Never ever
Cut Williams please. High schoolers won't even make that mistake.
>Dallas is gonna run away with the division this year guys
>please believe me
JUST (get out of bounds fãm)
is he a bust?
yes he is
>trusting a nigger to do the smart thing and go out of bounds
Then again, Cole would've stepped back, tried to spin move, and get tackled for a 1 yard loss
lolz what a fucking moron
Dallas post game radio thread when?
>lost the game to a monkey that can't do what he is told
Can't make this shit up, folks.
dez would've dropped it and allow for a 4th down try
hello, am I on time for the iggles shitposting?
>4th in the division already
Anyone notice how Witten was in the perfect spot to get blinded by the glaring sun on all three passes to him at the end there
The fuck is that stadium design
>melanoid decision making
Hell yeah you are
cowgirls btfo
>The entire city of Dallas
>The entire state of Texas
>cucked by the clock
>on their favorite holiday
>in front of their savior George W Bush
WHERE IS YOUR DAK NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
>black people are literally too stupid to run out of bounds
holy fuck the cowboys are hilarious
best team to watch in the league
NFL rigged or stupid nigger?
fuck the windows in the stadium blinding our receivers
fuck jerry jones for building a stadium with windows to blind our receivers
anyone have a guess about how long the kick would have been if williams had gone out of bounds?
>2.5 ypc with that godly oline
>against last year's 32nd rank D
Yeah seriously what the fuck happened? Even when they had literally whos throwing and McFadden running the ball last year they were still a top running team.
So we're all in agreement? Williams needs to fuck off. That nigga moment is a sure sign of more chokes by him to come.
Why are niggers so dumb?
Didn't they finish high school at the very least?
>nig nog keeps it inbounds
Bailey :(
What happened I was taking a shit
>play football all your life
>make it to the NFL
>forget to go out of bounds
Lmao can't make this shit up
Stupid nigger. Bailey was already getting ready to kick. The commentators were already talking about the kick. The entire offense was pointing towards the out of bounds when Williams got the ball.
Actually, I don't believe he's stupid at all. I think he's a selfish faggot that thought he could make the touchdown and get all the praise for winning the game. Fuck him, he needs to get cut immediately for that shit.
Get rekt cowshits
about 52
He didn't crossed the 40 yard line, so around 61/62 yard field goal try.
>Thinking your team is good because of a win over Cleveland
Kys faggot.
>he needs to get cut immediately for that shit.
This. Absolutely retarded, lost the game for his own ego. Guaranteed he has an IQ of less than 75.
he is so fucking gay
G-men..ugly win but still a win!
is someone upset they are 0-1 in the division?
GG no re
I missed the end of the game but this was it? That's some JV level awareness right there.
webm, plos. or youtube
It wouldn't have mattered if he had run out. There simply was no time left
fucking embarassing
Jesus fucking christ
>I think he's a selfish faggot that thought he could make the touchdown and get all the praise for winning the game
nah, he clearly dives to gain yards, he just had no idea how much time was left
are you serious, watch that webm. He would have been out with 8 seconds left. Loads of time for even one more play and the kick.
You still can set up for a 60-yarder, or even a hail mary attempt. He's not the reason they lost, but it was still an enormous fuckup.
See: You can also see the moment where he pissed off his own coaches.
The best part about this is how he was running back to line up like Prescott was gonna have time to spike it.. lol
What the fuck was he thinking? They didn't need a first down, they just had to stop the clock. He's not a rookie. This can not be the first time he was in this game situation.
He could get cut from the team for this.
Giants fan here, so it's great. But what the fuck? His post game interview will be interesting.
>there are people on this board who thinks that a 62-yard field goal is preferable to a 57-yarder
Williams was at fault, but he's not the complete dumbass that everyone's making him out to be.
Zero and One
Way better to go for that miracle play than to go full retard and run it for no fucking reason.
Garrett is shit at game clock management, it only stands to reason that he doesn't coach his players proper time awareness either.
