Are there any good True Crime movies besides Zodiac?

Are there any good True Crime movies besides Zodiac?

Other urls found in this thread:

>American Gangster
>The Iceman
>Black Mass

To name a few off the top of my head. How'd I do?

And don't you even think about Child 44.

>>The Iceman

I cannot condone this movie. This movie took an evil creepy motherfucker (watch his interviews) and turned him into a slick family man with a darkside.

It should not have been made.

People need someone sympathetic to root for.

I know it's been memed to death but True Detective Season 1

Blue Caprice
Memories of Murder
Dog Day Afternoon
Ernest Goes to Jail

Some documentaries that maybe of interest also:
Serial Killer Culture
The Cheshire Murders
This Is the Zodiac Speaking

Silence Of The Lambs


Is fictional. OP's looking for true crime.

This left me feeling emotionally drained for a week. It becomes worse when you learn that the film took an incredibly restrained approach.

Catch Me If You Can


I didn't like it but some do.

>Names don't match up with faces on poster


The Godfather



Sorry that's The Imposter (2012)

>inb4 black mass

Was shit tho


Primal Fear

Anything with Michael Shannon in it is watchable just for him though.

>still using made up words
Grasshopper when will you learn

all words are made up though

I meant to say meaningless

Summer of Sam

Moral relativism is as hard a sell today as a godless universe was in the 17th century.

To be fair, the did the exact same thing for Frank Lucas.

Not to mention, the more you learn about robert graysmith, the harder it becomes to call zodiac a "true crime" movie.


It's not really true crime, but I always thought Zero Dark Thirty was similar procedurally to Zodiac

The Devil in a Blue Dress

Shame the ending was a fake hollywood insert, but it's almost on par with Zodiac and Memories of Murder

>the more you learn about robert graysmith, the harder it becomes to call zodiac a "true crime" movie
Yep. Still a great movie though.

>evil creepy motherfucker (watch his interviews)
More like supreme bullshit artist. There's literally 0 proof to lots of his claims.

Child 44 was never supposed to be a true crime movie. It is inspired by Chikatilo the same way as The Silence of the Lambs was inspired by Ed Gein and Gary Heidnik.

Heavenly creature is good. It really gets into mind of the girls who slowly descend into madness because of their obsessive friendship.

In Cold Blood

Still waiting for a good film about this fucker

>Child 44 was never supposed to be a true crime movie.

I never stated otherwise. It's a general advise to go for Citizen X.

what do you mean?

Start here -

Friendly reminder that Arthur Lee Allen didn't do it.

Neither did this guy.

Sylvia was a qt, emma watson should've played her instead of the lesbian


Why is that?

Nevermind, the page had not updated yet.


this flick was ass

>Memories of Murder



Try reading the book instead of watching HBO interviews. Literally dozens of unsolved crimes were closed thanks to Kuklinskis months long interviews with Philip Carlo

Not saying he's completely innocent, but his biggest claims (Jimmy Hoffa, Galante and DeMeo murders) were either disproven, or not taken seriously by authorities from the start. It's logical to assume many of his other claims range from exaggeration to pure bullshit.

When I was in high school, we read In Cold Blood for English (great book by the way, recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it). We watched a little bit of the movie Capote at the end of the semester just for fun but we never got to finish it. I don't know if it's actually good because I never got around to finishing it but I will say all of the settings looked EXACTLY like I pictured them. The house and the property where the murders happened, the jail cell and the town as the people gathered to watch the killers go to court, and even the room where they were hanged. The movie In Cold Blood was mentioned here too, I don't know if that one does it as well or if it's good either but both of them tell a great true crime story and the book is still one of my favorite books

In Cold Blood was filmed on actual locations (including the house where the murders took place). It's an absolute classic.

Watched a trailer for it on youtube, it looks pretty good (also thank god trailers aren't like that anymore jesus christ that was bad). The few interior shots of the house looked how I imagined them but the ones of the outside of the house aren't quite the same which is kind of weird as it is literally the house where the murders happened. Haven't read the book in a few years though so I don't know. Does the movie focus exclusively on Dick and Perry?

if you're counting goodfellas then i guess you can count wolf of wall street too

>much ripoff
>very unoriginality


An American crime clearly ripped right the fuck off of in cold bloods cover.

it was gaikowski

Friendly reminder all murders attributed to the zodiac were committed by different people and the only unifying aspect was the media coverage of said murders.

It's a good theory, but wouldn't the FBI have already investigated the local media?

Memories of Murder is the closest you can come to Zodiac, i find it to be better.

Leave true crime kino to me faggots

>it's a Zodiac is compared to Memories of Murder, again, episode


Did anyone else have issues with the tone? It had a lot of lighthearted comedic moments.

Yeah because a majority of the movie focused on the ineptitude of its main character, to allow him sympathy that had to be played for comedy to an extent. Bong Joon ho is excellent at engaging dark themes and storylines with humor and levity, and Song Kang Ho is the perfect actor for those kinds of stories because he's inherently funny as hell but capable of great pathos too.

That's Korea for you. Oldboy, The Host. Always borderline comical at times.

Zodiac I also felt was strangely comical.

I think it goes well considering the overall movie is depressing as shit.

Joon is also in the Host, very similar theme with the ineptitude of him and his family.

Good analysis!

For what crime?

Capote is absolutely GOAT. Which reminds me, OP, check out Foxcatcher too.

Agreed. And why would the FBI give a shit?

Check out Capturing the Friedmans to see how fucked up law enforcement can distort facts and run with a story.

Sometimes they don't give a shit about actually catching the guy as long as the public is pacified.

Spotlight is on Netflix.


FBI are smart guys. They would have come to media conspiracy theory before anyone and looked into it, or maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

you're giving them too much credit, the shit they teach them in quantico isn't too different from any detective classes one can take at the local community college

Dog day afternoon is shoit

Nice pals*

>Memories of Murder

is there ANYTHING good that is manson family related? i'm almost done with helter skelter, so i've been looking for stuff to watch but most of it looks like some hot garbage.

i've been watching aquarius, which is alright. it is almost all fictional, but it looks like season 2 will focus on the tate-labianca stuff, however loosely. renly baratheon is an awesome charles manson.


Kill yourself, my friend.


This probably happened at some point.

Pallies, you piece shoe

But its a documentary?

Snowtown Murders.

fuck you I loved that movie