This is dave. he is waayyy too happy. knock him down a peg

this is dave. he is waayyy too happy. knock him down a peg.
Dubs decide how.

kill urself, dav

dave voted trump so now a group of peace loving non violent liberal students will bash him to death

i am from a old thread, obey me and vote bush dave

We may have lost him to happiness

Dave visits the ghetto and gets sodomized by niggers.

Donald trump shoves his dick up dave's ass.

Exactly 5473 Little Rats, which are all drawn with amazing accuracy and Detail, line up in order to fuck him.

i fukd ur mum


Shotgun to the dick.



Dave takes the shotgun, like a champ, but now he is bleeding out fast.

Dave calls the paramedics, but they just curb stomp the poor bastard.


Dave get his penis resurrected by Mercy, then immediately McCree High Noon's his dick off




Tell Dave that he has eat Hillary Clinton out.


Dave heals himself by applying a sharpie to his pooper