No, we are comparing a 62 yard field goal attempt to NO attempt and a loss.
Cutting inside is a 'get cut from the team and go to CFL tryouts' tier fuck up
Need that Williams webm
You cowboysfags are being too emotional. Yeah it was dumb, but I doubt he actively decided to be selfish or anything. He should not be cut for this, he'll plenty of punishment from getting shit on by the coaches during practice.
he could have went on a diagonal and dived out of bounds if he was not a complete dumbass
No way he is getting cut, you dumbasses.
From the looks of it he misjudged the time on the clock by about 2 seconds.
62 yards - as a Giants fan, I was worried that the way he was hitting the ball that was in reach.
why are people saying it would have been a 62 yd fg? He was stopped at the 42, so 42 + 10yds from the in zone would have made it a 52 yarder, where the fuck are you taking 62 out from?
no bully
Wasn't Williams fault their defense got shit on and probably not his fault they only scored in the red zone once despite being there a ton.
More like 20 seconds. Him going down inbounds means they need a fuckload of time to get back and spike.
>nigger education
The kicker doesn't kick the ball right at the line of scrimmage. Still not 62 but not 52 either.
An extra ten from the snap.
Ball down on 42. +10 yards where the kicker is and 10 yards of the end zone. 42+20=62
plus around ten yards behind the line of scrimmage
Better to have one last chance to do something than none at all
I played that fucking loser in fantasy. 0.8.
Hey dudes, I know I'm a little late and >we haven't played yet but can I jump in on some shitposting too?
I dont understand how an error like that gets made at the professional level.
A similar thing happened last season with the coin flip in a gaytriots game. If every armchair fan understands the mechanics then I dont understand how these pros dont get it.
The holder is 7 years from the LoS, not 10. Are you new or something?
See Is this babbies first NFL season around here?
Dark Prescott was wronged when he was drafted for the Cowboys. Such a great QB and he gets sent to this horrid shit franchise. After everything he did being a new QB and all they still let him down like the pathetic losers they are and will remain thoroughout the remainder of the season. This entire franchise is shit and you're all shit. I'm literally quitting being a Clownboys fan as of today. I'm now a Texans fan. Thanks again for letting me down.
I swear to God if Zeke is a bust and Jaylen Ramsey is elite, I'll murder Jerry myself. Fuck, even if Zeke ISN'T a bust, if Jaylen Ramsey is elite I'll murder him.
He gained about 4-5 yards from cutting inside instead of going out of bounds. Watch the webm.
The Giants beefed up their D-Line and got better run support safeties. Also, he's a rookie that got ridiculously over-hyped.
kill yourself you bandwagon shit
What kind of porn should I jack off to tonight?
I'm not "bandwagoning" I just don't like the idea of being perpetually let down be this franchise over and over. The ownership sucks and I hate most of the players besides Dez and a few others. The Dallas Cowboys are pathetic and I Honestly feel bad for all the fans. I'm making a chance in my life for the better becoming a Texans fan and you'd all be smart to follow my example. I'm done with the Cowboys forever.
>hate every player besides dez
>is supporting the texans of all teams
bandwagon confirmed
It's +21 yards. 10 for end zone, 7 from LoS, and 4 for the height of the crossbar
He'd be a shutdown corner and we'd be spouting Ramsey Island memes for the next 15 years if he was drafted by literally anyone else
But instead he will become another exceptional-talent-ruined-by-a-shit-team tragedy, and worse, user will never kill Jerrah
An abnormal but apt dictionary definition of a bandwagon fan.
And Bailey MIGHT still have been able to make it, he's pretty good.
I feel bad for Dak, he definitely played well enough to win the game and got let down.
>hate all the players
>still support the team
honestly, i would've been more satisfied if baily missed that kick.
and if he actually made that? well mfw
I've been thinking about this for a while and I think you're right. How they managed to blow that game is actually amazing. Fuck it. I'm making a change today. Fuck the Dallas Cowboys! I'm a Texans fan now! Whooooo! Let's go Brock!