Post cool old tech stuff.
Doesn't have to be computers.
Post cool old tech stuff
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Nice. Is there any "browsers" that just look vintage like that?
None that I can think of off the top of my head.
Bump for interest
Feast your eyes on the ratest prototype console that never saw the light of day.
SNES-CD Playstation
Old tech.
DUDE I HAD ONE OF THOSE! It was a piece of shit, at the time it was the coolest, though.
I have a functioning Atari 2600, two paddles, two joysticks and a Vans shoe box full of cartridges.
using a joystick because the mouse hadn't been invented yet.
παλαιότερη τεχνολογία
lazygamereviews on youtube does stuff like this
Ξέρει κανείς τι είναι;
that looks cozy as shit. like it needs a fireplace in there somewhere
Thanks for being kind user
Console television
I'm assuming a new gforce video card came out that your mom bought for you, and now you're feeling brave.
I miss sitting on the floor watching T.v. in the wee hours!
found the time traveler
Quads a coincidence? I THINK NAY
>not having a bean bag
Your parents obviously didn't love you.
Merc looks super clean, bro.
like it's actually his car
I got in bigass trouble when I was little because my aunt had one of these and I pulled all the knobs out of the dummy drawers because I was convinced that they would open if I pulled hard enough
You're obvisly a homosexual
>Ξέρει κανείς τι είναι;
ιαβρωμένα χάλκινα πλοήγησης ενίσχυση
Piss off with your modern office
DUDE I HAD ONE OF THOSE! It was a piece of shit, at the time it was the coolest, though
Naw man we had shag carpeting in our trailer home
wow gay much
I have a IBM PS/2 P70 like the one in the picture with a Kingston McMaster that upgrades the system from a 386 to a cyrix 133
I actually drive a 1992 Cadillac Fleetwood
Έξυπνο για το χρόνο
yeah nigga. geos up in this bitch.
Looks like Windows 10
Did you know that up until a few years ago, McDonald's were still using modems to do their food ordering and to process credit cards?
Until a few years ago... everyone was.
First computer my family got, some time in the late 80's I believe. A Vendex something or other. You had to load DOS off a disc, and then put in the program disc.
Pic related on my desk
Shit picture
I mean like 5 years ago recent.
>mfw trash 80
I always wanted one of those.
this gotta be so fake, thats a snes controller
I used to have a truck with that dimmer switch. Very convenient.
Aw yiss
Had them!
I would LOVE a Nagra IV-S...but I don't have a spare couple of grand. :(
My grandfather had one of those.