Who else is ready for the movie of the year?

Who else is ready for the movie of the year?


Guaranteed Oscar.

>using a song like that for a movie like this


Are they really going to try to glorify a schizophrenic who thought he spoke to God directly and slaughtered women and children?

>White Guilt 2: Electric Boogaloo

can you imagine how bad entitled black racists will lose their shit if this doesn't sweep the oscars

lmfao the kikes are getting so fucking blatant

>It's a "lets trigger the Sup Forums neckbeards" thread

ending is going to be pretty good

I find it incredibly funny that you can not even grasp that slaves taking revenge on their slavers is good.
Let me guess, meanwhile people like the Templars are your personal, white heroes.

Hollywood already glorified this slave revolt leader who killed loads of civilians. Why not this one?

Lol whitey btfo

At least 5 awards, probably even more.

After this years "nuh uh enuf minrities!", they'll overcompensate by giving this movie most of the awards.

wtf i hate white people now

As long as it doesn't vilify jews like Straight Outta Compton.

6 months into this year and its pretty shit for films so far. Wouldnt be surprsied if this sweeps. The academy loves their slave flick, and it would be redemptive of #OscarsSoWhite
>white slavers didnt slaughter women and children

what the fuck are you even babbling about

its a shitty pop song in a serious, historical drama

>when you are such a brainwashed, mentally damaged liberal you shoehorn race issues into everything and anything all day long

>it's another oscar bait slavery is bad movie

I still can never get an explanation from Sup Forums why a spartacus movie is okay and a nate turner movie isn't.

Hell early screenings of Birth of a Nation say it does include scenes of the slaves killing civilians, whereas Spartacus (and the recent Starz series) glossed over it.

>a millennia year old story is comparable to contemporary race politics

The Romans didn't glorify Spartacus, did they?

I like that all this racial bullshit is becoming like a pleb filter.

When I meet someone that goes on about race relations or reparations or anything like that its a nice easy signal that I can completely tune them out.

yes well done niggers, well done niggers

If America was left to the blacks to be developed, it would just end up becoming anohther Africa, just like Liberia. Black people always fuck everything up unless a cracker, a jew, an arab, or an asian, is supervising them.

Horseshoe theory is real. You literally say blacks should "get over slavery it happened centuries ago" then say it's still too soon for a story about slavery that happened centuries ago.

you guys are garbage doesn't that tell you white males are scum say what you are.

>making the same thread over and over

fuck off

It's going to be as Epic as 300. Last stand and all.

>implying you talk to people in real life

>its a 'nigger is illiterate' episode

Fucking suicide. As if that wasn't the general mentality on Sup Forums.

Many Roman historians and playwrights did when the dust settled. The Romans weren't a monolithic media entity and there was a lot of romanticism surrounding gladiators.

Because Spartacus was successful.

It was a pretty small scale conflict, that's its biggest weakness as a story. Only like 150-200 slaves were part of Turner's force at any given time and were facing only several dozen militia. It also only lasted like a day or two.

Nothing compared to the likes of Spartacus where you got 100,000+ slaves rampaging around Italy for years.

>That documentary about the Chinese railroad company trying to build in Africa

I really wish I could remember the name, it was shockingly eye opening.

Instead of African Americans seeking reparations from whites for saving their asses from genocidal Africa,
why aren't they seeking reparations from the African niggers who sold them to whitey in the first place?

No he wasn't. His army was annihilated and slavery/gladiatorial combat in Rome continued unabated for centuries

I want a John Brown movie. Tarantino said he wanted to make one so he should just do it already

You know why.

im white dumb ass and you are all rotten humans.

>its a Sup Forums defends slavery episode

Lol everytime

it really is self-parody



>Whites enslaving blacks is okay
>Ottomans enslaving whites is wrong

Literal Sup Forums logic.

Not a single post in here defending slavery in any for you fucking mongoloid.

>skipping your meds

Nothing you said can be considered a reponse to the post you replied to.
Reevaluate your life.

You know, I wouldn't really have a problem with the movie if it was made as a standalone type thing instead of a childish jab at whites. That title clearly has nothing to do with the birth of a nation. It was a slave revolt that was promptly stomped out, and ultimately had little to no effect on the quest to end slavery. In fact, the original movie's title had nothing to do with the birth of a nation now that I think of it. They should have made this one about the Haitian Revolution, as that actually was the birth of a nation.

It would be great if they portrayed him as a bit crazy, but they won't. He'll be shown as a flawless martyr

Which inspirational song will they play during the infanticides?

>white slavers didn't slaughter women in children

When was the last time a movie had a white slaver protagonist? Name as many as you can think.

>They should have made this one about the Haitian Revolution, as that actually was the birth of a nation.

Thats what I fucking thought this movie was about and was actually interested. then saw the trailer and realized its just another oscar bait piece of shit

That's not what I said at all, lad. You were just trigger happy to post that image.

The funny thing about this picture is that the average Jew's so ugly, that whoever compiled this used ethnically half Jews for a third of the "Jewish" women.

Ottomans were idiots who never advanced any conquered territory economically or technologically, like those territories would if they wew independent. Balkanfags would have followed the west instead of being relegated to the stone age by Ottomans.
Ergo thr Ottoman empire went bankrupt and disintegrated due to being stuck in time.
Niggers are even worse. So yeah.

