Why did you let this happen? Now we are all fucked.
Why did you let this happen? Now we are all fucked
Because it was the only way to prevent WW3. Now there is a glimmer of hope in the world.
anyone who feels this way either a russian shill, or a coward. which are you?
For memes and world peace. Hillary had corporations and foreign governments backing her. We really dodged a bullet here. Also her aide huma has ties to the mudslime brotherhood.
Shows how much you know you fool.
Hitler didn't build the Berlin Wall. The Russian backed East Germany did.
we had to try something to break the entrenched political system, so picking the biggest asshole we could find seemed like an option.
Russia has 1 ally in the mid east, according to obama. I am perfectly fine if he keeps it. Nothing shilly about that is there, Kratos?
So sorry you are scared of the Russian bear. I believe in the American military you fag commie.
Yeah... not sure how well that worked out.
Thinking that electing Hillary = WWIII is about as shilly as it gets.
>anyone who doesn't think we should declare war on Russia is a shill.
>Hillary promised to start WW3, and now that whole plan is fucked with a diplomatic leader like Trump
It's funny that libtards are now the warmongers.
The Berlin wall was created after Hitler died. It was built by Russia.
Yep, it was to keep people from Soviet East Berlin from running to American-run West Berlin.
Joseph Dunford, only the highest ranking military official in the U.S agrees that she would of caused ww3
>Berlin Wall
Are you really this retarded?
And podesta is a spirit cooker. The real question is whether or not she had a single morally honest person in her posse.
Occupy Democrats in a nutshell.
This is some top tier fearmongering.
more liberal hyperbole.
your kind's time is over. Prepare to be motherfucking trumped.
She said on tape that if she gets elected, she will go to war with Iran. The way alliances are set up right now, that is WW3 if I ever saw one.
Also, her next step after the no fly zone in Syria was to ARM THE KURDS. How many more sand durkas are you going to arm woman?
Yes, implementing a no-fly zone, if Russia did not agree, would require us to go to war. Which never would have happened.
It's cool - trump will ... oh wait.
The wall was torn down by David Hasselhoff, who happened to be nearby. This launched his musical career.
Its not about believing in the military. We dont want to fight wars to fill the elites pockets. Im sorry youre just so hopelessly ignorant that youd blindy march into war thinking you were some kind of patriot.
oh god Trump gets his full security briefing this weekend. expect him to turn 360 on all his positions and leave the white-house.
Give the man a chance. Let him fail once then speak. So grow up.
Another liberal-washed miss-interpretation. Just like they said he wasn't going to repeal Obamacare after meeting with the president.
>We dont want to fight wars to fill the elites pockets.
you know what, I agree with you. too bad you voted for Trump, because that is exactly what will happen now. At least with Hillary there would have been some control - her base wouldn't support her otherwise.
> Let him fail once then speak
you read the news lately?
>hitler had his berlin wall
>Why did you let this happen?
because you americanfags are stupid enough to think hitler made berlin wall
sorry, I don't have an infowars article about it.
>marxist socialist liberals scream about trump being hitler
>nazi party is literally socialist
Hypocrisy level 110
Repeal & Replace
Open up state lines so that insurance prices don't go up 110%
kek, hitler didn't have the berlin wall faggot.
why are you such a fucking pussy? The stupidity is getting out of hand, I think the only way to reset is a general wipe out of the blacks and mexicans , so teh Asians can have a fair shake.
>Cant repeal it
ok buddy
Hey, who cares about all that. Lets check these dubs!!!
Where you getting your news son? The mainstream is all owned by ((them)). Just think about it, if someone else really was pulling all the strings this is how they would do it. Fear mongering and propaganda. Kinda like this shitty thread.
you know, my rates went up 100%, but so did my rebate... so. it stayed the same for me.
I'm looking forward to not having insurance again!
good point.
b00bish dubs checked!
Drain the swamp is what happened
He might not be so bad.
ok buddy, go back to infowars - let alex rock you to sleep with dreams of armed revolution or whatever it is you fags jerk off about.
yes, hitler went after the jews... why
trump is going after the Muslims, illegals, refugees... ALL THE RIGHT PEOPLE FUCK YA TRUMP
craving trips now...
your rebate's coming right out of the national debt. Fuck however much prices go up! It's all about me. I'm the only american!
