do tinder really works?
pic is my current tinder pic, what can i do to take a better one
do tinder really works?
pic is my current tinder pic, what can i do to take a better one
Be taller, whiter, and less of a fucking nerd.
>what can i do to take a better one
but that's impossible sir
jesus fucking christ dude
i'm taller than tom cruise actually
Yes, Tinder works. Unfortunately you aren't attractive, so it won't work for you.
< you look like this
Try black and white filters
>what can i do to take a better one
try to think less about killing people when you take your next photo
Damn that's hilarious.
Op, if you have a giant cock your best bet is to lead with that.
Your face and appearance says "I date rape bitches". Cut your hair and put on a collared shirt.
Put the necklace inside your shirt.
Change your shirt to something someone over 14 years old would actually wear on a date.
Put the fucking guitar away.People who play by themselves in their are not cool.I know you think you are, but you really aren't.
given that i pretty much look like a school shooter or serial rapist...... that's a hard shit to do
>pic is my current tinder pic
Change t-shirts and lose the guitar, and you should be able to find plenty of niggers to fuck your butt.
Really cool picture thanks for sharing.
My orbit.
forgot pic.....
>"thats a hard shit to do"
Tom Cruise is a fucking midget. They had to use trick camera angles to make him look like a grown man in every movie he's been in.
The Eddie Munster look is not working, Pugsley.
If you want to lose your frontal virginity, you'll also need to display more class than a Metallica t-shit.
tinder is trash.
some of the worst dates i have ever been on have been from tinder.
just meet people in real life is way easier and they're higher quality.
You look like a massive vagina
Better haircut, different style of shirt, and smile, look happy and fun. Its best to take a pic when actually happy instead of forcing a smile.
>Batman and Metallica tshirts on Tinder
>you know what women want and how to please them
lol btw i'm 1.77m
maybe an AC/DC shirt would do it?
Also talk to a barber and hear his recommendation for haircut. They usually have enough experience to see how best to do it.
No you autistic dumbass. Bitches on tinder don't know shit about metal or good music, wear a brighter color to make it look like you are a happier person or won't be a downer
We get it you play guitar.
Its one thing to have a picture with you playing one at a show or on stage or something. This however just screams insecurity.
No one thinks you are special or unique for playing it.
Serious advice, don't look at the camera.
You will statistically get more action by looking in another direction. (There have been studies)
okay i'll delete that one from tinder, i'll take a pair of pics now, not actually for tinder but to hear ideas about
No you're not. Look at your stubby arms. Surprised you can even touch your own dick
Try not to look like a murderer
just grab the best pics of you you ever had and use them, use the ones that make you look really good compared to how you actually look, then if you know how to talk to chicks online your good, trust if a girl likes you on tinder if you can talk her into liking which isn't hard your guaranteed pussy unless you live far way.
you seem like a school shooter
Not look like a faggot
>trick answer, it's impossible
Don't play a D#m you fucking faggot. Bitches want F or F#. Don't you know anything?
fuck i thought they liked the D(#m)
Post pictures of yourself OUT IN THE WORLD having fun.
Post a nice bio, be very positive about the major aspects of your life. Or just write out your dream if you don't have a nice life, just be positive, damnit.
Give a brief, vague description of the type of woman you're looking for - most girls should say "that's me!" Don't make it about their physical appearance. Then tell them to message you - do not send out a single message first. Girls will read your shit and come back within like a week, sometimes right away. The girls that message you will practically fall into your lap if you take them on a date doing something fun (not a movie).
it worked for me. though you need to offer your facebook right away cause some people use the app and dont look at it for like a week.
watch out for bots though.
Also change that shit ass pick. the first pick is everything so you need to look as sexy as ever, dress formal and erase that kid batman pic that u have.
Nope. They want anything < 100Hz frequency. I find F works best. If she has nipple piercing you want to throw in some Fsus shit
OP you're gonna have to pick up chicks at bars and shows. Metalheads don't waist time with these sheepish looks \m/.
Quit using bands T-Shirts. Get some plain colors shirts, and ffs don't comb your hair like that. What are you a mexican Patrick Bateman?
Great advice, also cool haircut is needed
well this is how shitty i look on regular basis, i've been ill these days so i look extra shitty (fucking acne, i've been eating so much junk food lately) and my hair is just a little more messy than normal
Oh shit, you're fucked
>Im taller than tom cruise
If that's your best feature your gonna have to work on that, the 5'6 guy has fucked more human and alien pussy than everyone posting on this thread combined,
Cut your fucking hair and find some face wash, and then if possible visit /fit/ and then get some tips from the /fa/gs you got some work ahead of you
what is wrong with you? get a fucking better haircut, change your autismo t-shirt aaaaa so many things
is this bait?
theres just no way dude hahaha
Bro, used tinder for like ever. Hung out with like two girls.
Travel a ton for my work.
Been dating this babe for like 5 months because of it.
All you really need is a great (really cheesy) but seriously cleaver opening pick up line!
You'll score!
what kinda haircut?
You can take a better picture by not playing a fucking D sharp, you putz.
Not for you it doesn't.
thanks for stating the obvious commander
lose weight gain muscle get taller get face job and get a life, your shitty guitar is trash girls aint interested
Cut your hair. Put on some nice clothes (collar shirt/button up) and put the guitar in the background.
If you want to date a nice, regular girl you have to act like a nice, regular human being for 2 seconds. Shocking I know
>do tinder really works
Kill yourself op.
write "I wanna die" on your profile
Don't try so hard. If you're taking a picture to use as a profile pic, its usually obvious.
Use a picture where you're not in your pathetic bedroom.
Stop looking like a high school sophomore who smells like everyone in his family smokes in the house.
No one gives a shot about your guitar.
cringey guitar, cringey shirt and creepy ass stare. Also is that a guitar pick on your chain? lol
Your picture is supposed to speak volumes as to who you are; or rather who you aren't.
Let me explain...
In this picture you have untamed longish hair, a necklace over your shirt, a batman shirt, and an electric guitar. As a Sup Forumsro I am totally ok with this, and if you were gay i'm sure you wouldn't have any problems. But you are wanting to attract chicks. So do this:
1.)Get a hair cut, but more specifically style it. Go to a Hispanic barber shop and say you need to look fresh for a new job.
2.)Wear a blue suit, on the darker side... Bit slimmer and a white shirt. No tie. Black will make you look retarded.
3.)Scrap the chasity belt around your neck.
Lastly, don't take a picture that makes you look like a boy. Go outside and have those ray-bans on. Kick some ass dude and show that you are confident, and a little exotic. Chicks will be crawling after you. You speak Spanish Pedro? Chicks love the foreign romantic "In my country you would be called Rosa; the flower of love."
Update us when you get a date who isn't fat. BTW - no mention of video games. You are a man, not a boy.
i speak spanish well and some italian too
Girls don't give a shit about your personality or hobbies. Look like you're tall, have alot of money, and have a big dick. Use your profile to state exactly what your high standard is for the women you meet. don't talk about you. keep the fat out of your sentences, short and to the point.
but actually delete tinder. fuck trying to score with women. the second you start living for you instead of them you your life becomes 1000% better. after a while they'll throw themselves at you. And then it's up to you whether you stick your dick in them or not.
Actually true OP.
Got my girlfriend without even looking for a girlfriend. Her boyfriend was a pussy and was more sensitive then her, and so one whiff of an actually male and she was on me.
Rode my dick outside her ex-pussies house.