Racists alt-righters love their maps to make up stories. What about this map...

Racists alt-righters love their maps to make up stories. What about this map? Maybe we should figure out a way to get you guys the help you need.

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Go cry with your therapy puppy

go back to redd1t you crybaby bitch

Will you pay for it with your disability check? Mental illness counts, but last time I checked being poorly educated doesn't not count as medical retardation.

Hahahaha the Deep South. What a surprise


Spreading memes made you feel good about your lack of a job that contributes anything meaningful to society and that you spend your day behind a screen circle jerking with other misanthropes.


We really need to just remove the right-wing option from the government. Half of the people who vote for it are completely ignorant of what they're voting for, they a couple of silky smooth words that make false promises. The other half just didn't want Clinton, and I can't blame them for that, she's like W. Bush 2, except even he was better than Trump. But everyone thinks it's bullshit because of the smooth talkers of Fox News and Paul Ryan and all those other twats who have money invested in the corporations that benefit from their shitty plans for America. There's no desire to hear another point of view. And lib-tards are usually the same way, I can't believe so many people blindly supported Hillary, not even considering the obvious Democratic nominee that actually would've won the election. In conclusion, we need to exterminate the right-winged population of America, then enslave the left-winged population and teach them the correct way to think and vote.

Link me to a website not funded by alt-right cross burners. Maybe your fat fingers can't type out urls, so you just click links you find on stormfront.

>exterminate the right-winged poplarion
>enslave the left-winged population

top kek

*0.05 shekels have been deposited into your account*

all of these patterns are worse in the black areas


Something tells me this map is off, considering all the white trash I saw on my road trip to Florida

16 year old map. Why are all the parts light green, "American" also overlap exactly with the map? Idiot.

Where did you go? it says florida is mostly german and "american"

guys don't bully me I have a social anxiety

>light green

I think you might be colorblind dude.

Interesting to note that the majority of the South is labeled African American? Pretty convenient to do that to refute any map about the South being a piece of shit.

Try it, faggot. You have that queer John Oliver, we have Patton. All you democrat fags do is keep people in poverty with your shit policies. So dumb you can't even think of a real solution, like use section 8 funds to actually buy them a house. They won't live in urban areas, but they will get a house. Which will spread all the disenfranchised around so the things that happen in poor neighborhoods don't happen. Drugs, Prostitution and murders tend to not happen where the gangs don't rule the inner city.

now show me that map if being homosexual or trans was correctly classified as a mental illness

>What is a road trip?

Nope. It's just you have a simplistic mind that doesn't account for nuance or complexity because you see the world through such a narrow, backward, sheltered lens. The numbers don't lie in this case, can't get around this one. Haha. Kind of goes to show how flawed your perception is.

that's not light green

The map shows distress caused by illness. Most homosexuals and transgendered people aren't beating their wives, kids, fucking their cousins and burning crosses. The only mental distress they encounter is numbfucks like you who can't tolerate a world that doesn't conform to the Bible.

ye user i think if anything thats light blue, but even so its basically cream


Being called mentally ill by the party that romanticizes mental illness
>I am a bipolar, borderline, PTSD suffering, disabled, bisexual, gender fluid, racial fluid, demicuck

but they sure are killing themselves at an alarmingly higher rate than the rest of the population

Because people burn lots of crosses. I bet 50 get burn a year. Also, if you live in a congested city like New York, you are much more likely to be related to someone you fuck.

Yeah, but that number is almost certain to skyrocket when their college vacations end and they are forced to try to find actual jobs with shit degrees. It'd actually be an interesting and helpful study to be done.

united states has herpes and its incurable.

e9f2d5 is the correct hex.
"#e9f2d5 color description : Light grayish green."
They don't teach colors other than red and blue at your school I guess. Makes sense.
Yellow and blue makes green. Are you really disputing this?


You're looking at the norwegian key

the american key is mostly more red than green

Dude look at your post.

It even says 247 red and 244 green

A map with accurate numbers and doesn't skew the visual information.

MS Paint uses limited color palette. That is not a correct color pick.

You don't know anything about color mixing. You aren't paid in the creative field. Just stop.

>not white

you're gonna have to try a little harder

I don't understand why you're butthurt that I'm right.

To me that shows more blue states

why u so mad op? Trump will make america great again. Unfortunately to make Sup Forums great again, you need to leave. Bunch of cry babies.


The Deep South is just black people

kill your self fagot

Teenagers with pepe memes make me laugh.

You may enjoy an entire blog full of these maps:


Education is for pussies. Learning is for elitists. Where's my jobs???!?!?

I was about to post this. I was on Sup Forums and a french user commented that it looked like a "plague" map. I love how white leftists don't get how their condescension toward the south is synonymous with condescension toward their precious black pets.

There's a reason women who aren't from the South have no interest in your incest infested dick. Keep in the family--disease, stunted gene pool, lack of ambition.

It's no different, but black people have been systematically oppressed. White republicans are just spoiled from sucking on the urban elite tit, so its hilarious to point out just how little they have going for them. Third world country status. There's a reason they are called fly over states. Nothing produced of economic or cultural significance.

As someone who dislikes liberals and conservatives equally... I gotta say alt-right fags are a new level of pathetic and cringe

Contrary to popular belief and the media narrative, the level of spending per pupil is NOT causal to academic failure. Some of the best funded schools and districts in the country are among the worst performing. Schools are mirror images of the communities they serve. Schools don't fail. Whole communities fail.

West Virginia is the outlier because black lung disease makes children immune to the clap.