Murrican education. Still they think they are the smartest.DDR and Hitler are totally different things and times
He has done nothing yet as a president. Perhaps he will realize that since he is in office there is more to it than what he expected.
>Read the news
Yeah I do. Perhaps you should look at more than one source.
Sure Trump is a shitty politican. But me as european is happy about it, because Hillary wanted to start war with russia and Trump not
LOL fuck that. Never get your news source from one place. How come youtubers with nothing but a shitty webcam were able to predicct the outcome with accuracy. They actually analyzed the election. The mainstream predicted a clinton landslide. Look what happened. All they do is lie. Stop being such a damn sheep and taking it all at face value. At the end of the day there is only one truth.
How come ctr shills have the worst memes?
Berlin Wall? That was the Commie back in the Cold War. Do some fucking research.
Haha, oh god, I hope you don't believe this. It is all washington insiders and a few of the shitfucks who were loyal to him.
Here is what you will get:
>Medicare privatized ( run by 1% )
>Federal Prisons privatized ( hope you bought lots of stock )
>Increased defense spending
>Gutting EPA / FDA ( hope you bought big pharma )
>Deregulating banks ( yeah that is right, trump is pro-wallstreet )
Here is what you wont see:
>Jobs brought back from china
>Washington Outsider making changes
>Anything anti-globalism
>Trade war with China
At least I'm not voting for the president because some magic book told me science was bad. Or because I'm too stupid to read a few books.
All you fags did was let the GOP fuck this country for another 4 years.
jesus you people are stupid. no she did not. NO ONE wants a war with Russia. We just want them to
1) Stop invading other countries
2) Stop supporting assad with military strikes.
If I've learned anything from this election, it is that is NOT one truth. You fucking idiots still think global warming is a scam. Your have literally no grasp on truth. You believe what is convenient, and your shitstain "media" like fox / breitbart / imarealpatriot.com or whatever is where you get your "news" these days.
Shit trump supporters were like "hang the journalists!". might as well bash in the eggheads too.
op are you retarded or what? The berlin wall was made a few decades after Hitler died you silly mongotard.
>At least I'm not voting for the president because some magic book told me science was bad. Or because I'm too stupid to read a few books.
>All you fags did was let the GOP fuck this country for another 4 years.
Better the GOP than God himself. We almost got Pompeiid by your tolerance initiatives.
Obama and Clinton were on the best way to start a war. Thats why russia, China (and since short time) the Philippines already inofficaly kinda allied up. You have nothing to do over there. Defend your own land and dont conquer others. Do you really believe this world police (even after Abu ghraib haha) and preventive war bullshit? Nobody will attack US, nobody will attack EU. Why? They are just too strong and other strong parties would ally up with them. Probably US, EU vs China, russia, philipinnes.
Your pic is exactly why we let it happen.
Look here is a good way to see if a Trump presidency will be good for you.
>Did you make money this last week on stocks
If the answer is:
>yes some
You are going to get fucked up the ass.
If your answer was :
>yes, quite a bit
Then you will be juuuuust fine.
Hitler didn't build the Berlin Wall
Are all Americans this uneducated?
Don't you mean Sodom and Gomorrah? Fucking too dumb to even read your own magic book.
Oh thats right you just read the parts that you want to. Nothing about
>It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven, than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle
Comparing Trump to Putin is not exactly an argument against him.
Hitler didnt build a wall
ooohhhh ohhh my brain is swelling with knowledge please tell me more ohhoohh
if you want to live in a shitty 2nd world dictatorship - you should just move there.
>too dumb to understand why certain passages are more important.
Tell me about religion when you practice it, not when you regurgitate it.
It's a troll that just trolled the shit outta you.
It makes sense that the frog is happy that it's home has been completely destroyed. That makes a lot of sense. Your position makes a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense.
The new testament is significantly more important. If you think otherwise, that makes you a jew - not a christian.
You're a moron if you think this is a legitimate point.
I'm a white heterosexual man.
Dont bother me with your subhuman problems.
1) stop invading other countries
Thats what the US is doing since centuries in front of russia. Tell me an year where US wasn't in war. It's 17 years at all in 255 years of history.
