Hey anons, I just broke up with my gf of 4 years

Hey anons, I just broke up with my gf of 4 years,
i don't wanna bother you with the details, but if any of you care to share some lulz I would appreciate greatly...

yeah anything will do

if you want to share OP we'll listen











Well, shits all going down this month, lost my job also 2 weeks ago ah, and now this... she gave me that ''i need my freedom bullshit'' she's 21 and im 25 btw....




damn man, my Ex and I broke up a week ago. I know your feels.





So you were dating a 16 year old while being 20. Wtf do you expect? You got into a relationship with a child, she's ready to ride the cock carousel now.
I love it.



I see your point, but she was 17 to be fair , and yeah thats probably it, what she meant was i need the freedom to suck any cock that i please

yeah man, how long did u date her? and oh yeah i forgot to mention i live with her ...

not long enough to mention, and I hope you can find a good home mate. I mean i'd hope your parents would take you in.


i see, well my parents are divorced and I wouldn't wanna see myself as a burden once more so I'll find something else...

Good luck

yeah thanks lol , well I have 2 older brothers that are probably moving next year so maybe theyll find a new place to fit me in, or i might try to get in touch with some old friends...

That fucking sucks OP

yeah dude

Hey dude. Know the shit feeling. Here if you wanna talk