What university in the South has any prestige. If you are smart and live in Alabama you hope to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

>muh systemic oppression
I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're one of those dorm room warriors. Take my word for it user, no one oppresses blacks more than other blacks. They fucking hate one another more than whites ever could.

that was an epic win way to go user!!! u show those edgy teens whose really in charge around here

Well actually I was referring to public schools. That's also what the pic refers to.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. thats so true. if more libs had ever met a black person they wouldnt be libs for long.

What about the local cultural regard for being well-educated? Rednecks pride themselves on not reading books.

Leaked by Donald's staff on their strategy:

Know many black people, but not in the South. Probably a problem with the South in general.

So what? Donald Trump got elected and there is NOTHING you can do about it

I live in a purple county. It has 20% African American population. 75% white....

Why you lyin

Liberals are idiots for promoting universal healthcare. Should have let the fatties eat themselves to Jesus quicker.

>eat themselves to Jesus
Best church bake sale ever

Their entire belief system is a lie. They still believe Jesus is the one true God and that Christianity is no more deluded than Islam.

I can't speak for rednecks, though I've traveled through the south. My impression is that it's full of working class people. Like working class people everywhere they don't have a high tolerance teh book learnin', but that's not because they look down on education. Working class people in general do indeed have great aspirations, for their kids particularly, but they don't care themselves for academic pursuits. I don't think working class people are antagonistic toward education or academic pursuits, but simply not themselves interested. The south is no different.


...or a problem with white lefties judging blacks solely on the top 10% of blacks their universities beg to attend along with left wing Hollywood and media narratives instead reality.

>implying you can afford to live in liberal areas on only a disability check

I like maps too.

The working class of the South needs to shape up or ship out to the third world to work in a sweatshop then. You live in a first world country that is progressing so quickly before your eyes and don't think to stay competitive? What jobs is Donald Trump going to bring BACK to America. How is he going to make it GREAT AGAIN when we now lead the world in the tech sector--not manufacturing. It's like these hillbillies think they can continue to put together air conditioners on an assembly line the rest of their lives and their children can too, Grdd drnt! Conservatives are stuck in the past, suck the cock of traditionalism that makes them feel superior, and resent progress and the modern age for leaving them in the dust. Military spending is not nearly as important as having brain power, but no... let's nuke em.

Good one. Yes there is more crime where there are more people. Duh. Fucking moron.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Except that manufacturing is in fact booming in America. A lot of the jobs lost haven't been lost to the competition of foreign labor, but to technological advancement and automation. I'm pretty indifferent to Trump, but I'm also open minded. I don't think there's ever been a tax code or regulatory structure that couldn't be improved. As to people's support for Donald Trump...I don't think he won the support of a lot of the country. I think the country simply voted against Hillary and a perceived "elite."

Every kiss begins with K

Can't wait until Donald's Donzi Scheme is revealed to the gullible alt-righters. He is already saying he has no intention of not living in NYC on the weekends. He is a sad figurehead for this country. Disrespectful to the office to feel superior to living in the white house.

look at all of those disability niggers that voted trump. gonna be funny when trump shuts off their social security disability.

Hillary supporters would have thrown their retarded children in a trashcan.

KYS faggot, we're smarter than you.

>Pic related.

My point was those jobs are going to dwindle very quickly. Factories that employed thousands will be replaced with a couple hundred robot technicians with more than a highschool degree.

The original JPEG file only has an 8-bit color depth. So does MS Pain.
This color pick is accurate.

No argument there. A lot of jobs, not only in manufacturing, but in petroleum, engineering, trucking..."disruption" seems to be the code word that best describes it. I don't look down on those people though. I have empathy for them. Liberals and Democrats are supposed to be the party of the "working man" and the "regular guy" but they never miss an opportunity to look down on people they claim to champion. I think it sucks that Donald Trump was able to fool so many people, but I don't blame those people for rebelling against assholes. They just chose one asshole over another.

They get government checks for that site too. No lie, Google that shit. I think it's bullshit because no one wants to take personal responsibility. I frankly, am tired of paying taxes for a bunch of Appalachian idiots.

this lines up perfectly with the non-white map

What about nigs in Detroit, Chicago,and Mississippi? Are the Appalachian idiots simply not as worthy as the nigs?

Because average IQ by state is somehow indicative of that state's population of intelligent people? Notice how California is so low there? Average IQ means nothing. Show me college educated population density map.

Farmers are welfare queens too cuz they can't compete with Monsanto. Trump is a businessman. He's getting ready to cut the fuck out out of your government checks nigga.

Fuckin' deep red Conservative States get way more ROI (fed services for taxes) than any other states in the union. All they buy is Meth, guns and Mountain Dew with that shit.


How do you define mental distress and what is the cause of the definition of mental distress?

Right, so what someone in a creative field would do is attempt to color match in a way that accounts for the lossy nature of the image. I'm sorry, my eyes don't deceive me. I work with color everyday. You can tell me that it's not green, but there wouldn't be so many predominantly green colored pixel artifacts.

>conventrated in yankee land and california
So is the mental distress making you incapable of reading a fucking map or are you legit autistic?

Meth, guns, mountain dew. A great distillation of their simplistic culture. I'm sure theirs a paramilitary group out there in the backwoods of South Carolina with those three symbols on their flag.

Utah is pure because mormons only fuck other mormons

This is probably mostly due to veteran's with PTSD and related illnesses.

Nothing to do with this?


PTSD is the answer if you account for the trauma of growing up in a household run by a evangelical alcoholic mother who's currently fucking your sister's boyfriend.