Guys, I'm meeting this 30 something year old guy i met online in 2 hours. I'm gonna suck his cock in his car, i'm 18...

Guys, I'm meeting this 30 something year old guy i met online in 2 hours. I'm gonna suck his cock in his car, i'm 18, am i gonna die tonight?

You're THAT low on cash fam?


jesus I hope so retards like you deserve to die

how much you getting?

you're mean

not op fam lel

You should leave behind a note containing all relevant information. Just in case.

that is not a coherent response, are you getting paid or not! I think you full of shit. Time stamp and tits!

it's anonymous

mate,i'm a dude not even getting paid

post pics

>am i gonna die tonight?
Not if you suck cock well enough.

Then why are you doing this shit... Fuckin whore?

my first time,wish me luck

You might drown

Ey user ive been trough that before why not just meet at your place or something? I always invite my hookups

i'm gay

let's just say my place isn't really MY place

And so am I... You dont see me meeting up with guys I've met 2 hours ago.. Are you actually retarded?...

have you talked to him over video?

Selling your soul to Satan at such an early age? What a shame.

Also did he sent you pics of his cock? If i were you id rather look for someone who starts with pleasuring you first rather than you pleasuring him atleast for your first time

isn't it obvious by now?


You'll be fine, op
Enjoy your cocksucking

No it's really not obvious... Explain? Right now I'm just assuming you're a confused cum dump... At least get paid for it? Jesus...

i like the excitement and danger fam

Well good luck op but why are you asking us for help if youre gonna do it either way?

just interested in my chances of living til tomorrow,also im an attention whore

You really need to find someone that cares -.- not just someone to pound you ;P I mean yeah thats all good... But you'll be screwed in the long run. That being said... You cute or?

Iam cute :3 gonna meet up with my weekly hookup tonight soon and cum deep inside him

yeah,most would agree i'm a cutie twink,also i do have people that care

Well lets say it like this the chances of your survival are pretty high tough there is always that looming fear but the guy is in his 30 and probably just wants to get his dick sucked by a cum slut like you so dont worry and enjoy the big cock in your mouth

I meant relationship wise user... xP do you just not want a relationship or? I just don't get it :P

Prepare to be trafficked