Why do libs whine so much?

Why do libs whine so much?

Why is op always a dirty faggot? Some truths just don't bare asking.


lelright? xD delishis tearz


I really was expecting to be seeing stuff like this by today. I'm kinda pissed trump won, because i was hoping for a civil war with a few megadeath.


why does the GOP depend so much on memes for geographic statistics? the majority of the red on that map in farmland/mountain range with incredibly low population density.

attached is an image of the state size scaled by population. see how small red states become? looks pretty even, if not dominated by blue states.

Lol I can tell by looking at my city that this "map" is pure bullshit. I as even happy trump won, but this map is a lie. It's crap I tell you.

And the whole Civil War threat is bullshit too because the people voted for Hillary look just like you do. You would know how to shoot. And you can't go by this map. That's for fucking certain.


fields and forest don't fight

California the "le legalize weed" state that republican?

Because too many Berniefags voted for Trump after Hillary ruined the democratic party and this is all that's left (no pun intended) of the cucks who voted for Hillary

This doesn't take popukation density into account, faggot. Do you think anybody actually lives in South dakota?

id love to see some civil war on fagmerika

"The only walls we build are walls of death"

>The red is mostly empty land.

Don't bring it to the countryside. You boys would be screwed

shit only just started! I can't wait to see more terror!

Same reason Republicans bitched after Obama: they're bad losers.

Ironically anybody who is pro-marijuana in California was highly against the legalization because of all the taxation and legalities that came with it. Literally nobody cared and was actually kind of let down lol

I'm not even american and I know most of the red land has a laughable population density in comparison

No please, when the war ends, they are going to make movies, and I couldn't stand a hundred movies about their war and how important it was, and how everyone in the world is so worried about them and how much they suffer.

Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)14:15:18 No.711581454 ▶
(OP) #

>The red is mostly empty land.
Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)14:16:00 No.711581534 ▶ With a rifle behind every blade of grass. Don't mess with us country folks

Careful what you wish for Ahmed

Come on, OP; why wouldn't they whine all the time? Think about it for a second:
>Politicians and their celebrity shills telling them that they're morally superior and righteous just for having a certain opinion.
>Liberal propaganda has taught them that differing opinions are to be dismissed, labelled or shamed without any scrutiny or discussion.
>If someone doesn't agree with you or says something you don't like; it's perfectly acceptable to try to either silence that person or even ruin their life (try to get them fired from their job, try to ruin their social and family lives, etc).
>They've come to believe that democracy and freedom of speech are only desirable when they result in your desired outcome.
>When things go your way, you should stomp your feet really loudly and cry a lot about how the system is broken.
They've basically been trained to behave like teenaged girls. Honestly I'd be more surprised if they didn't bitch and moan all the time.

>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)14:15:18 No.711581454 ▶
> (OP) # (OP) #
>>The red is mostly empty land.
>Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)14:16:00 No.711581534 ▶ With a rifle behind every blade of grass. Don't mess with us country folks
>11/13/16(Sun)12:20:26 No.711581924
> #
>Careful what you wish for Ahmed



why should we be scared of empty space?

Wanna rethink this take, champ?

Heavily armed in case terrorists attack the wal-mart in bumfucking nowhere. Or scary black people try to steal your hoverround.

>When things go your way
when things don't* go your way

You have to have an open mind, but only if you're receptive to what they believe.

More people voted for Clinton than for Trump. You're outnumbered you dumb fuck. There is research that shows conservatives have lower IQs than liberals, and you're a case in point. Geographic area doesn't equal population you fucking autistic fuck. I laugh at your inbred mumbles.

Exactly. It's the old free to think and believe whatever you like; just so long as it's the same as or very near to what I do.

who cares about the popular vote, the majority of americans are idiots

We're talking about a war you fucking retard. Numbers matter.

didnt trump say he wasnt sure if he was going to concede the race if he lost?

how do you feel about about a peaceful transfer of power?

More people also voted for Romney than Obama.

605 checking in here. Yes there are people here and I can I assure you we are armed to the teeth. We have few niggers but it is cold as fuck. You could always come visit and I can warm you up in the over

Real talk though: Would you be this critical of the same system if your peronal choice of candidate had won in the same fashion?

I don't.

So I'm automatically a KKK neo nazi who hangs black people and shoots muslims. They honestly believe that.

Kinda frightening actually. The brain of a leftist is a scary place

Wow, another dumb fuck faggot.

So what? That's not responding to my post at all. It's a retarded non sequitur.

I laugh at your ignorance

oh yeah, all those keyboard warrior SJW's vs rednecks that own a gun and know how to use it

Literally no one on earth gives a flying fuck about South Dakota or "Tha 605" you backwoods sisterfucker

A lot of trump supporters are, so you're retarded for not understanding their reasoning. Literal children can understand and you're too fucking dumb to.

It just doesn't make sense. I honestly don't give a fuck about politics but I find it concerning that anyone who describes themselves as Left has adopted this 'you're either the solution or the problem' mentality. Didn't vote for Hillary? You're fucking racist garbage. Bitch I'm Canadian, I wouldn't vote even if I was able to. I didn't even vote in my own sham election.


That's because you're too stupid to realize how dumb you are. We're talking about a war, so numbers matter. More people backed Clinton than Trump. That map only proves that the red states are more spread out with lower populations.

