.
Socialism and communism are refuted. Historically. There's a thing called human nature, and that fucks all your golden plans.. again, less shitposting and more reading history.

How are you going to convert the world simultaneously into communism?

I started with 'I think" to say it in a sarcastic tone. Yes they did start of in a socailist commune and failed. They went full comunist and they starved.

Spot on.
Those who disagree have to be killed for the good of Humanity of course. Otherwise its impossible.
Darkness at noon by Koestler.

no system is perfect. you have to be delusional or a fucking idiot to believe that.
the question is: is it BETTER than our current system. and i believe it is, based on my education, empirical data and discussions with experts and ordinary persons alike.
link to yahoo answer.
forbes answer link

We will need a new economic model soon. All the Trumpers blame the Chinese for their loss of jobs, but automation is the number one reason for their underemployment. It is only accelerating. Simply, we don't need all these humans to make things for all these humans. Capitalism will be made obsolete by technology.

List of successful socialist countries:

it's hard to argue with people who forget, or don't even read the statements you made before.
you can't. it has to be step by step and it would take a very long time.
and by step by step i don't mean "state by state" - i'm talking about implementing one tool, one idea, one part of the concept at a time.

yeah yeah, go on with your uneducated strawman arguments. quote me on anything that you've said and i'll concede this conversation.

B-but we will do it better!! One.. one just has to have good intention!! And.. and things somehow will be sorted out!!
OP confirmed as another delusional teenager.

You guys need to study economics.
In particular look at the consequences of price floors and price ceilings which caused the Soviet Union to fall.
You commies are looking for war again?
You know what? I won't be in your side.

You say it only works on a small scale or globally. So what happens in between? Once it gets to country size it collapses and fails? The only way communism can work by your logic of the world becomes communist all at once which is highly unrealistic.

GTFO communist fag. We don't need no pussies using Sup Forums.

>Uneducated strawman arguments
Believing is good for your health, user. It will give you something to fight for.
When you reach 25 years of age maybe you will understand why never has socialism nor comunism worked and never will...
Till then, faith!! And studies, lots of studies. And 'empirical data'. If that is enough to convince yourself..

They are unknowingly paving the road to hell and want to force us to go with them. Sums it up perfectly.

>durr let's talk about revolution on a website monitored by US intelligence

Enjoy your position on the watchlist fucko. When shit goes sideways there will be a black van full of masked men coming to your house to zip tie and black bag you.

SDS? Is that you? You guys already know the horrors of trying to push this type of agenda. Look back into your history. You still not prevail.

*you will not prevail.


What's the difference between a billionaire and a communist dictator. Besides that picture is fake and gay.

Not arguing with the premise but your solution sucks balls.
The two choices are between living in a dictatorship or a dictatorship with the illusion of freedom, nobody has figured out a third that can be implemented in reality.

If you want absolute freedom go move to Somalia, they're an anarchy.

I'm not bothered at all by bankers or communist dictators. Everyone gets where they are by doing something and putting a shift in. A dictator has to be feared or respected. Do you know much balls that takes? Also, even millionaire bankers have to be cutthroat when dealing with people.
>If op wants to do something if needs to man up. He ain't gonna get shit from starting a thread on Sup Forums. He needs to go out and make a name for himself.

No thanks. I'll take the illusion of freedom with fries.

*or herself. Pardon my assumptions.

Fuck your pardon, faggot.

How would one do that, Sir?

By suggesting that one should fuck off and eat a bag of nigger dicks, of course.

>The Cumming InsurssERECTION