I saw the documentary, where on average by the age of 16 most have had 3-4 sexual partners.
When I was 16-18 I was not thinking about sex. I just went to school, did my homework and work at a part time job.
Sadly I'm "over the hill" and I earned my Wizzard status.
Kill me please.
Nathan Phillips
I'm 30yo virgin. ask me anything?
Kayden Thompson
I feel like my life is over. I feel like I've missed the golden years. I have no idea what a 33 year old is supposed to do. I'm very far behind in my development. I feel too old now, some of the things I've listed below you do when you are 14 - 24. I feel I no business being anywhere.
> Dutch > 33 > Lived abroad most of my Life, in an islamic country > Never had sex > Never drank alchohol, never tried > Never smoked, never tried > Never used drugs, never tried > Never interacted with girls > Never talked to a girl > Never touched a girl > Never kissed a girl > Never had friends > Never hung out around town > Never hung out with peers > Never been to a house party > Never been to a club > Never been to a bar > Never been to university / college partying > Never been to an event (concert, football match, comedy show, etc) > Never been on holiday > Never been to summer camp > Never been to a party island like Ibiza > Never had a stereo in my room > Never had a tv in my room > Never had a console in my room > Was not allowed to bring people over > Was not allowed to go to other people's homes > My parents were very strict and would use guilt tricks to keep me indoors > My parents also used the same excuse over and over again, which was "You are too young for that, you are not ripe enough". > Another excuse was "Because you lack expierence you are not allowed to participate, only when you have enough expierence are you allowed to participate".
Jacob King
protip: do those things you never even tried i mean ffs.
John Turner
I can't really sympathise with your plight, but if you honestly aren't interested then it's fine.
It's hardly the greatest thing ever.
Jayden Diaz
I'm to scared to try. I feel as if I have no right to these things.
Adrian Parker
>tfw nearing point of no return
David Hill
>36 yo virgin. Don't care, don't trust people enough to get in a relationship. Don't want "parting gifts" from a nasty hooker.
Landon Kelly
Lost mine at 12 to 14 yr old girl. Way too early. Got raped as a kid so crazy person doctor tells me that's why i started phuccin so early.
Jaxson Clark
Well first step will be to go buy a bottle of wine and drink a bunch so as to get courage. Then go to step two which is whatever you want to do next. 3????? 4profit.