2) stop supporting Assad
Against which he supports russia him? Against IS. Russia destroyed more infrastructure of IS in a few months than US in years. Why? Because US wants a reason to invade syria. Thats what you've done in a lot of other countries too. And after that its more fuckd up than before. You cant tell me the US invades Iraq in less than 2 months but fights years against some terrorists which don't even have aircraft or intelligence service
>Heelp! my little, tiny penis is to pathetically feminine and will shrivel up when a truely amazing leader takes office!
How do people not know this?
People elected Trump. They're not exactly well-informed.
>Because US wants a reason to invade syria.
Gotta build that Qatar to Europe pipeline! Gotta keep my Saudi masters happy so Huma doesn't tell on me to my Muslim Brothers!
Yeah and today they'd rather have the wall again since westgermans are libcucks and east germans are nazis...
> eye of a needle
It's a tight passage in a city wall that was used at night when city gates were closed. Something like picrel.
Decent bait. Not great, but decent. The wall thing could be more subtle.
He is an idiot who confuses socialism with national-socialism, which is basically the opposit.
>omg it's the end of the world
We hear this every 4 years from you dumbfucks who only care about politics every 4 years. You show up and play armchair political analyst all over social media for a few months, then when it's over you go away again. Why are you still here a week later with your armaggedon predictions? Go the fuck away.
well this fat fuck aint making it then
Now the SCOTUS won't be filled with liberal activists who will engage in social experimentation for the next half century. Surely even the looniest of libtards recognizes that's a positive.
used a euphemism of a euphemism, rigggggght.
can I get some rule 34 on this cunt? I need to hate-jizz on her face tongiht
You could put Obama the pot smoking, coke snorting, race baiting, lying, rude, narcissistic, stuttering idiot there and the image works just fine.
>make fun of special olympics
>lie about selma march (and a lot of other things)
>insult england
>mother was slut
>mentored by communist
>started fundraiser in a terrorist's house
The list could go on forever.
no no, they meant the "eye of the needle" which is another term for where the very wealthy ate their food. It meant that only really rich people can get into heaven.
obvious troll, because i follow occupy democrats on my facebook and they never posted that -- op is a shill trying to make liberals look stupid
again, way to take the bait -- op pretending to be a liberal and then low-key making idiotic statements on purpose
It's been a week and the tears are still raining down. We're going to drown over here lol. but don't stop, your tears are delicious
occupy democrats are a bunch of MSM spreading faglords
We were fucked no matter who won, faggot.
the secret service is going to need a presidential boat for the flood. 8 years is an eternity to hold in your transgender piss.
you ever read a book on shicklegrubber?
that shit won't work because insurance companies will just move to states that have the most lax rules on price increases, effectively limiting their competition with each other. same thing that happened with credit card companies -- someone wrote a good article on it like just yesterday. in the washington post somewhere. but... let's try it and see if it works and blame trump when it doesn't, i'm all for that
>Berlin wall
That's some legendary bait, I've caught a few in my time myself with the ol' berlin wall = hitler = trump trolling trope. Keep doing god's work, son.
falling for this pretend liberal who is intentionally making dumb comments... i am about to give up on Sup Forums its all shills for both sides now, and full of spammers low-key pushing products and web sites (and people who take the bait constantly)
as trump fills his transition team with corporate lobbyists
> which don't even have aircraft or intelligence service
Or proper Training, or special forces, or strategical trained generals, or gold reserves, or strict hierarchy ...
God u have to be really stupid not to see that US is supporting IS and they dont want russia to bomb their guys. Otherwise they would give a fuck. What US is doing is giving extremists weapons. And sure it can cause an world war. In syria conflict is US, EU, syria, turkey, Saudi arabia, russia, china and Israel. When you attack syria every country will react different and it will escalate.
Btw US has over 250 bases in over 190 different countries. Russia had afaik less than 20 bases in other countries. It's not russia being aggressive or Imperial. And US is on other side of the world. Russia has syria in front of their nose. Imagine russia invading mexico
A study about 6 years ago (if I remember correctly) concluded that the current supreme court is already as conservative as it has ever been in its history. Now it will be even more conservative. I won't call you a shill, but this kind of baseless assertion really makes you seem like a shill...