>nothing but capeshit, shit tier 'comedies' and racebaiting historical dramas as far as the eye can see

what went wrong

Right? Now that actually sounds like an interesting film, granted it was directed properly.

>White hero rallying blacks
>depicting blacks as cowed slaves who don't join the revolt
>ends up dying to white militia after killing a few negros

Tarintino would never make such a racist movie you son of a bitch!


He raised thousands in chains into a three year war and died in battle and Rome had tto crucify 6000 of his soldiers to qwell his slave revolt
Nat Turner led a glorified chimpout and was hanged

Just because it wasn't a successful revolution doesn't make it not a successful rebellion.

At least Django Unchained was fun

This, at least the Haitians were successful with their kill whitey revolt and freaked Europe and the USA the fuck out.

Just cut to the end before they get to the whole "worldwide economic sanctions by scared whites sends Haiti into 3rd world country tier"

looks cheesy and cliched but you never know, it could be good

Get back to fluffing Trayvon before he fucks your wife's daughter

>5 consecutive years of nigger films

>Just because it wasn't a successful revolution doesn't make it not a successful rebellion.
That ought to be the dumbest thing I've read in my entire life. If you fail to take power it's a failed rebellion.

Incoherent rage

Eh. Looks pretty dull. I'm sure it'll get an Oscar because of the diversity quota that's been put in place though. Not that it deserves one.

Spartacus is an old movie written by a Commie that nobody gives a fuck about. It was LITERALLY Civil Rights Propaganda. Neither this, nor Spartacus are good movies.

Does everyone WANT accurate portrayals? Absolutely. Will Hollywood ever actually provide such a thing? Of course not. REAL history doesn't sell well. The British Crusade against Slavery will NEVER get a movie. The Barbary Wars will NEVER get a movie.

Get real user.

Yeah. For a race that constitutes only 13% of the US population, and that includes 1/6th 'blacks', they sure get a disproportionate amount of representation.

And still scream and throw literal tantrums that its not enough.

>those on the left are anglos

In my books they're just as bad as jews.

Empire of Dust

Idris Elba plays all the parts.. It's like a fucking Eddy Murphy movie.

yeah im that guy wrong

>First off nigger, when you address me you address me as master. Got it, coon?
*whips the niggers back*

>Now, go get me your daughter so I can implant my seed in her. Understand nigger? You are my property.

This was a bit uncalled for eh?

why are white people so cucked that they feel the need to appease niggers every chance they get while bowing down and sucking their bbcs?

you don't see arabs do the same thing after they pretty much started the slave trade in Africa with the jews
hell, mongolians actually glory in the slaughter party they threw across Asia and the chinks dont give a fuck

seriously, I actually wanna know why you have such low self-esteem and guilt about something that took place so long ago while its still active in the gulf arab states to buy niggers of fucking FB as slaves at this very moment?


I'm also surprised that nobody is throwing a tantrum about jews constituting over 70% of the higher governing body, despite being barely 3% of the population.

It's all about superiority. Liberal whites view nonwhites as incompetent and poor helpless victims. They don't respect them at all.

This has been called "white mans burden", or "the bigotry of low expectations".


some sick skrillex riff

Its extremely bizarre to me, and a trait found exclusively in whites.

>movie of the year?
if its not capeshit or starwars it has no chance

>not posting the original
>losing the whole visual comedy aspect in the poorly crafted parody

>>white slavers didnt slaughter women and children

The difference here being, no one is making a movie about a white slaver and trying to paint them in a positive light.

As a black dude its fucking insane to me the irony is lost on white liberals when they treat minorities like completely incompetent children.

To me thats much more deep seated and repugnant racism than some old Southern good ol boy saying he hates niggers. At least the latter is not a raging hypocrite.

think you can out meme me fag

>why are anglo-cucks...


Well, bless your little heart. I'd pat you on the head if I could. :3

White liberals are mentally ill. The behavior of mentally ill people often defies logic and is self harming.

thats literally it.


It's the youth bulge among immigrants and nonwhites that keeps whites subconsciously on their toes. It's pure appeasement for their future replacements. They want to live in a world where they don't get slaughtered without having to fight. Just like the angsty kid in school doing the bully's bidding. Just a hypothesis.


If anyone is getting slaughtered in the future its the poor, regardless of what color they are.

And if it actually came down to 'fight or be subjugated' in a real, physical sense whites would annihilate the rest of the planet a hundred times over. I'm fucking Mexican and I know that.

>If anyone is getting slaughtered in the future its the poor, regardless of what color they are

It is also ridiculous to hate people because they are inferior to oneself. I mean, when i see a down syndrome guy, i dont feel the urge to hate him just because he cant go to high school or do complex stuff, i pity him, but not hate, i've never understood that part of racism.

>If anyone is getting slaughtered in the future its the poor

So niggers

Nobody hates negros because they are dumb, people hate them because they steal, murder, rape...

Yeah, exactly, idiots like that will be slaughtered

Yeah, thats NOW, but back in the days, when they were still slaves and they lived in barns and where 100% controlled, whites still hated them... why?

C'mon, all this increasing social justice stuff seems to correlate with increasingly changing demographics. Whites grow up in an environment where they're almost outnumbered, so the rewards of supremacy get lower and the risks higher. Better give up and be a leftist, much safer.

Why not make a movie about John Brown instead?

You know, a real hero

Because they stole, murdered and raped?