Not being useless shits

not being useless shits

What is a man?


You cannot stop me from being useless.

Fox centipede





Post you butt.


Why not?


patience, friend
im looking for them



Pls post,

In return, me.

God that would be so intimidating if people's cocks could be that big.


the sad part is you can't even stop yourself

breast feeding the baby

couldnt find them
take this until i sum up the courage for booty shots

[spoiler]which wont be for weeks[/spoiler]

Where's Nibi



KYS faggots


not here

*botnet x
sup chap



Hotte furrie p0rnz!

Who are you BUB?



a long time lurker
but a new poster










Am I whore yet

KYS faggots

youre getting close

I quit my job two weeks ago to bum around with negroes and do drugs and attempt suicide and I really wish I'd quit imagining the feeling of my skull mushrooming outward every time I do it THATS WHATS UP



attempt suicide how and why

and no not particularly.

chap has anybody ever told you that you're a fucking crazy person


You have Jontron nose and cheeks.


thats a compliment tbh


I'm too lazy to take more pictures.

and im too much of a bitch to post actual selfies


it's the same exact person

The ol' Hemingway Two-Step, russian style
e.g. 7.62x54r to the skull.
All the time.

thats a compliment
i love jontron


I mean, I have no friends besides internet folk, spend most of my time in a moulded-out schizo-graffiti'ed shithole of a barn, doing nothing but browsing the internet or feeling sorry for myself, I honestly didn't need to be told.

Wasn't supposed to be a diss, love

I took way too many of these so now I have extras.


very nice

the most i can do is silly selfies with dumb faces
look at how disgusting my beard was

so glad i started trimming it

>forgot the why
I have no ambitions, hopes, or prospects for the future and I deem myself incapable of attaining any of those things in a timely manner.
Why bother to drag out a death that's long been called for?
I'd rather not be one of the walking corpses that litter the waking world.

Weren't you on South Park resently?

This is all just a repeat anyway, change the channel.

My facial hair doesn't really fill in at all, it grows in orange on my chin and lip but blonde everywhere else.

I am so confused.

Nice thread marking faggot.

i approve

at least youre in good shape


>guy on left
If both of you had a kid



a match made in heaven

I gotchya covered fam. No one saw a thing.



Can't tell if we're being trolled

oh thank god




Just sit back and let it happen.




We're not. This is the level this group has sunk to.


Hey man cheer up, it could be worse. You could be gay.



Could be worse, we could be furries.

Why are you speaking to me?

It's hard to get any lower than rock bottom but damnit, we brought the drills

And you've done nothing to stop it. I hope you feel an immense amount of guilt.