Jesus fuck if you don't have the intelligence of an 18 year old you shouldn't be allowed on this site.

Plz kys do Sup Forums a favor

Alright well I don't like your kind and you don't like my kind so we're at an impasse, so why can't we just have a war and get it over with?

The point is that map is misleading, and if you don't realize that then you're walking trash. I could be the most pro-Trump person in the world and still call out the retardation of that map. Get fucking educated you dumb Trump fucks.

Let's have a shootout and solve this old school then

Pretty sure you were bitching pretty hard in '08 and again in '12.

Nice response conservacuck. There's a reason people look down at you and think you're all inbred trash.

You want to play the map game? The South will rise again to get another beer from the fridge or burn a cross, but god forbid adding to the GDP.

Nice response conservacuck. There's a reason people look down at you and think you're all inbred trash.

Bitch. What a coward

You guys need help and mental illness usually prevents people from seeking it. We might have to warden you off and figure things out for you.

It's easy figuring out who to shoot. Start with the ones with purple hair and dudes in dresses, then kill the ones that bitch about it.

It's a good start anyways.

You admit you are stupid and uneducated, so you decide to settle things with force. You are literally no different from niggers.

Talk about welfare queens. The South sucks the tit of blue state federal taxes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Trump supporter; I'm just curious about why people just happen to be crying when the person they want to win doesn't.

Not true

Keep thinking that. Have fun wallowing around in your idiot brain

I'll give you a freebie: thats not true.

He's right though, faggot.

>That's not true

You mean the thing that just happened? The thing where you literally just admitted you were too stupid to argue back so you wanted to have a shootout?

You are a nigger with white skin. Get the fuck out of my country.

>I could be the most pro-Trump person in the world and still call out the retardation of that map
I never said it wasn't
Also if you don't support trump or at least hate this much that you would prefer hillary to win, what the fuck are you doing on this taiwanese basket-weaving board?
May I redirect madam to a more suitable webpage? >>>>tumblr

We elected Trump by force. That's how we won

God damn I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning

>mississippi and alabama
>every single time


Glad I voted trump and live in california now

This should be a lesson:

Trump is always correct. Should've listened to him the first time.

>thinking Sup Forums is an alt-right safe haven

Look at this faggot.

No. You get out. We elected a republican conservative government. Now its your turn to go fuck yourself.

And we elected Trump by force.

i for one, cant wait to start shooting every fat disgusting piece of white trash i can get a bead on.

keep on telling yourself that there won't be resistance, that is exactly what we want you to think.

trepidation of the coming purge makes me giddy

maybe get off of facebook. i'm not whining.

Uh no, you elected Trump by the same rules every president of this country has been elected. Trump supporters have the biggest case of small-dick syndrome I've ever seen. Why do you all feel it's necessary to hype him up with lies?


maybe not anymore but your kind sure as hell wouldn't be tolerated around here 4 even 3 years ago
That being said, its still no where near as PC as your filthy left wing safe haven

By force.

We forced the country and the government to accept the fact that we want Trump.

They want a billionaire-daddy to take care of them. Shame when they realize he doesn't give two squirts of piss about anyone other than himself.

Whrn youre a leftist and think you have the majority and can win a war, but then remember that youre anti military and anti gun and anti police.

Then why did he lose the popular vote?

This also is true

Karmas a bitch

>my kind
>wouldn't be tolerated

As if you have any power whatsoever. Being hateful doesn't make you right or smart.

>by force

you didnt do anything fatboy, so go be pissed at niggers taking the women you could never get anyways.

>electoral college fucks our democracy and every fat toothless inbred hayseed thinks they can take credit

Same reason Romney won it too

You are literally just saying it was a normal election. By your logic, every president of this country won by force.

You conservatives are all so fucking retarded, I can dance logic around your puny brains all day.

> I'm just curious about why people just happen to be crying when the person they want to win doesn't

Are you an idiot? Sour grapes
To answer your question, yes if Hilary had won there would be a number of Republicans making themselves look like fools right now too. Neither side has a moral high ground to stand on


Not dancing now faggot

Your bitch lost


>non conservative
>combat veteran
>own multiple firearms
>have non-conservative friends with multiple firearms

don't worry, grandma will rock you to sleep tonight while momma's out destroying the white race one nigger nut at a time

Because the common american is an idiot
Politicians aren't that much smarter but at least they have some knowledge of how things work and a much more realistic idea of how much money is needed to make it work

By that same electoral college Trump was complaining about. kek

>wouldn't be tolerated around here 4 even 3 years ago

The site's culture changed long before that and even at its best, or worst, there were limp wristed liberals too.

It's not about Trump or Hilary. It's about you and me. And I'm so much smarter than you it's hilarious. You're so scared that you're hiding behind your leader. I'll be laughing when he fucks you in the ass.

How much do you make in a year?

no, nigger, democracy lost, but don't let me distract you from your delusion with facts.

can't wait to shoot some of you lockstep brownshirt trumpites right in your narrow-eyed, neanderthal brows.

good news is, im pretty sure every modern cuntservatard could survive a headwound, might even knock their IQ up a couple points

Nice try faggot. While that's certainly one metric to determine our worth in and to society, and I'd be happy to discuss it with you, the fact is I already know you're going to twist it around and try and make it relevant in a way it's not. I'll give you a hint to shut you up though, just over 6 figures.